Sunday, November 16, 2008


Here is the Review for the PPV UFC 88 from

UFC 88: Breakthrough
First up Jason "The Athlete" MacDonald (who, I am personally sick of! I think this guy is in EVERY MMA event! lol) vs Jason "The Punisher" Lambert. It was a fairly quick fight, with MacDonald "punishing" Lambert with a rear naked choke in the second round.

Second up Tim "The Barbarian" Boetsch vs Michael Pat. I don't know much about Pat, but, Boetsch is an up an comer who pulls out the win by TKO in the first round. He's fun to watch!

Third was Thiago Tavares vs Kurt "Batman" Pellegrino went all the way, but, was a pretty exciting fight with Pellegrino coming up with win by Unanimous Decision.

Then there was Dong Hyun Kim vs Matt Brown, who was on The Ultimate Fighter last season, and who is one of my favorite up and coming fighters. Unfortunately, Brown lost by split decision, but, he put up a great fight, and showed a lot of skills, as he did last year. I'm looking forward to seeing him grow as a fighter.

Also, Martin Kampmann vs Nate "The Great" Marquardt, another of my fave fighters, was an exciting fight with Marquardt coming up with the win by TKO in the first.

Next, Dan "Hendo" Henderson vs Rousimar Palhare. I'm gonna step out a limb here, and say something that might get me in trouble, but, I haven't been as impressed with Henderson as I thought I would. He came up with the win by Unanimous Decision, but, he is a vet in this sport, coming over from Pride, but, so far in his career as a UFC fighter, I am just not that impressed. Maybe it's his age, or that there is just a different caliber of fighter out there now, than when he was in his heyday. NOT to say that Henderson isn't an EXCELLENT fighter, he just hasn't been all that I expected him to be.

Also, there was Rich "Ace" Franklin vs Matt "The Hammer" Hamil. I have to say this was the most disappointing fight of the night to me. Ever since I watched Matt Hamil on The Ultimate Fighter a few years back, I have liked him. He is completely deaf and has gone on to overcome this disability and become one hell of a fighter. He got injured in The Ultimate Fighter and was unable to complete the show, but Dana White has given him the opportunity to fight, but, he just hasn't been all that I hoped for. He loses more than he wins, as he did in this fight, losing to Franklin by TKO only .39 seconds into the first round. I don't know if his deafness is more of a disadvantage to him, because he can't hear his corner yelling commands and suggestions to him, he has to LOOK over at them for signals, which, I'm sure, distracts him. But, I can see the advantage as well, because he can't hear the crowd around him, which could help him concentrate on the fight more. I'm not sure, but, I really like this fighter, and hope that he can overcome more difficulties and get on the right track and come up with a win next time!

And lastly, Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell vs Rashad "Sugar" Evans. Let me say first off that I am a Chuck Liddell fan. I always will be. I also like Rashad Evans. I think he is an excellent fighter and he is well on his way to the top. Unfortunately, for Chuck, he was standing in his way. And Rashad knocked him out in the second round, taking the next step to the top. In the past few years, as I have become an avid MMA fan, I have watched The Iceman go down. I think there comes a time when you have to step out of the ring, and walk away. I think Chuck's time has come. I hate it. I love to watch him fight. He is a great competitor, and a force to be reckoned with, but, he is getting older, and the fighters that are coming up now are just a different caliber. I think it's time he just stepped aside and let them take the reigns.

Here is the direct download for the PPV UFC 88 Breakthrough.


Here is the summary for the movie Zack and Miri Make A Porno from imdb

Lifelong platonic friends Zack and Miri look to solve their respective cash-flow problems by making an adult film together. As the cameras roll, however, the duo begin to sense that they may have more feelings for each other than they previously thought.

Here is a review for the movie Zack and Miri Make A Porno from dvdtalk

I suppose it was bound to happen sometime, and I guess I should be glad it took 14 years to arrive, but Kevin Smith's "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" is a disappointment. It's not an unpleasant film, more of a blown opportunity (no pun intended), and falls well short of the quality Smith has demonstrated with prior raunchfests. Attempting to walk precariously on a tightrope of sentimentality and smutty behavior, Smith wanders off, manufacturing a film more contrived than sincere, and with less bellylaughs than anticipated.

After humiliating themselves at their 10-year high school reunion, destitute pals Zack (Seth Rogen) and Miri (Elizabeth Banks) are forced to examine their dreary lives. Facing homelessness, the pair decides to make an adult film to pay the bills, after an unexpected pep talk from a gay porn star (Justin Long). Crewing up with friends (Craig Robinson, Jeff Anderson) and uniquely gifted performers (Traci Lords, Jason Mewes, and Katie Morgan), the squad begins their porn odyssey in the lobby of a local coffee shop, with the climax pitting Zack and Miri in their first sexual encounter. Eager to make some money, yet reluctant to reveal their true feelings for each other, Zack and Miri commence filming, ripping open emotions they never knew they had.

When 2004's "Jersey Girl" was greeted with tepid reaction from critics and anemic box office, I think it stung Smith more than he ever let on. "Zack and Miri" comes across as a calculated attempt to merge the sensitivity of the unjustly dismissed "Jersey Girl" with the harder-edged comedies he's built a brand name with, in a manner that furthers his directorial career while still feeding the faithful what they've come to expect. At first glance, the film seems a slam-dunk for Smith, as it plays to his lovable sense of verbal mischief and visual minimalism, padded with a cast of familiar faces. Yet "Zack and Miri" is vacuous effort that never soars as high as the plot promises, and soon gives way to rushing flood waters of formula that Smith has always been more than ready to slap around before.

I'm all for Smith challenging himself as a filmmaker, taking his career in exciting new directions, but "Zack and Miri" is a step backwards. It's a sex comedy without a steady flow of laughs, reducing Smith's tongue-twisting dialogue (his remarkable fingerprint) to a series of monotone F-words and a constant, tiresome milking of lampoon porn titles (the winner is "Star Whores"). The sex part of the equation is equally as bridled, with a few shock glimpses of male genitalia to add some spice to the flavorless stew, while the rest of the movie begs for the NC-17 treatment to elevate into something inspired (you've seen all the backstage, low-budget porn jokes a hundred times before). Smith is off his game with this picture, carefully inching the unsavory elements of the script into the film to avoid offending with a plot that should offend, or, at the very least, sprint towards an all-out farce.

Smith visualizes something romantic with his porn comedy, following a dispiriting screenwriting 101 structure that has our leads finding attraction during filming, yet cannot muster the courage to compose any lovesick confessions. To his credit, Smith achieves the desired motivation for this plot turn through a marvelous use of music and expressive close-ups during the titular bout of fornication. It's only where Smith takes the development that's a cause for concern and "Zack and Miri" doesn't waste much time before it starts consuming established romantic comedy clichés, and not ironically. Smith wants to melt a few hearts, but it's executed in a synthetic, melodramatic manner. Even Smith appears embarrassed by his employment of worthless convention, throwing in some literal, splattery defecation to snap the audience awake.

I hate to be hard on "Zack and Miri." After all, Rogen and Banks are talented, sharp performers, and while they don't share the greatest chemistry in the world, they know how to sell the cockeyed whimsy Smith is aiming for. Supporting turns from Lords, Mewes, and Long have a playfulness the rest of the movie abandons to make useless kissy faces. Superman himself, Brandon Routh, even shows up in a cameo as Miri's object of desire and acquits himself nicely to the land of comedy. Positives are certainly here: the cast is solid, the wintry Pittsburgh locations communicate the claustrophobic debacle the characters find themselves in, and Smith does land a few edgy one-liners to put on his mantle before they're improvisationed away by Rogen's motormouth.

It makes sense that Smith wants a mass-audience hit after "Jersey Girl" failed, but he's spread himself too thin on "Zach and Miri," wasting an opportune premise for broad, generous filth to play lethargic date night wrangler. Kevin Smith is capable of such wit and cinematic generosity, and while the picture isn't a disaster, it fails to generate any life of its own. Much like a real porno, "Zack and Miri" is only great for a few minutes at a time, and then monumental disinterest sets in.

Here is the direct download for the movie Zack And Miri Make A Porno.


Here is the summary for the movie The Lost World Jurassic Park from imdb

After a small girl is attacked by a small group of compsognathus, Ian Malcolm discovers that there is a second island full of a variety of dinosaurs. Dr. John Hammond decides to send four adventure to monitor the dinosaur's lifestyle before INGEN move forward in controlling the island. Ian Malcolm doesn't like the idea and wants to contact the other three members, but before he can contact them, he finds out that his girlfriend, Sarah Harding is already on the island. Now, what was supposed to be a natural viewing of the incredible creatures in their habitats, has turned into a rescue mission with everyones life at danger. Written by Film_Fan

Four years after the failure of Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar, John Hammond reveals to Ian Malcolm that there was another island ("Site B") on which dinosaurs were bred before being transported to Isla Nublar. Left alone since the disaster, the dinosaurs have flourished, and Hammond is anxious that the world see them in their "natural" environment before they are exploited. Written by Murray Chapman {}

Ian Malcolm is recruited by John Hammond to lead a research team to Isla Sorna, an island 87 miles to the south of Isla Nublar (the site of the original Jurassic Park). Here, InGen Bioengineering had constructed the secret "Site B", where the dinosaurs were actually bred and then transported to the park. Hammond's nephew, who has taken control of InGen, leads his own team to the island to capture the dinos and bring them back to the U.S. to become attractions at a "dino park" in San Diego. The dinos cause havoc and have a field day with the movable "feast." Written by John Deming {}

With the apparent public discovery of the 'Site B' production island full of dinosaurs, John Hammond assembles a team to visit and document the area before it is exploited by others. Included in the four man team are Dr. Ian Malcolm and his girlfriend, Dr. Sarah Harding. When the team reaches the island, they soon discover the presence of another group of people. This new group however are not there for biological data but instead have something more sinister in mind. After a series of events, both groups become stranded when all their communication equipment is lost. It is then that the terror really begins as both groups scramble for their lives. Written by P. Wong {}

The film picks up four years after the disaster at Jurassic Park. On a nearby island, dinosaurs have secretly survived and been allowed to roam free but now there is a more ominous threat--a plan to capture and bring the dinosaurs to the mainland. John Hammond, who has lost control of his InGen company, sees a chance to redeem himself for his past mistakes and sends an expedition led by Ian Malcolm to reach the island before the mercenary team gets there. The two groups confront each other in the face of extreme danger and must team up for their own survival in a race against time. Written by Robert Lynch {}

Here is a review for the movie The Lost World Jurassic Park from Dvdtalk

The Movie: "Lost World" was obviously going to be looked at incredibly harshly after the success of "Jurassic Park". Although the film itself isn't as successful creatively as the original, it's still not a bad picture and has some entertaining moments. While this sequel proved that there's still territory with the series to discover, the third film will have to certainly go in a different direction to be engaging. Dr. Ian Malcolm(Jeff Goldblum) is the main cast member that returns, this time along with a daughter (Vanessa Lee Chester) and a palentologist girlfriend(Julianne Moore). They bring along a photographer(Vince Vaughn) and an equipment specialist. On the other hand, another team is also heading towards the island to capture dinos to be used in a theme park in San Diego. The problems start in the very begining, which takes way too long to get started. Characters are slightly less defined than the original film, including a stereotypical "bad guy" in Arliss Howard's leader of the second team. The daughter of the Goldblum character is somewhat irritating; the kids in the first film were scared but well-written - about another character, this girl says "she doesn't even have Sega!". The few good lines have obviously been reserved for Goldblum, such as the gem at the begining, "oooh, ahhh...that's always how it starts. And then there's the running...and the screaming." Once the movie really gets going, it's really more of a matter of filler between action scenes, some of which are remarkably entertaining - some of which that seem like a repeat, aren't. The scene that's always going to be in everyone's memory is a scene where characters are "holding on by a thread" - I won't ruin it. The film definitely has some problems, but I still think it provides an entertaining couple hours. Where the first film was "classic entertainment", this film is just "basic entertainment". The DVD VIDEO: The 1.85:1 anamorphic transfer that Universal has produced is striking. Being only a couple of years old, the film offers a crystal clear image with no signs at all of print flaws such as marks or scratches. Only the slightest trace of pixelation shows up, but this is very brief and hardly noticable.

Sharpness is excellent throughout; detail and clarity are very good too, even in the darkest sequences. Colors are similarly as enjoyable as they were in the first film - the deep greens of the jungle looking beautiful and very well-saturated. Locations and cinematography both look stunning and well-rendered on this DVD. Black level is solid and flesh tones are accurate and natural. Like the first film, this is a great presentation.

SOUND: The best summary for the sound in "Lost World" is this: take all of the elements that made "Jurassic Park" such an exciting soundtrack, and turn them up to "11". Louder, more agressive, more powerful. You can practically feel the roars of the various dinosaurs as they fill the room.

Surrounds, as one might expect, get very impressive use here, and are even more active here than they were in the first film. In fact, as the film goes further all of the speakers work together to create a sonic assault that was extremely thrilling. Even slight background sounds are captured very well and very clearly, making for a natural-sounding environment. Bass is very, very powerful at times, and really tops off the exciting sound that the film offers. Certainly, this is one of those films where I feel the need to warn that if you have neighbors, you may want to watch the volume when you play "Lost World".

The John Williams score sounds dynamic and impressively clear, filling the room with ease. All speakers really work together remarkably well to build a complete surround environment here. Dialogue remains natural and easily understood, even in the most busy sequences. Praise here goes to the brilliant Gary Rydstrom and the rest of his sound crew who have crafted a great experience. Other films that Gary Rydstrom has worked on? Oh, "Titanic", "Saving Private Ryan", "The Haunting" and "A Bug's Life", among others. His name on a film's credits is a guarantee of fantastic audio.

MENUS:: The menus are generally the same style on "The Lost World", only slightly different pictures that have more to do with this film.

EXTRAS: Making "The Lost World": A nearly one hour look at the making of the film, this documentary is an impressive look at the technology that was improved between the two films and how this was used to make more remarkable, more agressive dinosaurs. There is a bit of interview footage towards the begining that gets that whole basic information element out of the way, then we are re-introduced to many of the effects crew who we met on the documentary for the first film. Technical information is nicely mixed in with footage and talk about what it is like to be on a Spielberg set shooting a film; how the director works, etc. Definitely an entertaining and informative documentary that provides a detailed look at the making of "The Lost World". Galleries: Galleries for conceptual art/illustrations, models, dinos("The World Of...") and storyboards. Also included are a production photo gallery, a gallery of pictures of the posters and toys for the film and also, a gallery of pics of ILM crew members at work. Trailers: Trailers for "Jurassic Park", "Lost World" and again, the very basic teaser for "Jurassic 3". All in Dolby 2.0 Also: Production notes, cast/crew bios. Final Thoughts: "Lost World" is not the phenomenal picture that "Jurassic Park" was; still, I find it to be an enjoyable film and DVD, and recommend Universal's new edition.

Here is the direct download for the movie The Lost World Jurassic Park.


Here is the Summary for the PPV ECW One Night Stand 2005 from IMDB

As a huge fan of ECW back in the day, this ppv was somewhat disappointing. ECW comes back for only one pay-per-view, for one night only(I really doubt it though, they probably will be back), and this is the best they could come up with? Don't get me wrong, it was a great ppv, but it really wasn't very extreme. The most extreme aspect of the show, was the historical montages of ECWs past great matches and character highlights. It wasn't really until the final match, that we actually got to see what ECW is all about. I thought that the ppv wasted way too much time on the whole idea of the WWE being there. It was a stupid storyline, and the ppv should have just focused on main reason for the event; EC F'N W!!!! I really don't think I could pick one match from the event that will ever be remembered as memorable. ECW has had better ppv events in the past, but its probably not really their fault for being watered down, because it was ran and supervised by WWE. Overall it was some great wrestling action, but not great when in terms with what ECW used to be in the past. For any wrestling fan, its def. worth a rent, but hardcore ECW fans may be disappointed.

Here is the match listing for ECW One Night Stand 2005 from

Lance Storm(managed by Dawn Marie) defeated Chris Jericho

Super Crazy defeated Yoshiiro Tajiri ( managed by The Sinister Minister and Mikey Whipwreck) and Little Guido(managed by J.T smith Tracy Smothers Big Guido and Tony Mamaluke

Rey Mysterio defeated Psicosis

Sabu(managed by Bill Alfonso defeated Rhino

Chris Benoit defeated Eddie Guerrero

Mike Awesome defeated Masato Tanaka

The Dudley Boyz(Bubba Ray and D'von) defeated Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman

Here is the direct download for the PPV ECW One Night Stand 2005.


Here is the summary for the PPV Special TNA Genesis 2006 from

Product Description On Sunday November 19 2006 TNA Wrestling presented the Genesis Pay-Per-View epic event from Orlando Florida! That night it was the Dream Match Of The Decade as Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle battled The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe! In addition the World Heavyweight Championship was on the line as Sting defended the gold against The Monster Abyss! This DVD contains the three-hour epic event in it s entirely with the following lineup:GENESIS 2006WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCHSting vs. The Monster AbyssDREAM MATCH OF THE DECADEKurt Angle vs. Samoa JoeWORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCHThe Latin American Exchange vs. America s Most WantedX DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHChristopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin The Phenomenal AJ Styles vs. Christian CageThe Voodoo Kin Mafia vs. Matt Bentley and Jonny DevineThe Truth & Lance Hoyt vs. Austin Starr & Alex ShelleyThe Naturals vs. Jay Lethal and Sonjay DuttSystem Requirements:Run Time: 180 minsFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: SPORTS/GAMES UPC: 853877001379

Here is the list of the matches for the PPV TNA Genesis 2006 from

Matches Scheduled for the event:
NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Sting (c) vs Abyss w/James Mitchell
Dream Match of the Decade
Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe
NWA World Tag Team Championship
Latin American Exchange (c) w/Konnan vs AMW w/Gail Kim
X Division Championship Match
Christopher Daniels (c) vs. Chris Sabin
AJ Styles vs. Christian Cage
The Truth & Lance Hoyt vs. Austin Starr & Alex Shelley
Vodoo Kin Mafia vs. Matt Bentley, Kazarian & Johnny Devine
The Robert Roode Open Challenge
The Naturals vs. Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal

Here is the direct download for the PPV TNA Genesis 2006 Part 1 of 2.

Here is the direct download for the PPV TNA Genesis 2006 Part 2 of 2.


Here is the summary for TNA Genesis 2007 PPV from Amazon

On November 11, 2007, Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling presented "Genesis" live and exclusively on Pay-Per-View! On this TNA Home Video DVD release, you'll witness the three-hour spectacular in its entirety, featuring your favorite TNA superstars such as Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Team 3D, Sting, the TNA Knockouts, the stars of the X Division and many more! In addition, the DVD will feature exclusive footage, hidden easter egg video, a bonus match and much more.

Here is the list of Matches on this PPV from

Tag for the Title match
Kurt Angle (c) & Kevin Nash vs. Sting & ???

TNA X-Division Title Match
Black Machismo (c) vs Sonjay Dutt

TNA Tag Title Match
AJ Styles and Tomko (c) vs Steiner Brothers

Samoa Joe vs. Robert Roode w/Ms. Brooks

Team 3D vs. The Motor City Machineguns

4 Way Match for TNA Womens Championship
Gail Kim vs. Roxxi Laveaux vs. ODB vs. Angel Williams

Shop of Horrors Match
Abyss vs. Black Reign

Here is the direct download for the PPV TNA Genesis 2007.




Batman raises the stakes in his war on crime. With the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to dismantle the remaining criminal organizations that plague the city streets. The partnership proves to be effective, but they soon find themselves prey to a reign of chaos unleashed by a rising criminal mastermind known to the terrified citizens of Gotham as The Joker. Written by Peteagassi

With just one year passed after taking out Ra's Al Ghul's plan to have Gotham eliminated and the mysterious disappearance of Dr. Jonathan Crane AKA the Scarecrow, after the city was nearly plundered with his toxins, Bruce Wayne and his vigilante alter-ego the Batman, continue the seemingly-endless effort to bring order to Gotham, with the help of Lt. James Gordon and newly appointed District Attorney Harvey Dent, but a new threat has now emerged into the streets. The Dark Knight faces a rising psychopathic criminal called The Joker, who's eerie grin, laughter, and inhuman morality makes him more dangerous than what he has yet to unleash. It becomes an agenda to the Batman to stop the mysterious Joker at all cost, knowing that the both of them are in the opposite line. One with no method at all and seeks to see the world plunge into the fire he has yet to lit. One who represents the symbol of hope and uses his own shadow to bring the peace and order he has yet to accomplish on doing. Written by Anonymous

Set within a year after the events of Batman Begins, Batman, Lieutenant James Gordon, and new district attorney Harvey Dent successfully begin to round up the criminals that plague Gotham City until a mysterious and sadistic criminal mastermind known only as the Joker appears in Gotham, creating a new wave of chaos. Batman's struggle against the Joker becomes deeply personal, forcing him to "confront everything he believes" and improve his technology to stop him. A love triangle develops between Bruce Wayne, Dent and Rachel Dawes. Written by Leon Lombardi


You might not think it possible for a character that is pushing 80 years-old to have as much energy in his old bones as Batman does in his latest screen epic, The Dark Knight, but that is just not the case. In his follow-up the franchise re-energizing Batman Begins, director Christopher Nolan takes the Caped Crusader to places never before explored in film, and seldom touched upon even within the comics. The result is a superhero film unlike most other superhero films--a grim, often unrelenting tale of moral ambiguity about men driven by convictions so intense it compromises their sanity.

With masked vigilante Batman (Christian Bale) striking fear into the hearts of criminal throughout Gotham City, it looks like there may actually be hope for the city that has been plagued by rampant crime and a corrupt police department. But despite his best efforts, Batman has not been able to stop all crime, especially those committed by a psychotic criminal who calls himself the Joker (Heath Ledger). Horribly scarred, and hiding behind poorly applied clown make-up, the Joker brings a wave of senseless terror to the streets of Gotham the likes of which have never been seen before. When he offers the leaders of all the crime syndicates his services in dealing with Batman, Joker sets the stage for a brutal war that will leave much of the city burning and in ruins.

Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne is looking for a reason to retire from his career as Batman, so he can pursue the love of his life, Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal). But before he can give up fighting crime forever, Bruce Wayne must find a new hero to replace Batman. Wayne sees such a hero in Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), the crusading district attorney who also happens to be his rival for the love of Rachel. Romantic rivalry notwithstanding, Batman prepares to let Dent lead the charge in cleaning up the streets of Gotham City. Unfortunately, the Joker has other plans, and as he steps up his war to destroy Batman, he adds several others to his death list, including Dent, Rachel and James Gordon (Gary Oldman), Batman's closest ally on the police force. This leads to an epic showdown that is brutally violent both physically and mentally, that will take an incredible toll on all the key players.

Arguably one of the best comic book movies to date, The Dark Knight is certainly the best Batman movie to date. Just as Batman Begins drew from some of the best eras of Batman--primarily his early days in the late 1930s, his classic 1970s tales by Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams, and Frank Miller's seminal interpretations (both Batman: Year One and The Dark Knight Returns)--so to does The Dark Knight take from the best interpretations of the Caped Crusader. When Batman ventures off to Hong Kong to retrieve a criminal who could help bring down Gotham's crime families, it recalls the re-invention the character underwent in the 70s with O'Neil and Adams. Likewise, Batman's bordering-on-insanity pursuit of justice owes much to Miller's work. But the film's crowning achievement--the Joker--comes straight from the character's most earlier exploits, when he was little more than a deadly enigma.

It is difficult to separate all of the hype surrounding the death of Heath Ledger, who died shortly after he finished filming, from the hype surrounding what truly is a stunning performance. In much the way Brandon Lee's overshadowed the initial release of The Crow, so too has Ledger's death threatened to overshadow The Dark Knight. But his performance simply refuses to be obscured by the tragedy that surrounds it. Ledger is, for lack of a better term, absolutely brilliant and almost unrecognizable, giving a stunning performance as "an agent of chaos" that sets the tone for the film, and helps put the "dark" in The Dark Knight. And make no mistake; this film is not only dark, it is depressing and disturbing as well. It is also bordering on brilliant.

Ledger's performance is the highpoint of The Dark Knight, but the film is filled with other great work by an incredible cast. Oldman is terrific as soon-to-be Commissioner Gordon, and both Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman give solid performances as Alfred and Luscious Fox. Even Tiny Lister gives a great performance in what could have easily been a throwaway role. And of course there is Bale, who manages to give Bruce Wayne the depth that he lacked in the hands of George Clooney and Val Kilmer.

Having resurrected the franchise with Batman Begins, Christopher Nolan has taken the series to new heights. Nolan has crafted a taut film noir that has disguised itself as an action thriller. Exploring the fine line that separates good and evil, The Dark Knight revolves around Batman as much as it does the Joker and Harvey Dent--who is destined to become a rather gruesome looking Two-Face--with a surprising amount of attention also paid to Jim Gordon. The result is an ensemble film that traverses rugged moral terrain, making The Dark Knight the comic book movie equivalent to L.A. Confidential.