Tuesday, October 06, 2015

My Review of Jurassic Park Trilogy including Jurassic World


Here is my review for the best movies made by Stephen Spielberg

I want to start my review by saying I was 7 when Jurassic Park first came out and I am now 29 when the last film Jurassic World came out. These films are inspirational and outstanding from every aspect of the word.

I want to first review Jurassic Park 

Jurassic Park was the first film I saw in a big screen in Texas with my family and it was one of the first scary films I saw especially being 7 this type film could scare any kid but to me it was fantastic and scary all in one. This film was very fun to watch and it was well above it's time when it came to graphics. Those dinosaurs looked so real that it probably gave kids nightmares. This film I would definitely recommend to anyone who is a dinosaur fan and anyone who is an action adventure fan because it really is action packed and scary at the same time. This film also works out great on small tvs as it does in the big screen. I even saw it in 3d and it does really well there too. The actors and actresses are awesome in this film. The children weren't as annoying as you would think they would be in these type films. Jeff Goldblum was a star in this film he was really funny and brought excitement to the film. Sam Neil was awesome too as the protagonist and really brought the character to life.

Jurassic Park: The Lost World Review

Now The Lost World gets so much hate from a lot of people I however loved it and think it was way better than 3 and almost on par with 1. People hate that they go to New York with the dinosaurs however I feel that brought excitement and adventure to the film. After the first film you would want them to come to a place that is filled with victims and that is what lost world brought and brought it well. They also took Jeff Goldblum from being a side character to being a main character which is what they really needed to do. He was the comedy in the first film so now he gets to be the action guy while Vince Vaughn gets to be the comedy relief. The only drawback was the female little girl in the show I am sorry Ian but I hate your daughter in this film. She was a useless character especially when she wasn't the needed person to get him to go to the island that was his girlfriend Juliane Moore who did well in the story too. I mean she wanted to go with her dad and whines enough and sneaks on and then as soon as she sees a little dinosaur she wants to go home and grabs her dad to go high up. Guess what if you didn't sneak on the trip you wouldn't be hunted would you. Vince Vaughn was a great character to have on the movie because he was the comedy and brought laughs. The last main character was the guy from the West Wing and he was basically just the Lawyer from the first film aka the one who gets eaten. This film was great and I would recommend it to everyone it ranks 2 out of 3 but 3 out of 4 if you count Jurassic World.

Now to the worst of the 4 films Jurassic Park III!!!!

Jurassic Park III shouldn't even be considered a sequel it was a money grab and I hate to say that because it had Dr. Grant on it which was awesome and needed. But they ruined it by making the money 90 minutes long. The other 2 films were 2 hours almost 3 and this film was 1 hour and half you can't do that at all with films like these. I hated most of the characters and only watched it because it was a Jurassic Park film. I know others might have liked it and maybe more than 2 but I hated it mainly for the length of time. They go on the island and find the boy then they leave and fight the dinosaur happens exactly like that what a waste of using Sam Neil when so many wanted him back. I would recommend this film only so you can see all 4 of them and say you seen the whole trilogy plus it will make you love Jurassic World so much more.

Jurassic World Review 

Jurassic World is great it is the only film in the last decade that I saw 2 times in the theater and both times were in 3d and in Imax. I loved this film. Chris Pratt is really a spitting image of Dr. Grant and Ian Malcolm together.I actually thought he was the son of Dr. Grant and Ellie Sattler but I will get back to that later. I loved the bad girl that is in the movie she came off as a bitch at first and I thought I would hate her as the film moved on but no I loved her character after she eased up on the bitchery. She starts out being like these are toys for her clients and then turns into oh these are creatures that are living and breathing. The two boys on this movie were good actors but the older one at first comes off as unlikable until midway through when he actually becomes a good older brother. The main cast was great but also the co cast was good too. The people who ran the park were funny at times especially Ellie's son which I am guess was the nerd in the control room since they brought up his dad in a conversation he was having with the girl he was hitting on. I really think they took the best parts from 1 and 2 and the only good parts from 3 and combined and added more great parts to make this film. I would recommend this to anyone at anytime you need to buy this film it is my favorite film of the year so far.