Tuesday, November 21, 2006


SANTA MONICA, Calif.--More than just teenagers and 20-somethings have begun flocking to YouTube, the fast-growing video-sharing site. The 13-month-old company has begun winning fans from within some of the country's largest media outfits.

Executives from heavyweights such as Yahoo, America Online and Turner Broadcasting were buzzing about YouTube's sudden success at the Digital Hollywood conference here this week. Even though it's not clear exactly how YouTube will make money, no company generated as much excitement at the gathering of Hollywood studios, electronics manufacturers and Internet media companies.

During one conference panel discussion, Oren Katzeff, a business development manager at Yahoo, was asked to identify a company that he believed was successfully exploiting broadband technology.

"YouTube is the company that has definitely caught my attention in the last six to eight months," Katzeff told about 60 conference attendees Wednesday. "It's the site my younger sisters just seem to spend hours on."

YouTube has sped past a host of competitors by tapping the public's thirst for reality programming. By mixing some professionally made clips, including music videos and movie trailers, with homemade content, YouTube has seen the number of viewings on the site shoot up from 3 million a day to 30 million since the Web site's December launch, according to YouTube spokeswoman Julie Supan.

Not everyone at the conference was impressed, however. Plenty of executives wondered how the San Mateo, Calif., company plans to fend off the likes of Google, iFilms and Atom Entertainment, all of which possess far more resources. And nobody knows how YouTube, which has 20 employees, plans to make money.

There is still no advertising on YouTube; it doesn't charge to view or upload videos; and its executives so far have been mum on their business plan.

Trevor Kaufman, CEO of Schematic, an interactive services firm, also noted skeptically that other Internet companies have temporarily caught fire with the teenage market before flaming out.

"I remember Bolt.com was once the place where all the kids used to go," said Kaufman, referring to the once high-flying community site that has fallen far behind MySpace.com and others. "I just don't know whether the company's brand is going to be able to stand up to others in this space."

Nonetheless, YouTube is proving its popularity. According to numbers provided by traffic-tracking company ComScore Networks, YouTube received 4.2 million unique visitors in February. Those numbers are good enough to outpace Apple Computer's iTunes (3.5 million) and put it within spitting distance of eBaumsworld.com (4.4 million) and AOL Video (4.7 million), both of which have been in business longer.

Now on News.com:

  • Yahoo seeks geek credibility
  • Newsmaker: Playing catch-up with Google
  • Wi-Fi standards face patent threat
  • Extra: Teen builds own fusion device in basement
  • Video: Mapping a battle plan for Black Friday and beyond

YouTube received a huge public-relations boost from a minor controversy after two skits from NBC Universal's "Saturday Night Live" appeared on the site. Both clips drew a lot of traffic before YouTube took them down at NBC's request. For the record, YouTube officially denounced piracy and said it has a strict user agreement that prohibits the posting of copyright content.

So, how does the company plan on cashing in on all this popularity?

Supan said that hasn't been decided yet.

"We're experimenting with different business models," she said. "It's not going to be a traditional model, that is for sure. Right now, we don't want to disrupt the user experience. But eventually, we're going to introduce extremely relevant ads that will benefit users and won't disrupt the service."

Lately, the company has indicated that it might attempt to charge entertainment companies to promote content on the site. YouTube announced on Tuesday that it is hosting clips from the E Entertainment channel's satire show "Cybersmack."

"We've been meeting with almost every TV network, record label and movie studio to talk about ways to partner and help them reach a broader demographic," Supan said.

What about Kaufman's suggestion that YouTube could be a flash in the pan?

Katzeff isn't buying it.

"It's scary because those 13- and 15-year-olds watching YouTube today are going to be the 20-year-olds in five years," he said. "I think somehow, you're going to see (YouTube) lasting."


Please credit Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com if used. Have a safe holiday.

These are the LIVE SPOILERS for the next three weeks of TNA IMPACT on Spike TV. By the end of these shows we should have a good idea of the matches for the Turning Point PPV to be held December 9th. Plus we see what happens to the NWA World Tag Team championships recently held by Latin American Xchange after Jim Cornette stripped them of the belts last night on PPV, what the VKM have planned next for VKM and pals and if Kurt Angle will accept Samoa Joe’s rematch request. The sign of the night was a fan in the disabled section that read “I Work Harder Then Vince McMahon” on one side and “I Want More Then Vince McMahon” on the other. Like the last taping David Penzer and Jeremy Borash did an excellent job keeping the fans pumped up for the duration of the show.

Hour one taping results:

The new NWA World Heavyweight champion Abyss (w/Father James Mitchell) made their way to the ring. Mitchell said he was a proud parent after last night’s PPV. He said he tried to tell Sting to “laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints.” Mitchell said deep down inside Sting was no different then them after what he did last night. He said Sting was still wallowing in the riches that come with the belt and he walked down the highway to hell and Sting should come home for good. That brought Sting into the Impact Zone. At least he looked like the former champion, wearing a mask. Abyss and Mitchell sought higher ground as the fans sat in confusion when Christian Cage was the revealed masked man. Cage said this is what he had to resort to get his deserved title shot, dress like a complete moron. Cage said he wasn’t waiting for Sting to invoke the rematch clause. Hypothetically he asked if Sting didn’t make it to turning Point what would happen to the rematch. This brought the real Sting from the rafters. Sting said he was going to get his rematch with Abyss tonight by mowing down Cage tonight. Cage said he could care about Sting’s mood he only cared about himself and his title shot he deserved.

As the opening match was brought to the ring Eric Young walked around dressed in turkey costume.

(1) “Phenomenal” AJ Styles and World X Division champion “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels defeated The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas w/ “The Franchise” Shane Douglas.)

This was interesting because before the shows David Penzer said this was the LAST time Styles/Daniels would be teaming. Like last night the Naturals jumped their opponents before the bell and briefly double teamed Daniels before Earl Hebner got the teams to their corners. That didn’t work because Daniels slid into the ring and Stevens dropkicked Styles to the floor. The Naturals isolated Daniels and kept sending Styles back to the floor. But Styles got some revenge by hitting them with a top rope clothesline. They hit Douglas with their High/Lo move before sending Stevens to the floor. The match ended with Styles hitting Douglas with the Frog Splash and Daniels hitting the BME. Rhino came out to the ring as Senshi, Alex Shelley and the Austin Starr stood together on the ramp as Jerry Lynn stood with Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal. It looked like Rhino was trying to talk with Styles who wanted nothing from the “War Machine” and stormed off alone.

Eric Young came over to the announce table and said something to Mike Tenay and Don West before they sent it to the backstage area.

When the commercials ended the public face of TNA Mr. Jim Cornette made his way into the ring to get the NWA World Tag Team title belts from LAX. But before that Cornette asked Petey Williams to come to the ring. Williams said even though he had issues with the fans in the past but he had an opportunity to stop the destruction of the American flag. Cornette had a rigging lowered so they could hang the American flag but LAX hit the ring with the title belts still in their possession. Konnan had a lawyer with him who served some papers to Cornette saying TNA violated their 1st amendment rights. Williams served Konnan a right hand to the jaw. After LAX beat down Williams they went for Cornette but America’s Most Wanted (“Tennessee Cowboy” James Storm and “Wildcat” Chris Harris w/Gail Kim) and then Kurt Angle came out to clear the ring. As LAX/AMW, Cornette and Williams left Samoa Joe came to the ring. Joe was reminded he tapped out by the fans. Joe said he did tap out but the fans forget he was undefeated for 18 months. Joe said inevitably someone would have their hand raised against him. He said he lost to a man who has been a champion in wrestling around the world. But it was one night and he wanted a rematch. Joe handed the mic to Angle and we all waited. Angle told the fans and Joe he was the true submission machine and he made him fight for his life. Angle said the rematch happens only if nothing happens to each of them before Turning Point. So Angle and Joe have to be each other’s bodyguards.

Eric Young came back out to be with the fans still in the turkey outfit. His fun was interrupted by Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks. The fans chanted please don’t talk as Roode called Young an idiot and an embarrassment to wrestling. Roode demanded a rematch with Young and it looked like Young accepted.

(2) “Showtime” Eric Young defeated Robert Roode (w/Ms. Brooks).

Roode didn’t let Young get to the ring before he attacked. Young didn’t discard the turkey outfit as Roode went on the warpath. Roode dropped Young in the top rope but Young fought back and missed a moonsault. Roode said he was going to break Young’s neck with a piledriver but Young scored a double leg pin. Roode took the mic and lambasted Brooks for his losses in the ring and the fans not loving him. Before leaving Roode said he felt Young could beat Brooks in a bikini contest.

For the main event Jim Cornette joined Tenay and West for commentary.

(3) In a number one contender match, Sting and “Captain Charisma” Christian Cage fought to a no contest.

The fans received a PPV match on national TV. Sting came from behind and jumped Cage tossing him into the fans. They fought up into and down by the Pit area of the crowd. After slamming Cage into a wall Sting sent Cage back into the ring where the beating continued. Sting tossed Cage back to the floor this time by the announce table where Cage was suplexed. Cage finally got on the offense with a missile dropkick for two. Cage laid in the right hands to Sting’s face as the fans chanted Christian Sucks. But as Cage mocked the fans he allowed Sting to get fired up. Sting hit a clothesline, backdrop but his press slam to the floor was stopped by referee Andrew Thomas. Thomas got in the action when Sting hit him with the Stinger Splash when Cage pulled him in front to save his butt. Not to be stopped Sting locked in the Scorpion Death Lock but it was broken up by TYSON TOMKO!!! Tomko hit Sting with a Torture Rack into a neckbreaker as Cage’s music played.

As Borash got in the ring to hand out DVD’s we got to see part of the video from VKM’s trip to Stamford, CT. BG and Kip James verbally ran down their enemies in the WWE. However Kip’s in-car GPS took them to a Target store not the target which was WWE HQ. Finally they found WWE HQ and said they were back. Borash said due to legal reason new could only see that segment. I think we shall be seeing it on prime time TV.

Hour two taping results:

“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels joined Tenay and West for commentary during the following match. The trio was interrupted by “Wildcat” Chris Harris but we have no idea what he said.

(1) In a number one contenders match, “The Future” Chris Sabin defeated Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt.

Dutt and Lethal took several turns beating up Sabin before focusing on each other. Sabin went for a slingshot move but Lethal got him with an STO into a backbreaker for two. Lethal avoided a Dutt slingshot move and hit a full nelson suplex for a pin but Sabin tossed Lethal to the floor and pinned Dutt to become the winner. Sabin and Daniels had heated words as Jerry Lynn tried to get cooler heads to prevail.

“Captain Charisma” Christian Cage and Tomko made their way into the Impact Zone. Cage decided to make a formal introduction of the man who made a good impression on Sting, Tomko. Cage said TNA was putting him into a triple threat match at Turning Point to regain his title. Cage said it would become a single threat match as he was going to take out his opponent’s tonight. Cage said he wanted to talk to Abyss and the champion came out with Father James Mitchell. But when it looked like Abyss and Mitchell were going to talk with Cage, a Sting mannequin descended from the roof. As Cage and Tomko looked at the mannequin, Sting came from behind. Sting sung the bat and missed Tomko as Cage bailed out. Sting said he wanted to talk to Abyss, alone. Guess it would be later on as Mitchell and Abyss left together.

(2) Ron “the Truth” Killings and Lance Hoyt defeated the Austin Starr and Alex Shelley.

All four men fought in the ring at the bell but it was Hoyt and Killings who took over when Hoyt kicked Starr .in the face. Killings hit a tope to the floor onto his opponents and sent Starr into Hoyt. But Hoyt missed a boot to the corner. Starr went up but Shelley tagged himself in. Starr and Killings fought on the floor as Shelley countered out of Hoyt’s attempted TKO into a pin but Shelley used the tights. Andrew Thomas counted the pin but reversed the decision when he found out what happened out of his eye line.

A new interviewer named Leticia tried to interview Petey Williams when LAX jumped his ass. Konnan said Angle would be competing by himself tonight.

(3) NWA World Tag Team champions Latin American Xchange (“Notorious 187” Homicide and Hotstuff Hernandez w/Konnan) fought Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe to a no contest.

Homicide paid tribute to the West Coast hip hop legends NWA by wearing one of their shirts. Angle backed Hernandez to a corner and pie faced him. Angle got sent to the mat on a shoulder tackle but he sent Hernandez there with a belly to belly suplex. Homicide got hit with a Tilt-A-While slam but the numbers game began to get to Angle. That ended when Samoa Joe came out and got in a corner for a tag. LAX kept beating on Angle until angle got out of a chinlock with a back suplex. Angle tagged out to Joe and the fight was on. It looked like Joe and Angle won via tap out but Cornette and the LAX lawyer came down to the announce table. Cornette ruled the match a no contest because Joe was not signed as Angle’s partner so LAX retains via no contest.

JB got in the ring and asked the fans to pick an entry way for a special guest. They chose the doorway that had Christy Hemme with some DVD’s for the fans to enjoy.

Sting made his way back to the ring carrying his bat and a folding chair. Sting called for Abyss to come out to the ring and he was granted the NWA World Heavyweight champion’s time. Abyss refused the chair offered to him by Sting. Sting said he had seen Abyss fight through ladders, tacks, barbwire and other items to win the belt. Sting said Abyss’ past didn’t matter only the present. He wanted to know why Abyss allowed James Mitchell to drag him around. Sting even called Abyss by his real first name, Chris. Mitchell appeared on the screen and said if Sting felt Abyss was evil he needed to look at himself. Sting said Abyss can make his own choice and left the ring. Just as Sting left Tomko and Christian Cage came in and leveled Abyss. Tomko hit the Torture Rack/neckbreaker move on Abyss. They split when Sting came back out. Sting offered his hand to Abyss but Mitchell came back out to the ring. Mitchell smacked Sting on the face and left with Abyss.

Hour three taping results:

“The War Machine” Rhino came out to talk to the fans. Rhino said if AJ Styles wanted to make threats it wasn’t good because it pissed him off last week. Rhino said if Styles wanted a problem he should come out to the ring. Instead of Styles we had Christopher Daniels came out to talk to Rhino. Daniels said he appreciated Rhino’s concern and he should stay out of things. But as Rhino looked one way AJ Styles attacked and the duo had to be pulled apart by TNA security.

JB was talking to the fans when “Showtime” Eric Young came out wearing workout gear. It looked like Young was doing some cardio running.

(1) Petey Williams defeated NWA World Tag Team champion “Notorious 187” Homicide (w/Konnan and Hotstuff Hernandez).

This began with some chain wrestling but got hard hitting when Homicide hit an Acecrusher. Williams countered out of a Tilt-A-Whirl into a Canadian legsweep. Williams went for the Canadian Destroyer but Homicide countered into the Cop Killer only to be countered into a sunset flip like pin. This didn’t sit well with LAX as Hernandez hit the ring and Border Tossed Williams. America’s Most Wanted hit the ring and took out LAX, leaving with their Mexican flag their possession.

(2) Senshi defeated “Showtime” Eric Young.

Young looked like he needed a nap after his cardio workout, too bad he was going to get one from Senshi. Senshi got tired of waiting for Young to stop running around the ring so he decked him on the floor. Senshi kept on the attack with some martial arts moves which stunned Young who tried to fight back with punches. The punches seemed to briefly stun Senshi as Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks came out to ringside. Brooks got on the ring apron and distracted Young with her sexy body. It allowed Senshi to hit the Warrior’s Way top rope move to win.

Mr. Jim Cornette came to the ring for a special announcement regarding the LAX/AMW confrontations. Cornette said a flag match would take place at Turning Point. He was interrupted by “Captain Charisma” Christian Cage and Tomko. Cage said he noticed Cornette was too busy stopping 1st amendment rights when he should be doing a background check on Abyss. Cage was interrupted by the NWA World champion who hit the ring and both men. They were able to turn the tables on Abyss when Sting came out sending Cage/Tomko running locker room. Just when Sting thought he got Abyss to join his side he got hit with a Black Hole Slam.

(3) In a TNA No Mercy All-Star War, Kurt Angle defeated “Captain Charisma” Christian Cage (w/Tomko), NWA World Heavyweight champion Abyss (w/Father James Mitchell), “War Machine” Rhino, Samoa Joe and Sting

Before the action began Styles attacked Rhino and they fought to the locker room. The match began with Angle and Cage squaring off and Angle hiptossed him before delivering forearm shots. Angle wrapped up Cage in a waistlock but Cage got to his feet only to be hit with a belly to belly suplex. Cage was taken again to the mat with a chinlock before switching to a body scissor. Tomko went to interfere but Joe sent him back to the floor. Cage got to his feet again and raked Angle eyes tagging in Abyss. Abyss hit Angle with Shock Treatment but Joe stopped the pin hitting a powerslam. Sting got involved and clotheslined Abyss to the floor. Cage’s Unprettier on Joe was blocked and Joe went for the Muscle Buster. Tomko came in and decked Joe with a kick. He dropped Cage on top but angle broke up the pin. Angle sent Cage to the floor and he was left alone with Joe. Angle and Joe looked like they were going to walk out on the match when Angle hit the Olympic slam to win the match.

Matches taped for Xplosion and Global Impact:

(1) Senshi defeated Brother Runt when he hit the top rope Warrior’s Way foot stomp.

(2) “The Future” Chris Sabin defeated Jay Lethal when he hit the Cradle Shock after a well placed heel kick to Lethal’s weapon.

(3) Ron “the Truth” Killings and Lance Hoyt defeated The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas w/ “the Franchise” Shane Douglas) when Killings hit Stevens with the Scissor Kick.

Announced and guessed matches for Turning Point PPV:

***NWA World Heavyweight champion Abyss (w/Father James Mitchell) vs. Sting vs. “Captain Charisma” Christian Cage (w/Tomko)

***Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle

***World X Division champion “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. “the Future” Chris Sabin

***In a flag match, NWA World Tag Team champions Latin American Xchange (“Notorious 187” Homicide and Hotstuff Hernandez w/Konnan) vs. America’s Most Wanted (“Tennessee Cowboy” James Storm and “Wildcat” Chris Harris w/Gail Kim)

***“War Machine” Rhino vs. “Phenomenal” AJ Styles


"My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married. I just moved to a small town. I just opened an antique shop. I might be just like you, except from the time I was a little girl I knew I could talk to the dead. Earthbound spirits my grandmother called them. The ones who have not crossed over because they have unfinished business with the living and they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs."

-Melinda Gordon

The First Season

CBS's drama Ghost Whisperer, which first aired in 2005, stars Jennifer Love Hewitt in a television series inspired by real-life medium James Van Praagh and paranormal investigator Mary Ann Winkowski. The show is about a woman who has had a special gift since she was a young girl. Her gift is the ability to communicate with earthbound spirits, or ghosts, that for one reason or another have been unable to cross over into the afterlife. This first season contains twenty-two episodes that provides an enjoyable look into the supernatural with a touch of wholesome goodness. It is the kind of show that draws you in after one episode and never lets go.

Jennifer Love Hewitt, best known for her role in Party of Five, headlines the cast as Melinda Gordon. When Melinda was young, she learned that she had the ability to communicate with ghosts that were unable to cross over to the afterlife because of unfinished business. Her grandmother, who also had the "gift", taught Melinda about what made her more special than everyone else. And as the years went by, Melinda became accustomed to seeing earthbound spirits in everyday life. However, it was not until after she married her husband Jim Clancy (David Conrad) that the ghosts started coming to her for help. Melinda came to realize her higher purpose in life, which was to help these earthbound spirits find closure and cross over.

Melinda's newlywed husband Jim is an emergency medical technician. He is a good natured fellow who loves Melinda unconditionally and he helps her with her supernatural work when he is able. He also does his best to try to understand what Melinda goes through on an emotional level as she is forced to go through the pain, suffering, and tragedy of the earthbound spirits. Joining the couple is a former New York Lawyer Andrea Moreno (Aisha Tyler). Andrea is Melinda's best friend and works at the antique shop with her. She plays an important role in helping Melinda cross over earthbound spirits as one of the few people Melinda trusts her secret with.

Together, Melinda, Andrea, and Jim deal with a variety of earthbound spirits and assist them in crossing over to the afterlife. The season one episodes are very episodic in nature--the storylines are contained in a single episode. There is very little in terms of a story arc, except for a few hints at a bigger picture in terms of forces that oppose Melinda's work. The season one storylines are typical from episode-to-episode. They deal with an earthbound spirit who has unfinished business with the living, usually about a loved one they left behind. But despite the lack of variety, the stories are still handled well.

What works for Ghost Whisperer is the general nature the storylines take. They deal with the supernatural, in terms of Melinda's line of work, but there is also another focus. Through Melinda's efforts, she resolves conflicts that are keeping the earthbound spirits from crossing over and the stories tend to be touching on a feel-good level. The feel-good nature is handled in a way that it reminds me of shows like Quantum Leap and Touched by an Angel in that the main character is always trying to right some wrong. How the storylines are drawn out and explained offer some truly heartwarming material. It is an aspect that makes Ghost Whisperer such an easy show to enjoy and appreciate.

Another aspect the series benefits from is Hewitt's performance. At first, I was skeptical about how she would fit into a supernatural, feel-good drama. In her past roles, I have primarily seen her in over-the-top dramas, which clearly this show is not. I was happily surprised to find that Hewitt fit her role with grace. She gives Melinda a likeable personality and really portrays the toll of her work. The other characters are also handled well, but they do not quite compare to the style Hewitt provides her character.

In regards to story arcs, there was not much content. Besides the obvious character development, there is not much from episode-to-episode. However, towards the end of the season with episodes "Free Fall" and "The One" a story arc dealing with a force opposing Melinda and her doings is introduced. He is known as "Wide Brim Hat Man", a devilish character who shows Melinda the dark side of life and death. This story arc proves to be intriguing and compelling. It is only too bad it was not a bigger part of the season.

Overall, I had a great time watching Ghost Whisperer. While the stories are episodic in nature (I prefer large-scale season story arcs), the episodes offered a lot of intrigue as Melinda uncovered the mystery dealing with one ghost or another and brought closure to whatever reason was keeping them from crossing over. The content is rich and there is more than enough to keep you coming back for more.

Episode Guide

1. Pilot: Melinda is haunted by the spirit of a restless soldier who died 30 years ago in Vietnam. She helps the veteran and his living son find closure.
2. The Crossing: A boy, killed in a train accident, gets Melinda to find and convince the boy's mother that it was not her fault.
3. Ghost, Interrupted: Following her twin sister's death, a young girl's strange behavior gets her placed in a psychiatric facility. Melinda discovers the girl's dead twin is haunting her and must help the sister reconcile.
4. Mended Hearts: A dead triathlete enlists Melinda to save the life of his suicidal fiance, by helping her find closure and new love with the man who received his donated heart.
5. Lost Boys: While cleaning the basement of an old inn, Melinda finds the lost spirits of three boys that died in an orphanage fire 50 years ago. She must help the boys pass on before the in is destroyed and they become eternally earth-bound spirits.
6. Homecoming: Melinda assists an upset teenage ghost and learns something that will affect the lives of everyone the boy left behind.
7. Hope and Mercy: A woman who died during pregnancy can't cross over until her husband stops blaming himself. Plus, Andrea meets a con artist who discovers a surprise about her past.
8. On the Wings of a Dove: Five years after his father's death, Jim begins acting strangely. Melinda notices and believes the problem is caused by his tortured spirit. Painful memories are brought back when she is surprised by a visited from a friend (Estella Warren).
9. Voices: Melinda has a horrible side effect upon meeting a spirit who communicates only via electronic devices. She assists the spirit in hopes of relieving her own aliments. Jim's mother brings an unexpected guest.
10. Ghost Bride: An evil spirit in a wedding gown tries to destroy the wedding of Melinda's friend Lisa. Melinda learns the spirit was supposed to marry Lisa's fiance the day she died.
11. Shadow Boxer: A recently dead woman will not pass over until her son, a boxer, reconciles with his father. Melinda helps the family come to terms with their loss.
12. Undead Comic: Melinda meets the spirit of a comic who committed suicide and guides him towards making amends with those he left behind.

13. Friendly Neighborhood Ghost: A new neighbor moves in and requests Melinda's aid in ridding the place of an uninvited spirit.
14. Last Execution: After a spirit follows Melinda home, she discovers he is looking for his troubled daughter who's been having serious problems since his death.
15. Melinda's First Ghost: Melinda must reconcile with her own mother before she can save the spirit of a young girl, the very first ghost she ever saw!
16. Dead Man's Ridge: Andrea enlists Melinda in finding a missing friend who disappeared while on a hike.
17. Demon Child: Melinda encounters a malicious young boy's spirit who is terrorizing his family. She takes on the challenge of helping this troubled child find peace and cross over.
18. Miss Fortune: The bitter ghost of a magician accuses his envious brother of causing his death and covering it up as an accident. It's up to Melinda to facilitate a reconciliation between the brothers.
19. Fury: Melinda must assist the ghost of a murdered African-American man find justice. She helps his son overcome his racist views before they are passed on to another generation.
20. The Vanishing: A head injury caused by an accident puts Melinda's ability at risk. She may have permanently lost her gift as she attempts to aid a young girl whose boyfriend has recently passed away.
21. Free Fall: The spirits of a pilot and flight attendant contact Melinda. She experiences a sense of dread over the possibility of a plane crash.
22. The One: After a jetliner crashes Melinda faces the overwhelming task of helping hundreds of passengers cross over. "Wide Brim Hat Man" is working against her. She must work with the crash investigators who try to find out how she knew the plane was going to crash.


The video in this release is given in an anamorphic 1.85:1 ratio widescreen color format. The picture quality is quite good. It suffers from a slight grain, but detail remains to be sharp and clear. However, there are moments when the picture suffers noticeable compression artifacts. Overall, the picture is relatively clean and should look good on big screen televisions.

The audio track in this release is in English 5.1 Dolby digital surround. In general, the sound quality is very good and it provides an audible and clean track. The dialogue is usually a little flat while music and sound effects come off rich and vibrant. Additionally the 5.1 track is somewhat dynamic and occasionally uses the surround sound capability with music and ambient sound effects.

There are no subtitles included, but the release has support for closed captioning.

The DVD covers have an explicit warning that "some music has been changed in this home entertainment version".

For extras, Ghost Whisperer is packed! There are deleted scenes, audio commentaries, and several featurettes, which all make for a good time after you have completed watching the season episodes. For Deleted Scenes, there are four that include "Mended Hearts" - Andrea With Floorboards, "Homecoming" - Mitch Tells Andrea, "Homecoming" - He's Getting A Divorce, and "Undead Comic" - Ghost Comic. The Audio Commentaries cover episodes "Pilot" with John Gray and Kim Moses, "Ghost, Interrupted" with Ian Sander and Kim Moses, "Lost Boys" with Ian Sander and David Conrad, and "Undead Comic" with John Gray and Aisha Tyler.

Can You See Me? The First Season of "Ghost Whisperer" (21:16) is a featurette with cast Jennifer Love Hewitt, David Conrad, and Aisha Tyler, and crew John Gray, Kim Moses, James Van Praagh, Ian Sander, James Frawley, and James Chressanthis. The topics include developing/creating the series, writing, directing, the characters, storylines, the supernatural aspect, and other related items. It is a pretty extensive and interesting featurette about the series.

Second Sight: The Clairvoyants of "Ghost Whisperer" (8:24) stars the paranormal, supernaturally gifted individuals in which this series is partly based upon. Both James Van Praagh and Mary Ann Winkowski provide comments about their roles on the show and how their experiences relate. However, the focus is on the latter with the two talking about what they do and are capable of. For me personally, it sounded very hokey. (Of course, I don't believe in mediums and the paranormal.)

A Tour of Grandview (3:23) is about the set used for the town in Ghost Whisperer. Jennifer Love Hewitt gives a tour of the set to different places and talks about their significance to the show. It also features comments from Roy Forge Smith.

Ghost Whisperer Mythology (9:47) is a featurette about the series' title sequence. In it, Kim Moses, Paul Matthaeus, Anthony Vitagliano, and Erin Sarofsky talk about the production of the opening title sequence. They discuss about its conception from storyboard to final (with side-by-side footage) and the impact, direction they were aiming for with it.

Scare Tactics (11:12) stars Juanita Diana Feeney, Camille Cellucci, Sharon Michaels, and Tim Chilton talking about the show's unique aspect, where it is both scary and heartwarming. They focus on the visual and special effects dealing. The discussion talks about process and its conception, production, and implementation.

Blooper Reel (4:45) is a montage of goofs during filming. There are a few funny moments and it is worth looking into.

Final Thoughts:
The first time I saw Ghost Whisperer I was not expecting much. However, it turned out to be an exhilarating, heartwarming show that was easy to get into. Hewitt is great in her role as Melinda and the storylines provide a lot of intrigue as she helps the dead find closure and move on to the afterlife. While I would have loved to have seen more large-scale story arcs, the episodic nature of the series serves it well. In the end, Ghost Whisperer is an intriguing drama with likeable characters and heartwarming stories. For those who enjoy the do-gooder dramas, it is a must own.


For more than a year, the rumor mill has tried its darndest to make a love connection between Kirsten Dunst and Orlando Bloom. The latest attempt comes courtesy of In Touch, which claims the costars of the little-seen "Elizabethtown" were spied last weekend looking lovey-dovey at L.A.'s Chateau Marmont.

"They were talking, flirting and kissing," maintains a spywitness.

The sighting comes just three weeks after People reported seeing the soul patch-sporting actor, 29, and the snaggletooth starlet, 24, downing vodka cocktails at hotspot Hyde.

"They were having a really good time," recounted a bystander, who added that although the duo was laughing "a lot" there didn't seem to be "any romance" afoot.

You'll recall that Orlando raised eyebrows when he turned up at an L.A. fete for Dunst's "Marie Antoinette" in late September, right after he called it quits with fickle, flimsy flame Kate Bosworth, and right before he was linked to Penelope Cruz.

Still, at the film's New York premiere a few weeks later, Kirsten was spotted hanging out with her rumored beau of several months, funnyman Andy Samberg.

Rumors of a romance between the pair have been bubbling for more than a year, helped along by Bloom's public gushing in September 2005 about the "wonderful" Dunst, who at the time was still spending quality time with lightbulb love Jake Gyllenhaal.

When asked what he wanted for Christmas, Orlando gushed, "Kirsten by my side -- she's all I need to have."

The pretty boy "Pirates of the Caribbean" second banana's mushy declaration came on the heels of Dunst's denial of a report they had been seen skinny-dipping and smooching while in Miami for the MTV Video Music Awards.

Later, at the Venice Film Festival, she testily responded to a question about on-set romances by saying, "If you're alluding to whether Orlando and I got together then that's a no. No."

And alas, it looks like we'll have to hold off -- yet again -- on dubbing Dunst and Bloom "Doom," because a rep for the actress is -- yet again -- dismissing the hook-up chatter.

"They are and have always been just friends," her spokesman, Stephen Huvane, insists to MSN Entertainment.

Meanwhile, in related news, does Kirsten's dreamy ex have his eye on someone new?

Paparazzi spotted Gyllenhaal at a Beverly Hills eatery last Sunday with former "Alias" actress Mia Maestro, who just happens to be good pals with the aforementioned Penelope Cruz.

By the by, Jake is currently filming the drama "Rendition" with the newly solo Reese Witherspoon, so expect the inevitable romance rumors to start right about ... now.


The First Season

Melrose Place is a spin-off series from Beverly Hills, 90210 that first aired in 1992 and ran for seven seasons. Melrose Place is a soapy, melodramatic show about the tenants of the apartment complex at 4616 Melrose Place in Los Angeles, California. The show offers viewers a soapy look into several twenty-somethings as they struggle through life: careers, romances, friendships, successes, failures, etc. In the series' inaugural season, there are thirty-two drama-packed episodes. Overall, it is a solid over-the-top, dramatic television show. And despite being almost fifteen years old, the series' content still works well, although the styles from the nineties sometime look a little silly.

The season one cast consists of ten different characters that change throughout the season. The original cast is made up of eight different people: Alison, Billy, Michael, Jane, Rhonda, Sandy, Jake, and Matt. Midway into the season, Sandy is cut and replaced with Jo. Jo brings her plenty of drama to the show. Later, an additional character named Amanda is brought on board to heat things up and the show's tone gets very soapy. Here is a brief description about the season one characters.

Alison (Courtney Thorne-Smith) is a college graduate who came to Los Angles with the hope to become a successful businesswoman in advertising. She graduated from college with an English degree. She currently works at D & D Advertising as a receptionist. Billy (Andrew Shue) is Alison's new roommate. He is a good natured guy with an innocent demeanor from a middle class family in the Valley. He takes on odd jobs to support himself while he attempts to launch himself into a successful writing career. He is relatively new to living on his own and he makes a few bonehead mistakes in his daily life. Michael (Thomas Calabro) is man of many talents. He is a medical doctor in the middle of his residency. He also doubles as the building super for the residents at 4616 Melrose Place. He is at first a very good guy, but his character moves into a dark direction. His wife is Jane (Josie Bissett), who aspires to be a clothing designer. She works in a hip clothing boutique.

Jake (Grant Show) is the Dylan McKay of Melrose Place. He is a righteous dude with a bad guy facade and all of the ladies love him. He comes complete with a kick ass motorcycle, black leather jacket, and the cool dude "hair". His profession is construction, which he supplements working other jobs as a bike mechanic amongst other things. Rhonda (Vanessa Williams) is a talented dancer who works as an aerobics instructor. She rooms with Sandy for the first part of season one. She does not have a huge impact on the season one stories. Matt (Doug Savant) is the good natured gay guy. He works at Lander: Shelter For Teens, a halfway house. He is best friends with Rhonda and an all-around good guy who tries his best to do what he thinks is right for not only himself, but his friends and everyone around him.

Sandy (Amy Locane) is the sultry southern girl. She works at the local bar everyone hangs out at, Shooters. She is an aspiring model/actress. In the early episodes, she has a very bitchy, conniving personality. She becomes more likeable as the episodes progress and she is depicted as a kinder person. In "Dreams Come True", she leaves the apartment complex to star on a soap opera Forever and Tomorrow in New York. Jo Reynolds (Daphne Zuniga) is the new kid on the block. She moves into the apartment complex to replace Sandy. Jo makes her first appearance in the episode "House of God". She is an amateur photographer from New York. She came to Los Angeles to get away from her old life. Amanda Woodward (Heather Locklear) joins the cast in the episodes in "Picture Imperfect". Amanda is Alison's new boss at D & D Advertising. She spices up everything for the Melrose group as the sexy executive who finds her way into places like Billy's bed!

The characters, overall, provide a decent balance of roles and personalities. I especially enjoy the chemistry Thorne-Smith and Shue have together. The two make for likeable characters as get to know each other and become roommates and best friends. Michael and Jane also have good chemistry as a newlywed couple. The other characters are also fairly good in their role. At first, Sandy is a strong character (lots of over-the-top drama) as an utter bitch you aren't sure if you are supposed to like, but she quickly turns into a kind, friendly person. I did not find it a horrid move when she left the show. Matt and Rhonda are not developed nearly as much as I would have liked in the episodes. But Rhonda does not make it into season two. Jake is okay in his role. He is a bit confusing at times as he acts like a bad boy, but also tries to be a good guy. Jo feels like a forced character trying to fill Sandy's void. But she gradually grows on you as she opens up. Amanda is handled well. She fits the overly melodramatic role with perfection and makes for a solid character. You don't like her, but you do. When she comes on, the show gets really really really soapy.

The season one episodes cover a ton of different subjects from racism to bad relationships to adultery to seductive temptations to hate crimes to spoiled friendships. The overall tone starts off with developing the characters as they try to succeed in that crazy thing called life. The melodramatic tone is there, but not nearly as strong as the latter portion of the season. I found the initial episodes to be pretty fun. I liked the characters a lot and the stories, while sometimes hokey were enjoyable. For instance, I think we as a society have become more education about issues such as racism and sexual harassment that the storylines dealing with those kinds of topics are not as "powerful" as they probably were when the show first aired. In those cases, I did not feel the stories were particularly strong.

In the earlier episodes, Melrose Place meets Beverly Hills, 90210 with several of the "90210" cast as guest stars. Notably, Kelly (Jennie Garth) makes several appearances to explore the magic between Jake and her while David (Brian Austin Green), Donna (Tori Spelling), and Steve (Ian Ziering) try to dissuade her. Kelly met Jake when he was working a job at her mom's house. The two fell in "love", or at least what they thought was love. This storyline might have been an interesting, but it was not. The problem with it is the overly melodramatic nature. The two characters don't really fit together, or at least not having the "90210" episodes fresh in my mind it is hard to get a good feel for their relationship. Also, the fact Kelly is a minor and Jake is a several years older also made it a little weird/gross.

Other storylines of interest dealing with romantic relationships includes Sandy being stalked by a guy who just doesn't understand the meaning of no, Jake and Jo's heated relationship, Alison's affair with the very married and confused Keith and the impact the relationship has on the Melrose group, Jane and Michael's depreciating romance that results with Michael having a heated office romance with fellow doctor Kimberly (Marcia Cross, Desperate Housewives), and a love triangle with Billy, Alison, and Amanda. In addition to the romantic relationships, there are platonic relationships covered, which mostly deal with the cast getting to know each other and helping friends out in one predicament or another.

The characters' careers are all stories brought into the fore time and time again. Billy's career is of interest. He is an aspiring writer, but his dad wants him to become a salesman at the family furniture store. Of course, Billy will do anything to keep at his dream. This is a fun storyline that has Alison getting caught up in the middle of it. There are also several other stories with Billy and work, including writing for a newspaper column, driving a taxi cab (and getting robbed!), etc. Matt is the victim of a hate crime. Some guys beat him up for being gay. When his boss at the halfway house finds out, he fires Matt for being gay. Matt learns just how much its means to him to work at the halfway house. He is forced to sue the halfway house for wrongful termination.

Alison's career is another big story. She is aspiring to find her place in advertising. Lucy Cabot, an executive at D & D Advertising, takes Alison under her wing to teach Alison the fundamentals of advertising. Alison's career is covered in many stories that include an idea-stealing coworker, a personal relationship with Keith that puts her job in jeopardy (as well as friendships!), and a promotion that comes with a new, feisty boss. Michael's career is always a big part of the show and how being a doctor and the building super pan out and the ramifications it has upon his relationships with his wife Jane. Jane's career also starts to take off when a hot designer gives her a chance to make something of herself. Rhonda has a storyline about her past and how her fears led her to losing out on her dream of being a professional dancer. Jake's career is always an issue, or rather lack of. Lately, there hasn't been much work for a guy in construction and he is always struggling to keep up. At one point, he considers doing some dodgy.

What works for season one of Melrose Place are the characters. I really enjoyed getting to watch them, and while many of the stories they were involved in were corny and over-the-top, they still had an enjoyable tone. Part of the enjoyment came from an almost hearty, feel-good nature that came from the characters as they dealt with and conquered their problems. This good feeling appears in the episodes prior to Locklear's appearance. Once Locklear joins the cast, the show takes a much soapier, dramatic tone. The melodramatic approach also works, but I enjoyed the other aspect a lot more. In the end, I think Melrose Place's first season is a pretty fun watch. Its content has held up remarkably well over the years.

Episode Guide

1. Pilot: When Alison's roommate unexpectedly moves out, her "For Rent" ad leads to potential romances, bitter reprisal, and a sexy pool party for the residents of 4616 Melrose Place.
2. Lost And Found: It's time to read between the lines when Billy entrusts Alison with his particularly bad screenplay, and a daring Jane loses her weeding ring during a wild night at Shooters.
3. Friends And Lovers: Billy and Alison work out the essential boundaries of their new roommate relationship, while unemployed Jake tells Kelly (Jennie Garth from Beverly Hills, 90210) she's crossed the line by posting his bail.
4. For Love Or Money: All's not fair in love and business when Alison's sly date steals one of her moneymaking ideas, and Jake finds the profits from his new art venture going up his partner's nose.
5. Leap Of Faith: Jane receives some breathtaking, life-changing information, while Billy attempts a death-defying stunt in order to have an "experience" to write about.
6. My Way: Appearances can be deceiving when Billy invites Alison to meet his parents in Palm Springs, and Sandy lets a role in a horror movie go to her head.
7. Second Chances: Rhonda decides it's time to take new steps towards an old dream of being a professional dancer, while Jake and Alison's intense "studying" time has everyone suspicious.
8. Lonely Hearts: Flirtation turns to frustration when Sandy finds herself being followed by a handsome young man named Paul after a particularly awkward date.
9. Responsibly Yours: Sticking around for the long haul becomes a test of courage for Billy when he dates a hot single, mother, while Jake and Sandy question whether they have more in common than a fondness for sex.
10. A Promise Broken: Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and it's up to a rambunctious puppy and a friendly red-headed medical colleague named Kimberly (Marcia Cross, Desperate Housewives) to remind Jane and Michael what really matters.
11. Burned: Rhonda makes it her mission to help Billy after he's attacked in South Central, while Jake has difficulty getting past old wounds when his mother suddenly appears at his birthday.
12. Polluted Affairs: Alison dives into a steamy new relationship with a passionate environmentalist, but when she comes up for air, she discovers that he may not be all he seems.
13. Dreams Come True: Friendly concern is misconstrued as meddling when Billy confronts the married man Alison is seeing and Jake urges Matt to get revenge on the hoodlums that attacked him.
14. House Of God: Silence speaks volumes when an aloof new tenant, Jo Reynolds, moves in, and Jane and Michael suspect that their friend's wife is the victim of domestic abuse.
15. Drawing The Line: The Melrose group faces difficult new beginnings as Keith leaves his wife for Alison, Matt sees a lawyer about his discrimination case, and Rhonda takes on the challenge of finding a new roommate.
16. The Whole Truth: Billy and Jake both make a move for Jo, but she remains immune to their charms. When she's arrested by the police, however, one of them will manage to crack her chilly facade.

17. Jake VS Jake: Jake is emotionally unprepared when an old girlfriend announces he has a son, while Alison realizes she needs help in dealing with her serious medical problem.
18. Single White Sister: Family problems surface when Jane's little sister wants to move in, Jo gets troubling news from her ex-husband, and Rhonda meets Terrence's parents.
19. A Melrose Christmas: 'Tis the season for surprises when Alison comes out of surgery with a romantic revelation and Michael makes his first baby delivery.
20. Peanut Butter And Jealousy: Some relationships aren't made to last as Jo considers going back to her old marriage and Jane bursts at the seams over her sister's overly friendly behavior.
21. Picture Imperfect: D & D Advertising gets a whole lot sexier when Alison gets an unexpected job promotion, Amanda Woodward comes on board as her boss, and Jo takes some very revealing shots of an underwear ad.
22. My New Partner: There's a little too much mixing of business and pleasure when Alison confronts Billy about his dates with Amanda, and Jo has an interesting solution to Jake's unemployment woes.
23. Three's A Crowd: Things heat up fast when Jake and JO move their relationship to the next level, and Amanda is immediately attracted to Alison's roommate, Billy, after a game of Truth or Dare.
24. Bye Bye Billy: Alison is terrified when she's accosted after a theater performance, and her decision to find safety in Keith's arms has Billy packing his bags.
25. Irreconcilable Similarities: As both of their relationships take the fast track to commitment and compromise, Alison and Billy both begin to wonder if they're making the right move. Is it too late for love?
26. The Test: It's a wicked game of "cat and mouse" when Alison begs Amanda for her old advertising job and Billy finds his padded resume gets him into more trouble than it's worth.
27. End Game: Billy is shaken by the sudden death of his father, but he is even more surprised when both Amanda and Alison show up at the funeral.
28. Pushing Boundaries: Things heat up at the workplace as Kimberly reveals to Michael that she wants to be more than just friends, and Billy finds himself doing too much "overtime" with his new boss, Nancy.
29. Pas De Trois: Money makes everything messy when Jo and Jake have a falling-out over taxes, Jane's new fashion assignment has her spending less and less time with Michael, and Amanda flaunts her higher position in the company.
30. State Of Need: There are no easy answers when Amanda announces she's pregnant with Billy's child and Jane agrees to let Michael sleep on the couch if they go to couples' therapy.
31. Carpe Diem: It's a romantic evening to remember when Alison and Billy have their first "date" and Michael finds himself town between two women on the night of his wedding anniversary.
32. Suspicious Minds: Melrose Place is for sale, and while Jane and Michael wonder if a new start might help their struggling relationship, Alison is afraid to leave her apartment after receiving threatening phone calls.


The video is given in 1.33:1 ratio full frame color. The picture quality is average for a television series from the early 90s. Generally, the episodes look fine, but there are noticeable visual distortions and some problems with color representation. There are also traces of dirt in the film and a couple glitches from damaged film. Overall, the picture is acceptable and should not ruin the viewing experience.

The audio track included with this release is English 2.0 Dolby digital stereo sound. The sound quality is decent with dialogue consistently audible. It is an average TV on DVD audio track, dialogue driven and is pretty flat with little use of the stereo sound. Music is also very flat and bland.

This release does not come with subtitles, but it is closed caption enabled.

The DVD covers have an explicit warning that "some music has been changed in this home entertainment version".

For extras, Melrose Place: The Complete First Season comes with six featurettes and an extended episode guide.

  • Beginnings (5:27) features Darren Star, creator of Melrose Place, talking about his motivation for creating the series. It is a show about young adults who have just left home and/or graduated college to be on their own. It also stars Josie Bissett, Andrew Shue, Doug Savant, and Vanessa Williams, but mostly focuses on comments from Darren Star. They also talk about other things like the relationship between Melrose Place and Beverly Hills, 90210, series season one evolution (getting soapier), characters and castings, and some other things.

  • Friends & Neighbors (6:23) has Darren Star, Grant Show, Thomas Calabro, Josie Bissett, and Doug Savant. The content focuses on the characters and their relationship: Jane, Michael, Sandy, Matt, and Jake.

  • Neighbors & Friends (5:50) is more discussion about the show's characters. It stars Andrew Shue, Darren Star, Courtney Thorne-Smith, and Vanessa Williams. They focus on Billy, Alison, Kimberly, and Rhonda.

  • Melrose Place: Behind-the-Scenes (4:58) was a Fox television promo for the show. It features a cast and crew interviews with Aaron Spelling, Grant Show, Darren Star, Vanessa Williams, Doug Savant, Josie Bissett, Thomas Calabro, Andrew Shue, and Courtney Thorne-Smith. The featurette opens with a narration about what the show is about and how it relates to Beverly Hills, 90210, and then proceeds to talk about the characters.

  • Amanda (2:15) is a short featurette about Heather Locklear's super soapy character Amanda. Darren Star talks about her role and how it developed into something more than just Alison's new boss.

  • Melrose Place: New Style Profile (4:41) is another Fox television promo for the show. It begins with an introduction to what the show is about. Next it shows off the Fox premiere party and talks about the characters getting famous. It includes short interviews with Andrew Shue, Courtney Thorn-Smith, Vanessa Williams, Doug Savant, Darren Star, Thomas Calabro, Josie Bissett, Grant Show, Amy Locane, and Aaron Spelling.

    Final Thoughts:
    Melrose Place is a television drama about the lives of a large group of twenty-somethings who live in the same apartment complex. The content focuses on their relationships with each other, romantic interests, careers, successes, failures, etc. Throughout their daily lives, the Melrose group runs into situations that are perfect for a soap opera that include marital affairs and love triangles. The season one's tone makes a dramatic change from the first half to the second, with the show becoming more and more dramatic. Overall, I found the episodes to enjoyable. I really liked the early episodes and getting to know the cast, but I also found the eye-rolling drama in the second half exciting. In the end, I think Melrose Place: The Complete First Season should make for a good investment if you enjoy soapy, melodramas.


    Is Jessica Biel being wooed by a man who's just as athletic as she is? The hard-bodied starlet reportedly spent some time this week in the company of New York Yankee Derek Jeter, although he's apparently yet to round first base. On Monday, the baseballer was spied massaging Biel's shoulders and flirting with her into the wee hours at Los Angeles hotspot Hyde, a mole tells Star, while Tuesday night, they were "laughing and giggling together" as they "huddled" in a corner of the club, another spy tattles to the New York Post. Jessica, 24, previously dated actor Chris Evans, otherwise known as the one saving grace in the otherwise clunky "Fantastic Four," while Jeter, 32, has been linked to the likes of Vanessa Minnillo, Jessica Alba and Mariah Carey.

    Derek Jeter's player card

    Looks like Paris Hilton is partaking of some of the many delights London has to offer. The short-attention span starlet, in town for the World Music Awards, supposedly has been spotted out on the town several times this week with Welsh model-turned-TV host Steve Jones, who once fronted a show called "99 Things to Do Before You Die" (insert your own double-entendre here). "They looked very intimate, like they were on a first date," a spy who saw them out Monday night tells the Daily Mirror. "Whatever lines Steve was feeding her must have been working. Paris seemed entranced." In recent weeks, Hilton has also seemingly been entranced by Travis Barker's tongue and the magic tricks of hirsute illusionist Criss Angel.

    Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz have finally made a major commitment after three-plus years of coupledom. No, they're not engaged, but they have purchased a pricey piece of real estate. The Los Angeles Times reports the surf-loving squeezes have plunked down nearly $16.9 million for a beach house in Hawaii. The 11,000-square-foot Oahu estate comes with 12 bedrooms, nine bathrooms (you know, just in case) and 100 feet of oceanfront.

    As uncouplings go, this one falls somewhere south (like, Antarctica south) of a Reese and Ryan or a Britney and Kevin, but we'd be remiss if we failed to inform you that Jesse Metcalfe and Nadine Coyle have apparently called it quits. What, you didn't know they were dating? You're not alone. Anyhoo, the Daily Mirror says the impeccably eyebrowed "Desperate Housewives" actor and his British Girls Aloud girlfriend decided to pull the plug on their 10-month romance during a "tearful" weekend phone call. "Nadine really thought that Jesse was the one and has been crying endlessly since the split," an insider tells the tab. "Both of them are sad that it's come to an end, but it got too hard keeping a long-distance relationship going."

    Kristanna Loken, best known as the red leather-encased cyborg from "Terminator 3," is hinting that she's become very good friends with her onetime "BloodRayne" costar Michelle Rodriguez. In a new interview with the Advocate, Loken is asked about previous comments she made over how she and Rodriguez bonded on the Romanian set of the horror flick. "There is the $64,000 question," she says. "Um ... I don't even know how to answer that . . . Just don't look upstairs, OK?" When the interviewer asks if she'd prefer to keep that remark off the record, Loken laughs and says, "You can print it." Michelle's rep had no comment.

    Many fear their marriage will be an unholy mess (hey, don't look at us), but if and when Kate Moss and Pete Doherty say "I do," at least her wedding dress will be divine. London's News of the World (via the Mail on Sunday) says the stubbornly devoted supermodel has tapped designer pal Alexander McQueen to create the gown she'll wear when she vows to stick by the recidivist rocker's side until one of 'em drops dead. The dress, described as "traditional with modern unique twist," reportedly will be white with touches of black lace.