Monday, November 19, 2007



The WWE promo hits.

- A video package airs looking back at the history of the Survivor Series. Some of the big matches tonight were also highlighted including Batista vs. The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Title.

- A graphic opening then welcomes us to Survivor Series as we go live to the American Airlines Arena. A display of pyro goes off as Joey Styles opens the show.

- CM Punk defeated The Miz & John Morrison in a Triple Threat Match to retain the ECW Championship. Although it was a rather quick match, it was a very solid way to open up the PPV. Punk took out Miz early on with a quick kick to the head followed by sending both Miz and Morrison to the floor. Miz and Morrison started double-teaming Punk in the ring until Miz shoved Morrison away. Morrison sent Miz to the floor until both started exchanging offense in the ring. Morrison hit a quick corkscrew from the corner on Miz, but Punk broke up the pinfall attempt. Impressive spot saw Punk hit a huricanranna on Morrison from the top rope which sent Morrison into Miz who hit Morrison with a quick powerbomb. Punk with a bulldog and and underhook backbreaker on Miz. The finish saw Miz take out Morrison sending him to the floor and Punk hit the Go To Sleep on Miz for the win.

- Backstage, MVP informs the audience that Matt Hardy will be unable to wrestle tonight. They showed footage from Smackdown on Friday night when MVP attacked Hardy's knee.

Mickie James, Maria, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool & Kelly Kelly defeated WWE Women's Champion Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Melina, Victoria & Layla in a 10 Divas Tag Team Match. Funny moment saw Melina attempt her usual entrance doing the splits, but she missed the ring apron. She laughed it off and did it a second time. Another quick match here that saw Mickie James kiss Melina and then kick her in the head for the win.

- A promo for WrestleMania 24 airs.

- Backstage, a shot of a concerned Hornswoggle is shown as Jonathan Coachman and William Regal are smiling about his match with The Great Khali later tonight.

- Footage was shown from earlier in the day with Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels. Orton said he will be disappointing all the WWE fans tonight when he beats HBK and that his only chance to beat him would have been with the superkick - which he can't use tonight. Michaels told Orton that he tried to take his career away from him and now he will take away his WWE Title tonight.

- Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch defeated Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes to retain the World Tag Team Titles. Early on in the match, Holly sent Cade to the floor and Rhodes sent Murdoch to the floor as well. Cade and Murdoch began to isolate Holly from getting a tag to Rhodes. Rhodes got the high tag later on and took out Murdoch with a big high back body drop. Rhodes continued the offense on Murdoch with a bulldog and a big dropkick from the top rope. The finish saw Holly hit the ring and send himself over the top rope to the outside along with Cade. In the ring, Murdoch hit Rhodes with a modified Canadian Destroyer and got the pinfall. After the match, Holly got in Cody's face and left to the back without him.

- At ringside, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole and JBL talk about how Matt Hardy is out of the 10-Man Elimination Match. JBL added that Mysterio is working injured as well.

- Backstage, Todd Grisham was with Triple H's team. Jeff Hardy said MVP taking out his brother Matt only lit a fire underneath them tonight. They did a brief confrontation between Kane and Triple H where Kane was still upset about the Kate Vick deal. Triple H apologized. Jeff Hardy then brought up how Triple H once put him in the hospital. Triple H again apologized. He said tonight they will take out any aggression they have on their opponents.

- Triple H, WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio & Kane defeated Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, WWE U.S. Champion MVP, Finlay & Big Daddy V in a Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match. Eliminations were as follows: Kane was eliminated first by Big Daddy V after a samoan drop and elbow drop. Rey Mysterio was eliminated second by Umaga after a samoan spike. MVP was eliminated third by Jeff Hardy after a Twist of Fate. Mr. Kennedy was eliminated fourth by Triple H after Big Daddy V went for an elbow drop on Triple H but missed and hit Kennedy instead. Big Daddy V was eliminated fifth by Triple H after he was hit with a double DDT by Triple H and Hardy. We are down to Triple H & Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga & Finlay. Finlay was eliminated sixth by Triple H following a Pedigree. Umaga was eliminated last after a Pedigree by Triple H and a Swanton Bomb by Jeff Hardy, with Jeff getting the pinfall on Umaga. I bet that surprised some people. Very solid match.

- Michael Cole and JBL looked at some footage of the new Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 video game with a Hell in a Cell Match between Batista and The Undertaker.

- Backstage, we see a shot of Hornswoggle still concerned about his match with The Great Khali. Vince McMahon shows up and Hornswoggle hugs him. Vince told Hornswoggle that he made the match tonight because Hornswoggle's last name is McMahon and that he has been an underdog before against Time-Warner and the United States government - beating both. He tells Hornswoggle that all McMahon's have huge grapefruits and are impervious to pain. Hornswoggle is pumped up to fight.

- The Great Khali defeated Hornswoggle via DQ. Wasn't much of a match at all. Shane McMahon came out first and introduced his father and then his half-brother Hornswoggle. A loud "WE WANT SHAQ" chant started up. Shaq is in the house tonight by the way. During the match, Hornswoggle kicked Khali's translator to the floor and spit green mist in his face. Hornswoggle then hid under the ring. The finish saw Finlay run down and hit Khali with the shillelagh followed by a low blow. Both Vince and Shane McMahon leave the ringside area to the back.

- A video package airs highlighting the feud between Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels going into tonight's match for the WWE Title.

- Randy Orton defeated Shawn Michaels to retain the WWE Championship. The stipulation here was that Orton couldn't intentionally DQ himself, while Michaels couldn't use the Sweet Chin Music. Lots of ground wrestling early on in the match. HBK would fake out Orton numerous times during the match teasing he was going for a superkick. First big spot saw HBK hit a big springboard moonsault from the ropes to Orton on the floor. Believe it or not, HBK applied a Sharpshooter on Orton in the ring. Orton responded with a spike DDT from the ropes after breaking the submission. Orton hit a quick standing dropkick on HBK as well when HBK was getting in some quick offense. HBK also applied the Crossface on Orton later on, which might have been questionable to do. Orton attempted to kick HBK in the head later in the match, but HBK countered by applying an Ankle Lock. The finish saw HBK counter an RKO attempt and had his opening to hit the Sweet Chin Music, but stopped shorted and this allowed Orton to hit the RKO to get the clean pinfall on HBK for the win to retain his title. After the match, Orton dragged a knocked out HBK to the corner, slapped him and demanded he acknowledge him as the future. When Orton turned his back on HBK for a few seconds, HBK stood up and then hit Orton with the Sweet Chin Music.

- A promo for Armageddon on December 16 airs.

- Another "Save_us" video aired, noting we are just 23 hours and 32 minutes away until tomorrow night.

- Backstage, a shot of Batista was shown. Back in the arena, the Hell in a Cell is lowered over the ring.

- A video package airs highlighting the feud between Batista and The Undertaker going into tonight's Hell in a Cell match for the World Heavyweight Title.

Hell in the Cell match for the World Heavyweight title match: Batista vs. The Undertaker. Batista entered the cell first, but the fans chanted "Taker, Taker." Batista speared The Undertaker. On the outside, Taker rammed Batista's head into the ring steps. Taker smashes Batista's head into the steel cage. Vintage Undertaker leg drop across the throat. Taker used the chair on Batista's throat. Batista is bleeding. Taker went old school on the top rope, but Batista answered it with a spine buster. Taker rammed Batista head first into the cage. Batista is bleeding more heavily. Batista recovers, and super plexes Taker. Taker counters with the triangle choke. Batista made it to the rope to force a break. Batista rammed the ring steps into The Undertaker's head. Taker has been busted open. Last ride by Taker, but only a two count. Chokeslam, but only a two count. Spin buster by Batista, two count. Batitsa finds a table from under the ring. Its set up, and Batista Batista bombs Taker through the table, but only a two count. Taker back drops Batista on the ring steps, but Batista grabs the bottom rope to break the count. Tombstone by Taker, but Batista kicked out at 2 1/2. Taker tombstones Batista on the steel steps. Edge pulled out the referee at 2 1/2. Edge hits the Undertaker with a camera. Edge places Takers head on the ring steps, and slams the chair over his head. Edge places Batista on Taker, and Batista wins at 21:24. Edge slams Taker again with a chair and has a blank stare on his face as the show goes off... Edge screws 'Taker, show over.




Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire are three intelligent young children who receive terrible news that their parents have died in a fire and have left them an enormous fortune not to be used until the eldest child is of age. When they are sent to live with Count Olaf, a greedy distant relative, they soon learn he is trying to steal their fortune for himself. Written by jackwhiteyouremyhero

This is the story of the Bauedelaires, three young orphans, Violet, Klaus and Sunny, looking for a new home, who are taken in by a series of odd relatives and other people, including Lemony Snicket, who narrates the film, and starting with the cunning and dastardly Count Olaf, who hopes to snatch their inheritance from them. Violet is the oldest of the Baudelaires at 14, and is their brave and fast-thinking leader. The only boy is middle child Klaus, 12, who is intensely intelligent and obsessed with words. The youngest is infant Sunny, who speaks in a language only her siblings can understand, and she has a tendency to, bite... Written by

After the tragic death of their parents, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire travel from guardian to guardian by a good friend of their parents, Mr. Poe. The orphans stay with herpetologist Montgomery Montgomery and grammar-wise Josephine Anwhistle, but the worst one was Count Olaf, an evil and greedy man, who, with the help of his assistants, the bald man, the hook-handed man, the person of indeterminable gender, and the two white-faced women, tries to steal the Baudelaire fortune. To do this, he disguises himself in the forms of assistant, Stephano, and ship captain, Julio Sham. Written by joshuaadamf


When viewed through the eyes of a child, life really is one big adventure. Holidays are transformed into the most magical of times, when fantasy becomes fact and the spirit of the season melds with reality to reshape the very fabric of daily existence. From the sights and the sounds to the smell and the sensations, celebrations pack a potent wallop that even the most mature adolescent brain can't properly process. But existence doesn't need a day on the calendar to seem like a wide-eyed adventure filled with fun and frolic. A vacation with the family can become like a secret safari, where mysterious and memorable people and places lie just around the next bend in the superhighway. A visit to a new city takes on the tenets of an exploration, with the constant bombardment of new visceral vibrations creating a completely different soundtrack to your life. From the first day of school to the moment the fall leaves arrive, there is so much joy in juvenilia that it's hard to imagine the heart not bursting with happiness.

So imagine what pain and sorrow must feel like to such a vulnerable, innocent spirit. Conjure up in your mind the converse of all the birthday bliss, Christmas cheer and interpersonal presence, and see if you can't sense how HORRIBLE the world would appear to a wounded, or abandoned child. Life may be a series of grays, but extremes do match off in exact blacks and whites. So if pleasure is like the best bowl of ice cream you've ever had, sadness must be the sickening slime oozing off the side of some rotting fish. This is how kids see the universe of misery, a place so gloomy and dark that the light from love gets instantly dispersed and destroyed. It is a territory of realities and regrets. It is a most regrettable of realms. Sad to say, it is also the world of the Baudelaires, three children who know a great deal about the drastic boundaries of delight and depression. Theirs is a destiny darkened by the troubled waters they are slowly sinking into. Theirs is the sad saga of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events.






In a modern retelling of Tod Browning's "Freaks" (1932), "Freakshow" tells the story of a group of criminals who chose to hide out by working security at a traveling circus. At first, they plot with an insider to steal the ticket sales, but the wily Lucy has bigger plans. She convinces the gang to let her seduce and marry the aging circus owner, Lon, in order to secure the entire circus fortune after he "suffers an accident". "People die all the time," Lucy says. The freaks are on to their scheme, however, and when the youngest of them is caught by the ruthless gang, they show no mercy to ensure her silence. When the circus folk find the child's remains, they swear vengeance, and no one is safe from their fury--least of all, the wily Lucy. Written by EllenRipley112