Thursday, January 25, 2007


Opening Segment
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon came down. HHH had a sledge hammer in his hand. HHH took the microphone and said usually there is nothing that he hates more then coming to a small piece of crap place like this. He said that he has been looking forward to this town for a long time, because this was suppose to be his night and he was suppose to be holding the WWF title. he said tonight was his night, he would have been the champion but one man stopped that from happening and it wasn't Kurt Angle, he said it was that piece of crap Steve Austin. He said that he had the match won last night, but Austin screwed him. He said that he is tired of it, he is sick and tired of Austin. He said as soon as Austin arrives tonight, he then holds the sledge hammer in his hands and said that he will be waiting. He said the fact of the matter is that when Austin arrives, he will bust him open with the sledge hammer. HHH said that he will have his night tonight. He said his moment will be him standing on top of Austin's bloody ass. Then Kurt Angle comes out and tells HHH that his name should be Triple W, Whannn, whannn, whann..and he makes fun of his whinning. He said there is one person that cost him the belt and that's him. Angle said that Austin did not cover HHH for the pin, it was him and his hand was raised. He said that it's not his fault that Austin and the rest of the world hates him so much. He said if he quits whining maybe he can be a winner. Then HHH tells him to come in the ring. Angle tells HHH that HHH always beats people with pipes, sledge hammer but never with natural ability. Then HHH said that after he beats Austin, he will drop the sledge hammer and will tell Angle to come to the ring and put his belt on the line and he said that he will beat Kurt Angle with his hands. Then Trish comes out and says that if they all come out and issue challenges, then she has one of her own. Then she challenges Stephanie for tonight. Stephanie accepts the challenge. Stephanie tells her that it's no secret that she's a bitch, but tonight Trish will be Stephanie's bitch.

A limo pulls in the back and Vince McMahon makes his way backstage.


Michael Cole told Vince what happened and Vince McMahon said that he is the boss and these matches may happen and they may not.

Match #1
European Title
William Regal vs Test

Regal comes out and bad mouths Test. He said tonight he will beat on Test. Test comes out and delivers a few right hands on Regal. Then test close lines Regal and they fight on the outside. They go back in the ring and Regal delivers a few hits on Test. Then Test sends Regal to the ropes and gives him a boot in the face. Test then goes on the top rope and drives the elbow and gets the win.

Winner: New European Champion, Test

Backstage, HHH walks into Vince's locker room and tells Vince that he can't take the match away from him tonight. Vince tells him he will take it under advisement. Vince tells him that there is a good chance that he will get a match against Angle.


Match #2
Hardy Boyz vs Acolytes

The match starts with Bradshaw Jeff Hardy. Jeff then goes on the top rope but Farooq catches up to him and throws him off. After a while, Matt and Jeff get into a little argument then Bradshaw hits Matt. Then Matt does a spinning neck breaker on Bradshaw. Bradshaw makes the tag to Farooq and Farooq beats on Matt, then Bradshaw gets the tag again and Bradshaw covers 1,2 but Matt kicks out. Then Farooq gets tagged back in, but then Matt does a DDT and makes the tag to Jeff and they double team Farooq. Then Farooq comes in and is about to do the dominator while Bradshaw was about to hits Jeff but Jeff ducks and he hits Bradshaw by accident. Then Matt does the Twist of Faith and Jeff does the Senton Bomb on Bradshaw and Jeff turns around and Farooq does the dominator and gets the win.

Winners: Acolytes

HHH is shown backstage talking to Stephanie and complaining to her about Vince's decision and the fact that he has to take it under advisement. Then HHH tells her to go talk to him and then HHH says that he is going to wait for Austin.


Backstage, Stephanie tries to convince Vince into letting the match between HHH and Angle. Then she asks him about her vs Trish, then Vince said that he is worried about Stephanie. Vince said that both of them embarassed him at the Royal Rumble, but he tells her to go dress up for her match, but he said he will still take it under advisement.

They show highlights of the Rumble, when the Big Show took on everyone.

Michael Cole interviews The Rock and Rock said that he is disappointed that he got eliminated. Rock said that he was kicking ass all the way to the end but he didn't win. He said this was his opportunity and he should be celebrating but instead he is sitting next to a roody pooh NSync wannabe. Cole asks the Rock "Where does the Rock go from here?" Then Rock tells him that he is about to punch him out for asking such a stupid question. Rock said that he doesn't care what happens, but one day the Rock will once again become WWF champion.


Match #3
Chris Benoit & Big Show vs Chris Jericho & Rock

The match starts with Benoit beating on Jericho. Then Jericho explodes with a close line, then Big Show hits Jericho from behind and Benoit does a snap suplex. Then the Big Show gets the tag and does the gorilla plex slam, then Benoit gets the tag back in. Then Jericho kicks Benoit in back of the head and makes the tag and the Rock does a Samoan drop on Benoit followed by a running power slam. Then Rock punches the Big Show and turns around and Benoit does a suplex. Then Jericho and Big Show fight on the outside and Jericho gets choke slammed. In the ring, Benoit is still in control against Rock. Then Benoit makes the tag to the Big Show. Jericho is being helped out with two referees because he suffered a choke slam on the floor by the Big Show. Big Show make the tag back to Benoit, then Benoit does another snap suplex and covers 1,2 but Rock kicks out. Benoit continues to stomp away on the Rock. The Rock tries to fight back, but then Benoit does 3 consecutive belly to back suplexes and covers 1,2 but Rock kicks out. Then Benoit goes on the top rope and delivers a diving headbutt and covers 1,2 but Rock kicks out again. Big Show gets the tag and does a sidewalk slam and covers, 1,2 but Rock kicks out again. Then Rock tries to fight back and kocks the Big Show down with a close line. Big Show makes the tag and Rock does a DDT on Benoit, then rock knocks down the Big Show and turns around and Benoit hits him, but then rock does the spine buster and covers, 1,2 but Big Show pulls him out and Rock hits Big Show with the ring bell. Rock goes in the ring and Benoit applies the Crippler's cross face but Rock gets to the ropes. Rock sends Benoit over the top rope to the outside and Jericho makes his way back and beats on Benoit and sends him into the steel steps. Then Jericho throws Benoit in the ring and Rock does the Rock Bottom on Benoit and gets the win. After the match, the Big Show does the choke slam on the Rock. Then Jericho hits Big Show, but Big Show hits him back and choke slams him. Then Benoit yells at the Big Show and blames the loss on him and pushes him, then Show delivers a choke slam on Benoit.

Winners: Chris Jericho & The Rock


Kurt Angle is shown talking to Trish backstage and saying that Vince should let the match go tonight and he is still keeping it under advisement. Trish said that she will give Vince all the advisement he needs.

They show highlights of the Rumble last night and how Chyna collapsed.

Match #4
WWF Women's Title
Ivory w/Steven Richards vs

Ivory came down with a copy of Chyna's book. Then Ivory said that after she beat Chyna, she decided to read her book. She said after she read page after disgusting page, there was something missing and that was Ivory in the book. She said that she's the 10th wonder of the world. Molly Holly comes out and tells Ivory that she will do everyone a favor and shut her mouth. Molly takes the early advantage. Then Molly delivers a few chops to the chest. Then ivory pulls Molly down with her hair and ivory delivers a leg drop and covers 1, but Molly kicks out. On the outside, Crash Holly beats on Steven Richards, then Molly goes on the top rope and Richards trips her while the referee was arguing with Crash and Ivory gets the win.

Winner: Still Women's Champion, Ivory

They show clips that people sent in for WWF Tough Enough.

They show Rikishi making his way towards the ring.


HHH is shown in the parking lot with a sledge hammer waiting for Austin.

Trish is shown entering Vince's locker room.

Match #5
Rikishi vs Kane

They start fighting on the outside. They exchange a few hits, then Rikishi sends Kane into the steel steps. They go in the ring and Rikishi does the super kick on Kane and then a leg drop. Then Rikishi runs and squashes Kane in the corner and Rikishi runs towards Kane but Kane kicks him in the face and Kane goes on the top rope and close lines Rikishi. Then Kane choke slams Rikishi and covers 1,2 but then Haku (Meng) comes out and beats on Kane and Rikishi and Haku double team Kane. Then Undertaker comes out to help Kane and Undertaker close lines Haku to the outside and Kane and Taker do a double choke slam on Rikishi.

Winner: By Disqualification, Kane

The Dudleyz were shown walking backstage with their tag team belts.


Rikishi challenges Undertaker to a no holds barred match for Smackdown.

We hear some noises from Vince's locker roon and we hear Trish saying "Oh this is nice, it feels really nice".

Then they show highlights from the Rumble and when Drew Carey competed.

Match #6
Tag Team Titles
Lo Down w/ Tiger Ali vs Dudley Boyz

D-lo Brown attacks Buh Buh ray and delivers a few right hands. Then Chaz gets the tag and he beats a little on Buh Buh and makes the tag back to D-lo. Then Buh Buh does the Buh Buh bomb and makes the tag to Devon while Chaz gets the tag too and Devon does a power slam on Chaz and covers 1,2 but he kicks out. Then the Dudleyz do the WAZZAPP thing on Chaz, then Buh Buh asks Devon to get the tables. Then they setup the table and D-lo gets the tag belt and Buh Buh Ray takes it away from him and hits D-lo with it and the referee calls for the bell. After the match, the Dudleyz do the 3D on Tiger Ali threw the table.

Winners: By Disqualification, Lo Down

Trish is shown walking out of Vince's locker room.


Michael Cole is shown waiting for Vince mcMahon in front of his locker room and he said that Vince will be joining him shortly.

Match #7
Hardcore Title Match
Raven vs Al Snow

Al Snow and Raven fight on the entrance ramp, then they go under the stage and Raven sets off the fir extinguisher on Snow. Then they go backstage and Al Snow sends raven into the coffee table. The match was everywhere backstage. Then they go outside and al Snow sends raven into a bunch of security rails. Then Al Snow hits Raven with a steel pipe and gets the win, then a lady wearing a black mask and dressed all in black, knocks out Snow and puts Raven on Snow and raven gets the pin to re-capture the belt.

Winner: Raven

Cole asks Vince if he made up his mind. Vince said that yes he made up his mind and it will be Stephanie and Triple H vs Kurt Angle and Trish.


Stephanie tells HHH that it will be a tag match and he was pissed.

Match #8
Tag Team Match
Triple H & Stephanie vs Kurt Angle & Trish Stratus

The match starts with HHH doing a baseball slide and sending Kurt into the security rails. Then HHH sends Angle head first into the announcing table. Then they go back in the ring and HHH is in control and then he drags down Angle and snaps his leg into the steel post. Then HHH keeps working on Angle's leg. Then HHH runs towards Angle but Kurt kicks him in the face followed by a swinging neck breaker on HHH. Then Trish gets the tag and she goes on the top rope and jumps on HHH and HHH catches her but Angle drop kicks her on HHH. Then Angle hits Stephanie by accident and Stephanie slaps him. Trish gets the tag and Stephanie comes in and throws her off the top rope and Trish and Stephanie go at it while HHH and Angle are on the outside. Then Stephanie kicks Trish and close lines her. Then Trish pushes her and delivers a bulldog on Stephanie. Then HHH pedigrees Trish and Stephanie covers and gets the 1,2,3. After the match, Austin comes and beats on HHH and then stuns him.

Winners: Triple H & Stephanie


Raw starts with a small commentary by Vince and them showing the picture of Martin Luther King.

Match #1
Hardy Boyz/Lita vs Right to Censor

Jeff starts off against Val Venis and Jeff starts by delivering a few punches, then Val hits him and knocks him down. The Val puts him in the corner and beats on him, then Jeff fights back and makes the tag to Matt and they double team Val Venis. Then Val Venis does a Spine Buster on Matt. Val makes the tag to Steven Richards and Richards puts Matt in the corner and delivers a few chops and then he makes the tag back to Val and they double team him. Then Val kept beating on Matt to keep him away from the tag. Then he makes the tag to Richards and they do a double suplex on Matt and he covers 1,2 but he kicks out. Then Jeff hits Richards and Matt does a leg drop off the top rope and then makes the tag to Jeff. Jeff drop kicks Val and kicks Richards to the outside. Jeff does a back body drop on Val and hits Ivory and tags Lita and Lita beats on Ivory. Then Chyna comes down and throws Ivory back in the ring and Lita does the Twist of Faith and gets the win. After the match, Chyna takes the microphone and accepts Ivory's challenge for the Royal Rumble.

Winners: Hardy Boyz & Lita

A limo is shown pulling in the parking lot and Stephanie and Triple H get out of the Limo and are shown walking into the arena.


Triple H and Stephanie Segment
Triple H and Stephanie make their way down to the ring. HHH takes the microphone and says that everywhere he goes, it's the same thing. He said that he hears it from everybody and even at a restaurant a waiter whispers in his ear "Kick Austin's Ass". He said everyone tells him to kick Austin's ass. He said that he made a promise tonight and will keep his promise, unless he is physically provoked, he will stay away from Austin. Stephanie takes the microphone and introduces Vince on the Titon Tron. Vince said he is ready for the XFL's kick off on February 3rd. He said that things are interesting tonight. Vince said that if HHH provokes Austin, he will lose his #1 contenders slot and if Austin provokes HHH, then Austin will lose his spot at the Rumble. Vince said that tonight it will be Austin and the Dudley Boyz vs Edge and Christian and Kurt Angle. HHH said that Angle is the WWF champion cause he has allowed it. HHH said that he did not lose the WWF title to begin with and Angle never faced HHH for the title one on one. HHH said that his attention is on Kurt Angle and that he wants to be the WWF championship. HHH said that Kurt Angle can bring anyone he wants at the Rumble because it will not make any difference, because HHH will be the WWF champion and then he said there is nothing he can do about it. Kurt Angle's music hits and he says that he is very disappointed in Stephanie and he said that she blew it. He said that the last time HHH was champion was King of the Ring. He said that HHH will not win the title at the Rumble and speaking of games, Donkey Kong has better chances of winning the belt. Then he said that he needed to get someone in his corner last week on Smackdown and Trish comes out and says that when Kurt asked her if she can be in her corner, she couldn't say no. She said wether it's Kurt Angle or McMahon himself, she just loves the man on top. Then Stephanie makes a match between Trish vs Jacqueline. Then she says this wouldn't be any kind of match, this match will be a spanking match.


Triple H and Stephanie were shown talking backstage and he tells Stephanie that if Austin provokes him, the fight will be on.

Match #2
Hardcore Title
Test vs Raven

Raven comes out with a bunch of weapons. Test starts the match by hitting him with trash can. Then Raven sprays him with the fire extinguisher. Then Test hits him and goes on the top rope, then Hardcore Holly trips Test, then Blackman comes out and fights with Holly. The Raven and Test fight on the entrance ramp. Then Holly and Blackman go after them and all four men go at it again. Then they go backstage and Regal attacks Test which allowed Raven to get the win. After the match, Raven goes out of the arena and once again, a car was waiting for him outside. Backstage Holly and Blackman agreed to fight each other later on tonight.

Winner: Still Hardcore champion, Raven


Rock Interview
Kevin Kelly tells the Rock that he is 6 days away from..then Rock interrupts him and does the usual.."Finally the Rock has come back to Milwaukee". He said 6 days away from the Rumble. Rock said, after tonight, Undertaker and Rock's friendship is history. Rock then talks about Martin Luther King Jr. The Rock said he has a dream that he will win the Royal Rumble and going on to Wrestlemania and once again the Rock will become WWF Champion.

Dudley Boyz Interview
Michael Cole interviews the Dudley Boyz. Devon says that Angle and Edge and Christian will receive a little taste of what they will get at the Rumble. Buh Buh Ray says after tonight is over, the Dudleyz will have a little Dudleyville discussion with Austin, cause he hit them with a chair on Smackdown.

HHH is shown talking to Vince on the speaker phone and HHH says that Drew Carey wants to have something to do with the Rumble....Then Stephanie said to Vince that Rock isn't happy to team up with Undertaker, then Vince says that tonight Rock and Kane will team up against Undertaker and Rikishi.


Match #3
Undertaker/Rikishi vs Rock/Kane

Rock squares off against Rikishi and then the Rock elbows him. Then Rikishi sends Rock in the corner and Rikishi squashes him, then Kane tags himself in and beats on Rikishi. Then Rikishi does a Samoan drop, then Rikishi sends Kane in the corner and squashes Kane, then Kane kicks Rikishi in the face, and then he slams Rikishi and Kane goes on the top rope and close lines Rikishi, then Undertaker kocks down Rikishi for the tag and Rock tags himself in and Undertaker and Rock exchange some hits. Then Undertaker sends Rock into the turnbuckle and Rock bounces back and starts punching Undertaker, then taker knocks down the Rock and Undertaker twists Rock's arm and he walks on the ropes and jumps on him. Then Rock and Undertaker collide with a double close line. Then they both get up exchange a few hits and then Rock does a reverse neck breaker and then Rock applies a DDT and covers but Rikishi makes the save. Kane nails Rikishi with the bell on the outside while Rock delivered a spine buster on Undertaker. Then Kane goes in the ring and choke slams the Rock and leaves. Then Undertaker gets up and delivers the last ride on the Rock and gets the 1,2,3.

Winners: Undertaker and Rikishi

Chris Benoit is shown walking backstage and he gets a ladder.


Benoit/Jericho Segment
Chris Benoit comes out and puts a ladder in the middle of the ring and climbs on it. Then he says that he has to hand it to Jericho, that he is a phenomenal athlete. But when he challenged him for a ladder match, Benoit had chills down his spine. Benoit then said that he put in a little something, then they show a music video on the Titon tron and all clips of where Jericho is getting beat up by Chris Benoit. Then Jericho sneaks up from behind and pushes Benoit off the ladder and then Jericho hits him with the Ladder. Then Jericho tells him to consider this as one of his greatest Hits.

Backstage, Edge and Christian attack the Dudleyz with chairs and then they beat on them. Then Christian said that they gave the Dudleyz a night off.


Match #4
Hardcore Holly vs Steve Blackman

Holly takes the microphone and says that some say that Blackman is the greatest hardcore champion, but MOST say that Bob Holly is. The match starts with both men exchanging hits. Then Blackman does a few moves on Holly, then Holly drop kicks him. Then Blackman picks Holly up and drops him on the ropes. Then Holly low blows Blackman and then kicks him. Then Holly goes to the outside and gets a chair and is about to hit Blackman but referee Teddy Long takes away the chair, then Holly hits the referee. Then Blackman hits Holly with the cover of the garbage can and then looks around and there is no referee cause the referee just left after he got hit. Then Holly hits Blackman with a street sign and Holly leaves.

Winner: No contest

Stephanie calls Vince McMahon and she tells him that the Dudley Boyz are injured. Then Vince says that Austin call pick any 2 partners of his choice, but if he can't find any, then he will be all alone. Then Vince out of nowhere asks how Trish is doing and Stephanie got pissed at him for asking about Trish.


Match #5
Spanking Match
Trish Stratus vs Jacqueline

The match starts with Jacqueline spanking Trish, then Jacqueline knocks her down and she continues spanking her. Then Kurt Angle comes down and Trish hits Jacqueline and she spanks her, then Jacqueline pulls a little of Trish's pants down and spanks her, then Kurt Angle pulls out Trish and leaves with her.

Winner: No contest


Match #6
K-Kwik and Too Cool vs Tazz and Kaentai

Tazz calls Too Cool, Two Fools..Then Kaentai do their usual promo. On to the match, Too Cool double team Funaki, then Funaki makes the tag and Grand Master Sexay powerbombs him. Then Kaentai double team Grand Master. Then Tazz gets the tag and he close lines Grand Master, then he beats on him in the corner. Then Grand Master makes the tag to K-Kwik and he drop ckicks Tazz and then Funaki comes in and he gets hit, then Scotty Too Hotty hits Tazz and then he does the WORM. Then K-Kwik does a side kick on Tazz and covers, but Funaki makes the save, then Tazz puts on the Tazzmission on K-Kwik and gets the win. After the match Kaentai do their usual talking.

Winners: Tazz and Kaentai

Backstage, Kurt asks if Trish is ok..Then trish is rubbing her butt and Kurt tells her that she has the night off.


Backstage, HHH says that Austin will be all alone against 3 men tonight. Then Stephanie whispers an idea in HHH's ear and HHH liked it and said that will make Austin provoke him.

Billy Gunn is shown at WWF New York and Jim Ross asks him about Chyna making a return at the Rumble. Billy Gunn said he thinks it's too soon but he respects her decision. Then Gunn tells Jim Ross not to be surprised if he wins the Royal Rumble.


Match #7
Kurt Angle/Edge & Christian vs Steve Austin and the Acolytes

The match starts with Austin and Edge and Christian and Angle starring at each other then the Acolytes' music hits and they clean house. Then it's Austin and Angle. Then Christian gets the tag and Austin beats on him. The Bradshaw gets the tag and beats on Christian, then Angle saves Christian, then edge gets the tag and Bradshaw delivers a side walk slam. Then he makes the tag to Farooq and Farooq does a running powerslam. Austin gets the tag and Edge drop kicks him. Edge then makes the tag to Kurt Angle and Angle stomps on Austin, then Angle does suplex, after suplex. Then Austin lands on his feet on one of the suplexes and Austin does a spine buster. Then the Acolytes go after Edge and Christian, then Austin does a suplex from the top rope and covers 1,2 but he kicks out. Then HHH comes out and then Angle low blows Austin. Then Angle does a suplex and covers 1,2 but Austin kicks out. Then out of nowhere Austin does the Stunner and gets the 1,2,3. Afterthe match HHH takes the microphone and tried to provoke Austin. He then gets in Austin's face and provokes him more and tells him to hit him. But Austin walks away because he did not want to lose his spot at the Royal Rumble, then HHH provoked him more and Austin came back in the ring and Angle does the olympic slam on HHH and Austin does the stunner on Angle.

Winners: Steve Austin and The Acolytes


The show starts with some footage from last week's Raw and Smackdown. They show the whole thing between Austin and Stephanie and how McMahon got involved...

Opening Segment
No Chance music hits and Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring. Vince starts off by saying that for the people that haven't made a new years resolution he said he has one for them and he said it's good advice and he said that's respecting authority. He said there is one individual that does not respect authority at all and they show footage from Smackdown when the Rock did the Rock Bottom on two referees. Vince said that Rock will learn how to respect authority here tonight and that it was Stephanie's idea too that Rock will compete here tonight against Rikishi vs Kane tonight and Vince said that it's not fair and Stephanie insists that it should be Rock and two partners against Rikishi and Kane. Then he said the Rock and two referees against Kane and Rikishi tonight and he said that he will make the Rock learn how to respect authority. Then he brings the subject of Austin and he said that why Vince counted to three and Vince said that it's not because he was intimidated by Austin, he said it's because it's simply a new year and he is a new man and he made a new years resolution and he said that is simply to be fair. He sent that he sent a message by what he did. He said if he can make peace with Austin, then why don't the Republicans and the Democrats get along, why isn't there peace in the Middle East? Then Austin's music hits and he comes out. Austin takes the microphone and said what kind of leadership is Vince talking about and he said that he does not believe or trust Vince one bit and he said that he will stick by his words, DTA, don't trust anybody and he said that he ain't buying it. Austin said that Vince is sending out messages, then he said well he has a message of his own and that is that he will beat Kurt Angle's ass tonight for the WWF Title and that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so. Then Kurt Angle's music hits and Angle comes out and says that he is impressed, he said Austin calling Mr. McMahon a jackass and beating Angle's ass, he said that Austin is a great talker. He said in 1996, Austin was having strap matches against Savio Vega while Kurt Angle was winning Olympic Gold. He said let's take Armageddon for example, it was Kurt Angle's hand that was raised not yours Austin. Angle says when you talk about a true champion, your talking about me. He said putting beer over a defenseless lady is not a good message your sending out. The Austin said you want a message and Austin gives him the middle finger. Then Austin says "if you want to see the man who brought Glory to the U.S. to get his ass kicked and lose the WWF Title tonight, give me a hell yea". Austin's music hits and Austin is about to drink beer and Angle hits him with the WWF Title and leaves and McMahon seemed upset with Angle.


Match #1
Chris Jericho/Hardy Boyz w/Lita vs Radicals w/Terri

The match starts with all 6 men fighting on the outside, then they go in the ring and it officially starts and Matt Hardy squares off against Malenko. Then both of them make the tags and Jeff is in against Benoit. There were several tags but then it was Saturn against Jeff hardy and Hardy does the Senton Bomb on Saturn , then Malenko does the tag to Benoit and Jeff makes the tag to Jericho, then Terri goes up on the apron and Jericho threw her off. Then Benoit tried to do the Crippler's crossface on Jericho, but Jericho counters that move and rolls him up for the 1,2,3. After the match Malenko throw a case of hot dogs on Lita and Lita was full of mustard.

Winners: Chris Jericho/Hardy Boyz

Stephanie was backstage with all the referees and she picks 2 of them and she tells them that they are teaming up with the Rock against Rikishi and Kane tonight.


Kevin Kelly interviews the Rock backstage and the Rock does his usual.."Finally the Rock has come back to San Jose!" He said 2 weeks from this moment it's the Royal Rumble and the Rock said that he can careless who he will beat at the Rumble or who he will face a Wrestlemania. Rock said that if Austin wins the WWF title tonight, Congratulations, but he will have a date with the Rock. He said that Stephanie thinks she is impressing the Rock, then the Rock goes crazy and calls her a 2$, then he says 50 cents...slut. Then The Rock said that he is still going to the Royal Rumble no matter what is thrown in his way.

Backstage, Lita was taking a shower and Dean Malenko sneaks in and watches Lita take a shower, then Lita sees him and she going in a corner and she tells him to get out...then the Hardy Boyz attack him backstage and they go after his knee.

Michael Cole interviews Chyna and Cole asks her for an update and Chyna said that she is going under therapy. Cole asks her if she is going to come back and Chyna said if it's up to her she would say yes, but if you ask her doctors they will see never to wrestle again. Chyna said that she will sit down tonight and relax and watch Billy Gunn destroy Val Venis.


Match #2
Lumberjack Match
Val Venis vs Billy Gunn

A bunch of wrestlers make their way to ring side. The match starts and Val Venis throws Gunn to the outside and Gunn beats on some wrestlers and goes back in and then Gunn throws Venis to the outside and Venis gets beat and they send him back. Then Gunn throws him again and the Acolytes beat on Val Venis and they send him in the ring and Gunn does a jackhammer on Val. Then Val does a spine buster. Then Val Venis throws him around a little and then Val does a suplex 1,2 but Gunn kicks out. Gunn sends Venis to the ropes and elbows him. Then Billy Gunn was going to piledrive him but Val ran to the outside and the Acolytes and everyone else beat on Venis. Then the Acolytes send Ivory in the ring, then Gunn does some kind of Full Nelson slam and gets the win and then all the wrestlers went in the ring and the team of Billy Gunn clean house.

Winner: Billy Gunn

Backstage, Edge & Christian tell Angle good luck and then Edge and Christian tell Kurt to watch and see what they will do to the Dudleyz tonight.

They Show the two referees getting prepared and Kane passes by and pushes referee Teddy Long.

Match #3
Handicap Match
Kane & Rikishi vs The Rock/Jack Dome/Teddy Long

The match starts with referee Teddy Long and Rikishi. Rikishi grabs Teddy and pressures him in the corner then squashes him. Then he gives him the stink face. Then Teddy crawls fast and makes the tag to the Rock and Rock beats on Rikishi and then hammers away on Kane. Then Kane close lines Rock, which allowed Rikishi to take control, but it wasn't for long that Rock does a DDT on Rikishi and the 2 referees start kicking Rikishi and then gets a spine Buster by the Rock and the Rock is going for the People's Elbow but Kane gets him and choke slams him. Then Rikishi covers the Rock, 1,2 but Rock Kicks out. Rikishi then puts the Rock in the corner and is about to do the stink face on him but Rock low blows him and then closelines him. Rikishi makes the tag and Kane gets a Samoan drop from the Rock and then Rock is about to do the Rock bottom but Rikishi hits the Rock and does a super kick. Then Kane went and got a steel chair and Jack Dome tried to stop him and so was the referee in charge, then the referee calls for the bell. Kane then choke slams referee Jack Dome and Rikishi squashes Teddy Long in the corner, then they beat on the Rock and Undertaker comes out and choke slams Kane and then the Rock does the Rock Bottom on Rikishi.

Winners: by DQ. The Rock, Jack Dome & Teddy Long

Stephanie is shown talking to Vince backstage and she is upset because the Undertaker didn't mind his own business. The Vince is like on Smackdown we will see Kane vs Rikishi vs Rock vs Undertaker and the winner will be #30 in the Royal Rumble match itself.

Match #4
Hardcore Title Match
Raven vs Steve Blackman

Blackman runs in the ring and Raven hits him with a garbage can right away, then Blackman sends Raven head first into that can. Then Blackman gets the kendo sticks and beats Raven with them. Hardcore Holly comes out with another referee and Holly pushes Blackman off the ropes and he beats on Raven with the garbage can, then Blackman gets a fire extinguisher and sprays Holly with it and Raven gets the pinfall. After the match all three men continue fighting, then Raven runs out of the arena and a car is waiting for him and he leaves.

Winner: Still Hardcore Champion, Raven

Edge & Christian were shown backstage talking to someone (they did not show who) and they told the guy to not come out until they tell him. They said that the Dudleyz will not be expecting this.


**They show a Royal Rumble Replay**

Then they show Kaentai at WWF New York.

Edge/Christian and Dudleyz segment
The Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian make their way to the ring with a table. Christian takes the microphone and says that they are scheduled to face the Dudleyz at the Rumble. They said that the only thing they know about the Dudleyz is that they love tables and they stink. Edge says that himself and Christian did a little searching and they found the Dudleyz' parents Mother Faye and Levon. Then they show pictures of Buh Buh Ray and Devon when they were kids. They had the Dudleyz head cut off and put on baby's bodies. Then the Dudleyz come out and Edge and Christian run away and the Dudleyz beat on their so called parents. Then they put mother Faye threw a table.


Vince McMahon is shown backstage talking to someone and Stephanie walks in with Vince's coffee and Trish Stratus gets out of the wash room. Then Stephanie makes another handicap match, but this time between Trish and Albert vs Test.

They Show highlights from WWF New York.

Then they show Vince McMahon backstage walking fast and he was looking for someone.


Match #5
Test vs Albert and Trish

Test starts off by beating on Albert then Albert close lines Test. Then Trish slaps Test and Test goes after her but Albert hits Test. Then Test does a DDT on Albert. Test delivers a few right hands on Albert. Then Test throws Trish in the ring and beats on her, then William Regal comes out and saves Trish and then Regal from the outside hits Test and Test turns around and Albert does his sit down powerbomb.

Winners: Albert and Trish

Backstage, Stephanie was pissed off and she yelled at Vince and she said that Vince knew that Regal was going to get involved and save Trish.


Back from the commercial and they again show highlights from Smackdown, when Austin confronted Stephanie.


Match #6
WWF Title Match
Kurt Angle vs Steve Austin

Austin starts off by beating on Kurt Angle, then he tosses him around and thrn Austin drives the elbow, followed by a suplex. Austin puts Angle on the ropes and Austin goes up and is about to suplex him, but Angle reverses it. Then Angle starts kicking on Austin. Then He sends Austin to the ropes and Austin bounces back and jumps on Angle and beats on him. Then Austin does a gut rench suplex and covers 1,2 but Angle kicks out. Austin tries to suplex Angle but Angle lands on his feet and does a Russian leg sweep and then Kurt Angle kicks Austin and chokes him with his foot. Then Angle does a cross body 1,2 but kickout by Austin, then Austin does an inside cradle, 1,2 but Angle kicks out. Then they go to the outside and Austin strikes him with a chair. Then they fight in between the crowd a little. Then William Regal came to hit Austin with a pipe but Austin hits Regal with a steel chair and then he beats on him. Then Austin throws Angle back in the crowd. Then Austin sends Angle into the ring post and then he throws him back in the ring and Austin covers Angle, 1,2 but he kicks out, then Austin covers again, 1,2 but Angle still kicks out. Then Austin punches Angle 10 times and covers again, 1,2 but Angle kicks out. Then Angle gets up and does a belly to belly overhead suplex and both men are down. Austin gets up and Angle does the belly to belly suplex again. Then Angle starst dropping the elbow in Austin and then he chokes Austin with his foot again. Then Angle suplexes Austin, and then he suplexes him again, then Angle does another suplex and covers Austin, 1,2 but Austin Kicks out. Then Angle does another suplex, then Angle picks him up and does another one and covers 1,2 but Austin kicks out. Then Angle picks him up again and does a gut rench suplex. Then Angle does a gut rench suplex again. Angle was going for the olympic slam but Austin kicks him and both en are down. They both get up and they both exchange some hits, then Austin comes back and beats on Angle in the corner. Then Austin does a spine buster and then he goes on the ropes and drives the elbow. Austin gets the Stunner 1,2, but Triple H shows up and pulls out the referee and hits him. Austin gets Angle and throws him to the outside and tells Triple H to come in. Triple H goes in the ring and the fight starts. They go to the putside and Austin close lines Triple H into the announcing table. Then HHH hits Austin with a steel pipe. Austin busted right open and HHH hits him again.

Winner: No Contest


They show highlights from Smackdown and what Austin did to Stephanie.

Then Austin is showned backstage. Then Earl Hebner tells Austin that Stephanie wants to see him in her office.

Match #1
Undertaker vs Rikishi

Rikishi was standing on the entrance ramp and would'nt go in the ring, so the Undertaker got on his motorcycle and went after Rikishi. Then The Undertaker runs after Rikishi and gets him and they start fighting from the entrance ramp to the ring. In the ring, Undertaker sends Rikishi to the ropes and gives him a foot in the face. They go to the outside and Undertaker delivers a few hits but then Rikishi punches back, then Undertaker hits Rikishi's head on the announcing table. Back in the ring, Rikishi take control of the match. (They show Kane watching the match backstage) Then Undertaker grabs Rikishi and is about to chokeslam him but Rikishi gets out of it and kicks Undertaker. After that Undertaker takes control and closelines Rikishi and covers, 1,2 but Rikishi kicks out. Then Rikishi is up and does a belly to belly suplex, then he is about to squash the Unertaker in the corner but taker moves and then Taker closelines Rikishi. Undertaker positions Rikishi for the last ride but he can't get him up. Then Rikishi hits the Undertaker, but right away Undertaker DDT's Rikishi and gets the win.

Winner: Undertaker

Backstage they show Austin going into Stephanie's office. She said he has to earn a title shot. She shows him a whole bunch of beer cases and a beer vendor is standing beside them and Stephanie tells Austin that he has to sell all those beers by the end of the night or he will never get a title shot. Then Austin tells her "Drink it? or sell it?" She said he has to sell it and she leaves. Then the beer vendor tells Austin good luck and Austin snaps and beats him up.


They show Edge, Christian and Kurt Angle entering the arena. Edge is like what is that smell then Christian said it's Texas, the whole state smells like that. The Coach asks Angle about how he feels on defending the WWF title the next night between the winner on the matches between Undertaker, Kane, Rock...Angle didn't know what he was talking about. Then Coach told them that they will face the Dudley Boyz and Jericho.

Match #2
Right To Censor vs Acolytes and Billy Gunn

The match starts with the Acolytes and Gunn cleaning the ring. Then Bradshaw squares off against Bull and he suplexes him, 1,2 but he kicks out. Then Bull delivers a few hits on Bradshaw, then Bradshaw hits him and makes the tag to Farooq and they double team him and Farooq covers, 1,2 but he kicks out. Bull then takes control of the match and tags the Goodfather, an dthe Goodfather has Farooq in the corner and choking him with his foot. He sends Farooq to the ropes and he bounces back and Farooq kicks him and make sthe tag to Billy Gunn and Goodfather makes the tag to Venis and Gunn was all over Val Venis. Vebis then hits Gunn and goes on the ropes and jumos but Billy Gunn moves, then they get back up at the same time and Gunn is delivering a few punches on Venis, then all 6 men went in the ring and they beat on each other, then all of them go the outside except Gunn and Venis and Billy Gunn gets the pinfall on Val Venis.

Winners: Acolytes and Billy Gunn

Backstage, Austin is showned selling hot dogs and Stephanie asks him how it's going and Austin said I have some problems with this bottle of mustard and he sprays mustard all over Stephanie and she runs screaming into the ladies room.


Austin is showned backstage tasting different kinds of beer.

Then Stephanie is showned backstage whipping off the mustard. Then she has Vince on the speaker phone and Vince is telling her that she cannot let Austin get to her and then Trish Stratus walks in and Stephanie asks her what she's doing there and Trish said she wants to talk to her, then Trish says Hello to Vince who is on the speaker phone and then Vince tells Stephanie that Benoit will defend his intercontinental title against Test tonight and Stephanies was furious and McMahon hung up on her. Then Stephanie yells at Trish and tells her to get out.

Michael Cole is interviewing the Dudleyz about their match tonight. Devon says that they will put them threw tables...Then Buh Buh ray says this is personal.


Match #3
Hardcore Title Match
Raven vs Tazz

Raven said today is a special day and that today is the first day in the year of the Raven.
Raven attacks Tazz with a cover of a garbage can. Then Raven goes to the ourside and he puts a rope around Tazz's neck and he hits him with that can. Then Tazz puts the Tazzmission but Raven low blows him. They then go to the women's washroom and Tazz puts Raven's head into a toilet bowl and flushes. Then Raven and Tazz go in another room and the Hollys attack them, then Blackman gets involved too. Then Raven hits Crash with a fire extinguisher and pins him and run sout of the arena.

Winner: Still Hardcore Champion, Raven


Austin Segment
Austin comes to the ring with an empty case of beer. He takes the microphone and says that no one gave a rats ass about what Stephanie says. Austin says since he sold all her beer and hot dogs, he tells here to come out and award him his title shot. He said he is not asking her to come out he is telling her. Then the music hits and here she comes out. She takes the microphone and says who the hell Austin thinks he's talking to. Austin says "A complete bitch". Stephanie said that she gave himtons of beer and hot dogs to sell and she hasn't seen him sell one. Then the fans chant "slut" then austin tells her that the fans are calling her a slut. She said that either Austin gave all the hot dogs and beers or he ate them, then he said he sold all the beers and hot dogs, then they show the Acolytes eating and drinking the beer. The Stephanie started to talk and Austin tells her to shut up and he asks her for his title shot. She said that since she's a McMahon and she's a women of her words, she said he will face William Regal tonight and the winner of that match will face the winner of the Rock vs Kane match and then there will be a triple threat match on Smackdown and the winner will be #1 contender. He said that he will make the year 2001 a living hell for Stephanie. Then Stephanie tells Austin to take the beer case off of her and Austin rips it right off with her shirt and Stephanie ran to the back with her bra.


Match #4
6 men Tag Team Table Match
Edge/Christian & Kurt Angle vs Dudleyz/Jericho

Jericho comes out first and says welcome to Stephanie is naked. He is like Stephanie don't act all embarassed cause it's not like half of the locker room hasn't seen you naked anyways. Kurt Angle then asks Buh Buh Ray how his back is feeling, then Edge asks Jericho how his face is doing after Stephanie slapped him on Smackdown. Then the fight begins and Jericho is beating on Christian on the outside. Devon is beating on Edge in the ring, then Christian goes in and Devon punches him, then Devon turns around and Edge spears him. Christian gets the tag and beats on Devon and then does a side Russian leg sweep. Edge gets the tag and suplexes Devon, then Edge tags Kurt Angle, but Devon punches Kurt and runs towards him but Kurt extends his foot and hits Devon. Christian gets the tag and beats on Devon, then Devon gets up and does a neckbreaker and tags Jericho and Jericho goes after Christian, then all 6 men go in the ring and they start fighting. Then Buh Buh Ray garbs Angle and Devon goes on the top rope and headbutts Kurt Angle in the mid section. Then they get a table and Buh Buh Ray suplexes him but they move the table moved. Then Jericho put sthe Walls of Jericho on Kurt Angle and out of nowhere, the Dudleyz do the 3D on edge threw the table.

Winners: Dudley Boyz & Chris Jericho

Test is showned backstage preparing for his match against Benoit, then trish walks in and explains that all the rumors are false, it's all lies etc.. Then She says to forget about Albert and to concetrate on Benoit because Test has a chance to win the IC belt.


Match #5
Intercontinental Title Match
Chris Benoit vs Test

The match starts and Test is in control, Test does a Full Nelson, then he beats on Benoit in the corner. Then Benoit put sthe Crippler's Crossface and Test was already grabbing the ropes. Then Benoit executes a back breaker, then he punches Test and kicks him. Then test nails Benoit down. Test goes on the top and Albert makes his way to the ring and Test jumps on him and Test goes in the ring and Benoit does a few chops on Test, then He slams Benoit and covers, 1,2 but Benoit kicks out. Then Test goes on the top rope and Trish trips him and Test fall sin the ring and Benoit gets the win. Afterthe match Albert and Test fight in the ring.

Winner: Still IC Champion, Chris Benoit

William Regal goes and talks to Debra backstage and first he said if Debra can put something to cover her breast because he can't really concetrate talking to her while half her breast are showing, then Debra tells him to talk...Then Regal said to Bebra to tell Austin that in his match vs Regal there will be a special referee and he said that it's a suprise and he won't tell.


The Radicals make their way to the ring to do a little color commentary.

Match #6
Hardy Boys vs Kaentai

Taka takes the microphone and starts talking but they played someone else talking and Taka was just moving his lips.

Hardys attack Taka and Funaki. Then they double team Taka. then Taka takes down Jeff and tags Funaki and Funaki puts Jeff in the corner and hits him, but Jeff reverses it and beats on him, then Funaki makes the tag and Taka goes after Jeff. Matt gets the tag and slams Funaki and does a leg drop from the top rope and then he is going for he Twist of Faith but Taka kicks him. Then Jeff takes care of Taka on the outside and he goes on the top rope and does the Senton Bomb on Taka and gets the win. After the match the Hardy's attack Saturn and Malenko and Lita hits Terri.

Winners: Hardy Boyz


Match #7
Kane vs The Rock

Rock attacks Kane, but then Kane grabs the Rock and does a side walk slam. Then Kane stomps on the Rock. Then the Rock throws Kane to the outside. Kane then pushes the Rock to the security rails and then delivers an upper cut on rock. Then they go between the fans and Kane slams the Rock on the concrete floor. Then Kane drags the Rock to the ring and Kane goes on the top rope and closelines the Rock and covers 1,2 but Rock kicks out. Rock punches Kane a few times and bounces off the ropes and Kane gets him and power slams him. Then rock punches Kane again and does a Samoan drop. Then the Rock DDT's Kane and covers 1,2 but Kane kicks out. Then Kane sends Rock to the ropes but the Rock does a belly to belly suplex. Then Kane delivers a boot to the face to Rock. Then Kurt Angle comes out and observes the match. Then Kane closelines Rock to the outside. The Rock then does the Rock Bottom on Kurt Angle on the outside. In the ring, Rock does the spinebuster on Kane and then Rock goes for the People's Elbow but Kane grabs him for a chokeslam but Rock throws Kane outside. Then rock throws Kane in the ring and Kurt Angle attacks the Rock, then Kane chokeslams Rock and gets the win.

Winner: Kane


Match #8
William Regal vs Steve Austin

Regal comes out and says that the only way Austin can continue his quest into becoming the WWF champion is threw Regal. He said that Austin is out of control. He said knowing Austin cannot play by the rules, he said he wants to introduce the special referee, Stephanie McMahon Helmsley.

The match starts with Austin starring at Stephanie, then Austin attacks Regal and was all over him. Then Austin goes to the outside and sends Regal face first into the steel steps and he beats on Regal on the announcing table. Then Austin sends Regal again face first into the steal steps. They go back in the ring and Austin does a suplex and covers Regal and Stephanie does a slow count and at the 2 count she pretended she had something in her eye or something and then Austin kicks Stephanie to the outside and Austin beats on Regal and referee Earl Hebner come to the ring and Regal low blows Austin and throws Hebner to the outside. Austin then does a spinebuster and covers Regal and stephanie still would'nt count, then Regal rolls up Austin and Stephanie makes a fast 3 count. Then Stephanie says your winner, William Regal and the loser Steve Austin.

Winner: William Regal

***Note: Austin vs Kane vs Undertaker will take place on Smackdown and the winner will face Kurt Angle for the WWF Title on Raw.


Raw starts off with highlights of Vince from Smackdown telling Linda he wants a divorce, then they show how he talked down to his daughter too from Smackdown.

Opening Segment
Vince McMahon comes down to the ring and starts off by saying that his life hasn't been the same since last Thursday night. He said that last Thursday night before Smackdown went off the air he received note that his wife was rushed to the hospital. He said that his reaction was misinterputive and he said that he was deeply saddened but that wasn't the way it came out. He said that it was the appropriate response to laugh when he heard the news. He said it happens to everyone, they laugh instead of crying and they cry instead of laughing. He said that his wife has suffered a nervous breakdown and he says that he takes a little blame for what happened to Linda but he also blames Mick Foley. Then he says Blame Foley and his daughter for Linda's nervous breakdown. He said he would'nt of made reference to many things but his daughter provoct him. he said starting tonight in his personal life, he will start doing things right, but he says that there is someone else that should take a little blame also for what happened and he said it's Linda. He said that he told his lawyers to stop the procedures for the divorce papers temporary just until Linda gets back. Then they show some photos on the Titon Tron of him and Linda when they first got together and when they got married and stuff. Then Stephanie McMahon comes down and Vince tells her what the hell is she doing there. She told him that she is here to tell him what she thinks of him, she said last week she called him discusting, and she said that description doesn't just fit, she said that his actions show her just how sick he is. She said that is proud that she is like her mom and that Vince is a mean old bastard. Kurt angle's music hits and he comes down looking upset, and he takes the microphone and says that he knows that this doesn't concern him but he says that it's too much. He said he is ashamed of Stephanie and the way she talked to her father, he said where he comes from, people respect their parents and if he would've talked to him dad like that, he would've got kicked out of the house. Mick Foley's music hits and he said that he did a mistake by calling Vince garbage on Smackdown, and that Vince is more then garbage. Angle then says, that how can he know that Linda didn't haveher nervous breakdown because of foley or because Vince suffered the Stunner, Rock Bottom and last ride. Foley then says that he will make Angle defend his WWF title tonight. Kurt says , "Big Deal" he said that Foley put him in hell in a cell and Kurt Angle still came out on top and Angle asks Foley against who will he be facing tonight? Foley responds and says that Angle will face someone that he never faced before and that someone is a former WWF Champion and that someone is VINCE MCMAHON!


Stephanie is shown leaving the arena.
Then they Show the Hardy Boyz talking together and how Jeff will beat Benoit tonight.

Match #1
Intercontinental Title
Chris Benoit vs Jeff Hardy

The match starts with Benoit delivering a few punches on Jeff but then Jeff kicks him to the outside and then he jumps on him on the outside. They go back in the ring and Benoit delivers a suplex and stomps on the head of Jeff Hardy. Then Benoit does a few chops to the chest on Jeff Hardy followe dby a belly to back suplex. Then Benoit does a flying headbutt and covers 1,2 but Hardy kicks out. then Jeff kicks Benoit and takes him down, then he does a twisted body press 1,2 but Benoit kicks out. Then Jeff was going for somekind of neckbreaker and Benot flips him and applies the Crippler's Crossface for the win.

Winner: Chris Benoit

Backstage, they show Angle and McMahon and McMahon says to himself, Vince McMahon the WWF Champion, and Kurt Angle says what's Vince talking about and Vince said that Foley is trying to humiliate him, and Vince says, "Vince can become a 2 times WWF Champion" and he is so confident and happy about it, then Kurt tells Vince that he has to go and Kurt leaves the locker room.


They show Edge and Christian backstage, and Kurt Angle comes to them and he said if they can talk to Foley and to try to convince him to call the match off and Angle said to them to use their canadian charm or something ,then Edge and Christian said that they will tell Foley how good his book is and stuff and they will convince him.

Billy Gunn was showned ticked off.

Then edge and Christian were showned talking to Foley and Debra and they said the Beauty and the Beast "no offence to Debra" and they start laughing and they sucked up to Foley big time and Foley still called the match on and they pushed his table and they wanted to be taken seriously and Foley puts them in a match against Undertaker and The Rock.

Match #2
Dudley Boyz/Billy Gunn vs RTC

Dudleys and Gunn attack RTC as soon they came down and then they go in the ring and Devon is fighting against the Goodfather and Devon makes the tag to Buh Buh Ray and teh Goodfather hits him and then he puts him in the corner and is about to go for the Ho train but Buh Buh closelines him then they do the WAZZUUUP thing and they call for the tables. Then Stevie Richards decides to go in the ring and Buh Buh gets him but Ivory goes in and low blows Buh Buh Ray and Buchanan gets the tag and takes control of the match. The tag was then made on both sides and Billy Gunn was all over Val Venis. Then he positions him for the piledriver but Ivory gets up and pulls his hair then Billy Gunn puts her for the piledriver but Stevie Richards does the superkick on Gunn which allowed Val venis to get the pinfall.

Winners: Right To Censor

Vince was showned backstage with Kurt Angle backstage again and Vince said that he loves the idea of him against Angle. Angle tells him that he is not going to lay down for McMahon and give him his title.

Match #3
Tag Team titles
Edge & Christian vs Undertaker & Rock

Christian starts off by attacking teh Rock but the Rock turns the tables and delivers a few punches on Christian, then the Rock suplexes Christian, then Christian makes the tag to Edge and Rock does a running powerslam on Edge, and the Undertaker gets the tag and he is beating on Edge and Christian goes in and tried to help Edge but Undertaker puts him in the corner too and beats on both men. The Rock gets the tag and the Rock sends Edge to the rope but Rock stops and goes after Christian but Efge then does the spear and then the Undertaker pushed the referee out of the way. Christian gets the tag and he is in control against the Rock. Christian then puts a slepper hold on the Rock but the Rock gets out of it then Christian does a spinning wheel kick and makes the tag to Edge and Edge gets a Rock bottom right away and both men are down. Then Rock makes the tag to the Undertaker and taker cleans house. Rock and Edge are fighting on the outside and then Undertaker closelines Christian to the outside and the referee gets knocked out by accident, then Undertaker and Christian are back in the ring and Undertaker does the Last Ride and covers but the referee is down, then edge gets the belt and knocks the Undertaker with it and Christian covers Undertaker, 1,2 but taker kicks out. Undertaker makes the tag to the Rock and the Rock does a Samoan drop on Edge, then he does the spinebuster followed by the People's Elbow and gets the win.

Winners: NEW Tag Team Champions, Undertaker and The Rock


They show highlights of how Taker and Rock won the titles.

Vince goes to Foley and Debra and says that he will become champion and then he slaps Foley and he leaves.


Backstage they show Vince McMahon looking in the mirror and flexing.

Match #4
Chris Jericho vs Perry Saturn (w/ Terri)

The match starts with both men locking up, then Saturn kicks Jericho in the stomach nut they break up and they fight again andthen Saturn does a full Nelson into a suplex and then he beats on Jericho in the corner. Jericho tried to roll up Saturn but then turns it into the Walls of Jericho and gets the win. After the match Terri slaps Jericho and Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho on Terri, then Benoit and Malenko come out and beat on him, then Saturn does the Death Valley driver, then Malenko does the Texas Cloverleaf and then Benoit does the headbutt.

Winner: Chris Jericho

Vince McMahon is showned backstage putting some lotion or something on his bicep and he is flexing and Trish comes up to him and she wishes him good luck and he wished her luck in her match too.

Austin is showned walking backstage.


Acolytes were showned talking to Jacqueline and she yells at them and asks them for a cigar and beer.

Match #5
William Regal vs Steve Austin

Regal comes out and does his usual talking. Austin comes down and beats on Regal, he was all over him. Austin went for many early falls but Regal kicked out. Regal then tossed Austin to the outside. Regal sends Austin face first into the steel post and he sends him back in the ring and Regal kicks on Austin. Then Regal puts Austin in the corner and beats on him but Austin tries to comeback in the match but Regal low blows him 1,2 but Austin kicks out, then Austin gets up and beats Regal down, then Austin was going for the Stunner but Regal pushes Austin on the referee and the referee goes down, then Regal grabs the belt and is about to hit Austin but Austin does the Stunner and Austin grabs the belt and hesitates and the referee gets up and calls for the bell and thought Austin hit Regal with the belt, then Austin stuns the referee.

Winner: BY DQ, William Regal

Angle is showned backstage talking to Edge and Christian saying they will get their titles back, and then they tell him that he cares about himself only and they leave.

Match #6
Acolytes/Jacqueline vs T & A/Trish

The match starts with Jacqueline going after Trish and then Trish throws Jacqueline to the ropes and Test trips her Trish continues to beat on her, then she does a bulldog on Jacqueline. Jacqueline got the tag but the referee did not see it and the Acolytes went after Test and Albert on the outside and in the ring, Jacqueline does a DDT on Trish and gets the win.

Winners: Acolytes/Jacqueline

Kurt Angle is backstage talking to Foley and telling Foley he has to call the match off because either Vince has something up his sleeves or he will kick McMahon's ass. Foley said he can't call the match off cause he called his wife and told her about the match and she is happy about it and Foley says that if he calls the match off he is afraid that his wife will ask
for a divorce and he pretends to cry and then Foley laughs and says the match stays.


They Show Lita at WWF New York wearing different kinds of bra and panties.

Match #7
WWF Title
Vince McMahon vs Kurt Angle

Before the match started, Foley's music hits and he comes out and says that he is the gues ring announcer for tonight and introduces Kurt Angle and says please wlecome the cry baby, backstabbing.....and finally introduces him, then he says his opponent, is a complete and total idiot and is the owner of the WWF, he is a horrible father, terrible husband and a couple weeks ago he received a Stunner, Rock Bottom, Last Ride and received Socko down his throat, ladies an gentleman please welcome, Vincent K. McMahon.

The match starts with both men starring at each other, then Vince just takes down Kurt Angle and jumps around, then he takes the microphone and says he wants to thank Foley for this oppurtunity, then he attacks Foley and Angle too, then Foley is in the ring and best on both men, but then Angle jumps him from behind, but Foley low blows him. Foley takes out Socko and puts the mandible claw on Vince but Angle hits Foley with a chair. Edge and Christian come out and they double chair shot Foley with a chair. Stephanie comes out and tells them to stop and she tells them to stop beating up on Foley, and she says that she has documents saying that since Linda is away, Vince is the CEO. Vince says he has full power now and he tells Foley that he is fired. Then Angle hits Foley again with a chair and Foley is busted open. Then Vince says Mick Foley, Merry Christmas.

Winner: No Contest

wwf raw results from december 25th from

Opening Segment
Stephanie McMahon comes down. She said the McMahon family is truly celebrating the Christmas spirit. She said that she has a problem with the way Smackdown ended on Thursday night and they show a footage from Smackdown when the Rock and Undertaker looked at each other in a weird way. She said they are probably thinking who is the better superstar. She said tonight we will see Rock vs Undertaker. She said Rock is not afraid from the Last Ride and Undertaker is not afraid from the Rock Bottom. She then introduces Edge and Christian and Kurt Angle. Edge takes the microphone and wishes Stephanie and her family a Merry Christmas. Then Christian takes the microphone and trashes the fans and says that his Christmas wish came true and they showed footage from Smackdown when Edge pinned The Rock to win the tag belts. Kurt Angle takes the microphone and says that it's Christmas and he is in the Christmas spirit and says that the people from Chattanooga Tenesse stink and stuff and said that he invited his family tonight and he tells them to come out and like 5 guys come out dressed like Kurt Angle and they hug each other. Angle says that he wants us to meet his brothers, his cousin...He says that his family has 11 national medals or something like that and 16 states championships, but he said that he is only member of his family that is Olympic Gold Medalist. People started chanting Foley...and Stephanie takes the mic. and says that for the last time, Foley is fired. Then all of them gather up in the ring and they start singing with each other and then Jericho interrupts them, and he does the usual "Welcome to Raw is Jericho" and then he says in this cage, "revenge of the nerds". He said my name is Y2J and on behalf of these Jerichoholics would you please "Shut the Hell Up". He said that they were singing the wrong song, and he said they should sing the 12 days of Christmas and he disses them and specially Stephanie. He said this is Christmas and he wants Kurt Angle's WWF Title and he wants it tonight. Angle takes the mic. and says that Jericho comes out and insults his family and friends and he expects a title shot? Then Stephanie takes the mic. and says that he won't get his title shot. Stephanie said that Kurt Angle and Edge and Christian will face Jericho and 2 partners of his choice and then Jericho says thanks Stephanie for giving him that as a Christmas present but Jericho said that he did not get Stephanie a present, he said "What could you get someone who had everyone?" Then Jericho said that's all fine and he will ask his friends to get the tables.

They show Kurt Angle backstage introducing his family to K-Kwigg.

Match #1
Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko vs Hardy Boyz

The Hardys told Lita to stay backstage but she refused and she came down with them.

The match starts with the Hardyz double teaming Benoit and they threw him out, then Jeff Hardy jumped over the top rope and landed on Benoit and Malenko. Hardy goes back in the ring and squares off against Benoit and Benoit works on hardy's knee, then Benoit makes the tag and Malenko beats on Jeff Hardy. Malenko makes the tag back to Benoit and Benoit beats on Jeff a little and makes the tag back to Malenko and somehow Jeff makes the tag to Matt and Matt attacks both Benoit and Malenko. Then Malenko puts Matt on the ropes and is going for a suplex but Lita goes in and low blows Malenko and Matt does a leg drop and gets the pin. After the match, Malenko puts the Texas Cloverleaf on Matt and Benoit puts the Cripplers crossface on Lita while Jeff is hurt on the outside.

Winners: Hardy Boyz

Backstage, teh Hardyz get in a fight with Benoit and Malenko.

Then the Rock is shown coming into the arena and Michael Cole tells him that he is facing the Undertaker tonight.

Kevin Kelly then interviews Debra and asks her about McMahon keeping her as Lt. Commish...Debra said that Foley tought her many stuff and she said she will be fair and she announced a triple threat match for the Hardcore title.

Stephanie is shown talking to Vince McMahon on the speaker phone and McMahon said he is stuck in traffic and we hear a voice of a lady and Stephanie asks who that was then he changed the subject by saying it's a homeless lady, then he said he gots to go and he hung up.


Cole is showned interviewing Austin and he showed some highlights of Smackdown when Vice said that Austin will face Kane. Austin said that he got what he want, and Austin said that Christmas is the time to give and he said that he will give Kane a certified Stone Cold ass whipping and thats the bottom line cause Stine Cold said so.

Match #2
Hardcore Title
Triple Threat Match
Raven vs Hardcore Holly vs Steve Blackman

Holly attack Raven, then Blackman comes in and he attacks him too, then Holly rolls up Raven 1,2, but he kicks out. Then Blackman fights with Raven and Holly hits him with a cover of a garbage can and Raven covers 1,2 but Holyl pulls him off. Then on the outside, Raven uses a fire extinguisher. Then all 3 men go in the crowd and they continue fighting. Then they went towards the entrance ramp and they are all beating on each other with sticks, cans everything. Then they go backstage and they throw each other everywhere. Then they go outside and they continue fighting and then Blackman does a German suplex on Holly on a car and gets the win. After the match, Raven hits Blackman with something and covers him 1,2,3. The 24/7 rules is on now.

Winner: New Hardcore Champion, Raven


Steven Regal comes out and says that it's the Holidays and he trahses the fans about farting while eating and he said that they are setting the wrong example to their children.

Match #3
Kane vs Steve Austin

Austin and Kane exchange fists, then Kane throws Austin in the corner, then Austin puts Kane in the corner and delivers a couple of right hands. Then Austin chokeslams Kane to the outside. On the outside, Kane and Austin exchange hits again, then Austin goes after Regal on the anouncing table and beats him up, then he beats on Kane too. They go back in the ring and Kane kicks Austin right in the face. After, Kane hits Austin's knee on the ring post, then Kane goes in the ring and on the top rope and closelines Austin 1,2 but Austin kicks out. Kane then delivers a back breaker. Austin then tries to fight back and tries to do a suplex on Kane bt Kane reverses it and does a suplex on Austin. Kane then puts Austin in a bear hug. Austin manages to get out of it and Austin went all over Kane and then out of nowhere, Austin does the Stunner, then Regal gets up on the apron and Austin knocks him off then he turns around and Kane hits him, then Regal goes and attacks Austin and the referee calls for the bell, then regal gets a chair and Austin low blows Kane and hits Regal and Austin grabs the chair and nails both men with it.

Winner: by DQ, Steve Austin

Kurt Angle is showned with his so-called family backstage and he was talking to his mom on the phone.

Match #4
Too Cool vs T & A

Test and Albert came out without Trish.
The match starts with Test beating Grand Master Sexay down. Then Stephanie comes down and watches the match from the entrance ramp. Then both men make teh tag and Albert does the Albert bomb 1,2 but kickout. Then Test gets the tag and he stomps on Scotty Too Hotty, then Albert gets the tag back. Then both men make the tag and Grand Mster goes after Test and Albert accidently squached his own partner, then Scotty throws Albert head first and then he does the WORM, but then Stephanie tries to trip Test and Grand Master Sexay rolls up Test and pins him.

Winners: Too Cool


Albert is showned walking into Steph's locker room and he said that if she needs anything, he is there for her...

Match #5
6 Man Tag Team Match
Chris Jericho/Dudley Boyz vs Kurt Angle/Edge & Christian

The match starts with Jericho squaring off against Christian. Jericho delivers a few right hands on Christian. Jericho is trying to put the Walls of Jericho on Christian but then he does the slingahot on him. Edge gets the tag and so does Devon, then Devon gives the tag to Buh Buh Ray and Ray beats on all of them. Then he grabs Edge's legs and they do the WAZZuuppp thing and then he tells Devon to get the tables. On the outside, Angle gets knocked out by Jericho and Christian hits Devon. Back in the ring, Christian gets the tag and Buh Buh does a back body drop on him and makes the tag to Jericho. Then Angle gets the tag and Jericho does a back breaker on Angle, then closelines Angle to the outside. Angle's family was at ring side and his brother hits Jericho and Jericho hits all of them, then the Dudleyz powerbomb Kurt's brother Eric threw a table. In the ring, Jericho was going for the Lionsault but Angle puts out his knees, then he does the Olympic slam and gets the win. Then the Angle family held Jericho and beat on him, then The Dudleyz come back to save him.

Winners: Kurt Angle/Edge & Christian


Match #6
RTC vs Acolytes w/Jacqueline

Right to Censor come out and Bull Buchanan was saying that the people should turn away from WWF violence, and no more internet for kids etc...Then Goodfather taes the microphone and backs Buchanan up.

Bradshaw starts off by beating on the Goodfather, then he make sthe tag to Farooq, Farooq knocks Goodfather down and covers 1,2 but he kicks out. Buchanan gets the tag and does a back breaker on Farooq. Farooq makes the tag to Bradshaw and Bradshaw takes care of Bull and he goes on the top rope and jumps on Buchanan, the Bradshaw grabs Ivory's hair, then Jacqueline attacks Ivory, then while the referee was distracted with the women fight, Val Venis goes in the ring and DDT's Bradshaw which allowed Bull to get the pinfall.

Winners: Right to Censor


Then Jim Ross and Lawler talk about Chyna's injury and stuff. Then they show Chyna's interview with Jim Ross. Chyna was given 2 options, either to never wrestle again or surgery where they will fuse her neck. Then Ross said her playboy was successful, her appearance on 3rd Rock From The Sun was also successful and Ross said that she has something to fall back on.

Rock Interview
Kevin Kelly asks the Rock if he's afraid of the Last Ride and the Rock said Afraid? He said that he is not afraid of anyone. Then he talks about The People's raindeer and he said that Kevin Kelly has no balls and stuff. (It was a funny promo) Then at the end Rock said that the Undertaker's yard will always be on the People's Planet.

Match #7
Undertaker vs The Rock

The match starts with both men staring down at each other. The Rock tries to punch but Taker blocks it and punches the Rock, then Taker nails the Rock to the outside. Undertaker then beats on the Rock and throws him everywhere. Then he brings him back in the ring. Rock then tries to fight back but taker kicks the rock in the stomach, then the Rock closelines Taker followed by a neck breaker but Taker gets right back up, then Rock does a side Russian leg sweep, then Taker hits the Rock and covers 1,2 but Rock kicks out. Undertaker continues to beat on the Rock, then Taker does a side walk slam and covers 1,2 but Rock kicks out again. Then the Rock starts punching the Undertaker and does a DDT on him and he covers, 1,2 but Taker kicks out. The Undertaker send sthe Rock to the ropes and Rock bounces back and he elbows the Rock in the face. Then The Undertaker works on rock's back a little. The Undertaker then sends the Rock to the ropes and gets the Rock in a bear hug. The Rock manages to get out and punches The Undertaker but Undertaker does a DDT and covers 1,2 but he kicks out. The Undertaker is preparing the chokeslam but the Rock blocks it and knocks The Undertaker down. Rock is about to do the Rock Bottom, but The Undertaker hits him and does the chokeslam, then Rikishi comes out but The Undertaker knocks him off, then The Rock does the spinebuster, Rock is going for the People's elbow but Rikishi lowers the ropes and the Rock falls and the referee calls for the bell. Rikishi kicks the Rock and Undertaker after the match and then sits down on them.

Winner: by Disqualification, The Rock