Thursday, November 16, 2006


Britney Spears has apparently decided that Kevin Federline's 15 minutes of fame are up.

The pop star filed for divorce Tuesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court from her husband of two years, citing irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split, according to her court documents.

Spears, 24, requested physical and legal custody of the couple's two sons, one-year old Sean Preston and two-month-old Jayden James, with visitation rights for Federline, 28.

She waived her right to spousal support (a no-brainer) and requested that each party pay their own legal fees.

Spears listed the date of the couple's separation as Monday, the very same day she made a surprise appearance on Late Night with David Letterman to show off her newly slim figure.

Interestingly enough, Spears listed the date of her marriage as Oct. 6, 2004, meaning that the Sept. 18, 2004, wedding featured in a People magazine spread and the subject of much controversy at the time was in fact not the real deal.

A representative for Spears had no comment on the split.

Both Spears and Federline have been in New York in recent days, but Spears tellingly avoided all promotional events for the release of her now-estranged husband's CD.

Just last week, Federline told the Associated Press that he and Spears had a "love-at-first-sight-type deal" that had yet to fade.

"I've been in relationships since I was 13 years old, so I know what I want," he said. "Her personality and her attitude and all that stuff, it really works. I don't know how sometimes, but it really works."

During an emotional interview with Dateline in June, Spears was similarly complimentary of Federline, calling her marriage "awesome" and stating that he was an "amazing" husband.

But somewhere between the birth of the couple's second son on Sept. 12 and the release of Federline's debut album on Oct. 31, the relationship apparently went downhill, at least as far as Spears was concerned.

In addition to any upcoming court commitments, the soon-to-be single mother-of-two will be keeping busy on the professional front. Spears is readying a musical comeback, with her fifth studio album, Fear Within, due out next year.

With marriage number two coming to an end, hopefully Spears will give it some time before walking down the aisle again. Her first ill-advised marriage, to childhood friend Jason Alexander, fell apart after only 55 hours. She wed Federline eight months later.


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