Saturday, November 18, 2006


For better or worse, the McMahon name is synonymous with wrestling. After buying the WWWF from his father, Vincent Sr, Vince dropped the first "W" and turned it into a multi-million dollar industry. Besides his savvy business sense and a wicked stubborn streak, his acquisition of Terry Bollea (aka Hulk Hogan) helped the WWF skyrocket during the mid-80's. Along the way, Vince does battle with Ted Turner, starts a football league and gets more involved in the business - by becoming part of the talent. Oh, he also has one of his wrestlers engage in a bit of necrophilia.

This two hour documentary traces his life story from his early days announcing, all the way to his recent attempts to start his own religion. There are appearances from Shawn Michaels, Trish Stratus, Kurt Angle, Big Show, as well as Linda, Shane and Stephanie McMahon. The disc is broken down into the following twenty-nine chapters:

  • the Announcer - They really don't spend much time talking about Vince's career as an announcer. After mentioning that his father was having problems with Ray Morgan, he told Vince he was the new announcer - regardless of the fact that he had no experience.

  • the Promoter - Eric Bishoff, Greg Gagne, Jimmy Hart, JBL and others talk about the way wrestling territories were "divided" in the past. Gagne also mentions how Vince basically "stole" Hogan from his father's company, thereby causing Gagne to file for bankruptcy. Or, as Sgt. Slaughter comments "Vince screwed everybody."

  • the Monday Night War - After entering into a contract with Ted Turner to provide Turner's station with wrestling content, Vince is forced to go to court. He later decides to see Georgia Championship Wrestling to the Crocketts, so Turner would have his own "wrasslin'" company.

  • the Birth Of Mr. McMahon - According to Vince, the character of "Mr. McMahon" was born during a episode of Raw in March 1997 when Bret Hart shoved Vince on his ass. They also discuss the "Montreal Screwjob" and after listening to they way Vince and Shane talk about it, they almost have me believing that "Bret screwed Bret".

  • the Evolution Of Mr. McMahon - According to Bruce Prichard, Jim Ross and Vince himself, the fans and their hatred of Mr. McMahon is responsible for the evolution of the "character".

  • Austin vs. McMahon - However, Stone Cold is the one that deserves the most blame credit for Vince's time in the ring.

  • the Athlete - Vince's wrestling ability, or rather, his lack of wrestling ability is discussed.

  • the Chairman - The success of the WWF/E in the 90's and the day they went public is discussed. There's also footage of the WWE invading Wall Street.

  • the Philanthropist - Kurt Angle, Jim Ross and others talk about the WWE's charity efforts with the Make A Wish Foundation, Rock the Vote, Special Olympics.

  • XFL - During the discussion of the failed XFL, Joey Styles and Eric Bishoff comment that they think if the XFL wasn't closely tied to the WWE, it might still be around.

  • the Risk Taker - Vince and his many controversies are discussed. Everything from his infamous appearance on Bob Costas' HBO show to Katie Vick is mentioned. For the record, he still doesn't see anything wrong with HHH screwing a corpse.

  • Triple H/Stephanie Dating - Vince, HHH and Stephanie discuss "life imitating art".

  • Dysfunctional Family - Vince, Linda, Steph and Shane talk about Vince's fondness for having his family on camera. For better or worse.

  • the Ladies Man - Vince's twisted relationship with the various WWE divas is talked about.

  • the Competitor - Quite a while is spent talking about Vince's acquisition of the WCW. Some interviewees think that he might've lost something the day he became the "only game in town" and that he misses the competition. I happen to agree with this. Eric Bishoff, Jerry Lawler and Dusty Rhodes talk about how buying WCW and dismantling the "territories" was probably not the best thing for the business.

  • Father vs. Son - Vince talks about competing with Shane at WrestleMania X-7. This match is on disc two.

  • Kiss My Ass Club - Vince's love affair with his ass and the thrill he feels when he gets other people to literally kiss it is discussed during this chapter. In case you're wondering, William Regal was the first member.

  • Brand Extension - Once Vince bought out his competition, the company found itself struggling. Vince decided to split the company into two separate "brands" to create his own competition. After Bruce Prichard mentions that the split being confusing since the shows look the same, JBL talks about "brand loyalty". This "brand extension" never made sense to me. Especially when you have wrestlers, such as Kane, wrestling in an "I Quit" match one day, and then showing up on the other brand the following day. Would that really happen if Vince didn't own both brands? Of course not.

  • Vince McMahon And Stone Cold's Volatile Relationship - Besides their in-ring differences, Vince and Stone Cold have had altercations outside the ring. This segment talks about the time Steve quit the WWE. However, he's done it on THREE separate instances, so i'm not sure which time they were referring to. Possibly the first?

  • Hires Eric Bischoff Back - After buying the company he worked for, Vince decided the best revenge would be to hire his ex-nemesis Eric Bishoff and make him the general manager of Raw.

  • McMahon-O-Mania - Stephanie's role as general manger of SmackDown! and Vince's last rivalry with Mr. America Hulk Hogan is talked about.

  • the Bully - Vince's rivalry with one-legged wrestler Zach Gowen is briefly discussed.

  • Honored - Footage of Vince's induction into the Madison Square Garden's "Walk Of Fame" is show.

  • Father vs. Daughter - Steph and Vince's rivalry, as well as their "Father vs. Daughter "I Quit"" match (found on disc two) is discussed. This match took place six days before her wedding to Triple H's wedding. In addition to having to worry about facing his opponent, he was also warned by Linda, Shane and Triple H to not put a mark on Stephanie. Triple H also mentions that Vince talked to him about making their wedding a pay-per-view. Seriously. Stephanie also talks about Vince approaching her about a storyline where he would turn out to be the father of her first child. When she turned him down, he suggested that Shane be the father. Luckily, she (wisely) declined.

  • Leading By Example - Vince's love of performing and his willingness to do things that he would ask his wrestlers to do is discussed. The double quad tendon injury he suffered during the Royal Rumble is mentioned, as well as how his inability to call the shots on the show was more painful than the injury itself.

  • You're Fired! - A brief compilation of Vince's various firings is shown. Kurt Angle reminisces on his firing from SmackDown!. JR talks about his multiple firings and the infamous "Colon cancer" skit. Matt Hardy's on hand to briefly mention the drama between him, Lita and Edge. It ends with an amusing archival anecdote from Shawn Michaels about the time he was called to Vince's office and fired.

  • the Patriot - Vince's love for America and the WWE's visits to Afghanistan is discussed.

  • McMahonism - Vince's recent rivalry with the born-again Shawn Michaels, as well as Vince's attempts to start his own religion are talked about.

  • the Grandfather - After talking about his love for his grandkids and how much he looks forward to being able to spend time with them, the documentary winds down by telling us how much of a hardass and egomaniacal person Vince is. Kurt Angle makes an appearance during this segment, telling us that Vince has a heart. Weird that he ended up at TNA, no?

In addition to the documentary, these extras round the first disc:

  • Stories
    • I Enjoy the Fight
    • - Vince talks about getting enjoyment out of fighting and his days in military school.
    • Ultra-Competitive
    • - Triple H tells an anecdote illustrating how competitive Vince is.
    • No Vacation
    • - Another Triple H segment where he laments Vince not being able to enjoy his success.
    • Regal's Rehab
    • - William Regal discusses how Vince was responsible for his rehab.
    • the Sleeping Giant
    • - Big Show talks about prank that Vince pulled on him during a flight to Afghanistan.
    • I'm the Boss
    • - Another Big Show tale about being in Germany and Vince displaying that Mr. McMahon charm.
    • I Remember My Dad - Stephanie shares some personal reminisces about her father.

  • Extras
    • Slammy's "Stand Back"
    • - By popular demand - Vince performing "Stand Back" at the 1987 Slammy Awards.
    • VKM Training Package - Footage of Vince training for his match against Austin.

  • Deleted Scenes
    • the Motorcycle
    • - Vince talks about his motorcycle accident in Greenwich.
    • WWE Championship

    • 9/11 Smackdown! Taping
    • - A two minute recap of the first "live assembly" after the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
    • Stuck In His Ways
    • - William Regal, Stephanie and John Cena talk about Vince's stubbornness and ability to talk people into his way of thinking. Jimmy Hart also tells an amusing story about Vince convincing Dusty Rhodes.
    • the Walk - A short analysis of Vince's unique walk to the ring, along with some WWE wrestler's interpretation of it.
  • Matches
    • Mr. McMahon vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin [Raw 4/13/98]

Disc two contains some of Vince's matches:

  • Steel Cage Match [Mr. McMahon vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2/14/99] - [26:27]
  • Handicap Ladder Match [Mr. McMahon & Shane McMahon vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - King Of the Ring 6/27/99] - [19:10]
  • No-Holds-Barred Match [Mr. McMahon vs. Triple H - Armageddon 12/12/99] - [36:44]
  • Street Fight [Mr. McMahon vs. Shane McMahon - WrestleMania X-7 -4/1/01] - [20:49]
  • Street Fight [Mr. McMahon vs. Ric Flair - Royal Rumble 1/20/02] - [19:09]
  • Street Fight [Mr. McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan - WrestleMania XIX 3/30/03] - [28:06]
  • "I Quit" Match [Mr. McMahon vs. Stephanie McMahon - No Mercy 10/19/03] - [16:10]
  • Buried Alive Match [Mr. McMahon vs. Undertaker - Survivor Series 11/16/03] - [13:44] - This is the match that was responsible for the Undertaker changing from "American Bad Ass" back to "the Deadman".

Video: Like most WWE DVD documentary presentations, this one sported a mostly sharp, colorful picture with deep blacks and a vibrant color palette. There were some slight compression issues due to the pyro and graphics used during the matches, but that's to be expected. It's presented in the WWE's standard full frame 1.33:1 ratio.

Audio: The Dolby Digital 5.1 sound was crystal clear and enveloped my living room while I was watching it.

Conclusion: Vincent Kennedy McMahon has led a charmed life. His father might've laid the foundation for the business, but Vince blew it up to heights that no one expected. The documentary does an adequate job of taking us through McMahon's life and times, but I was disappointed there wasn't more discussion about Vince's early days before and shortly after his father made him announce. In fact, it wouldn't have bothered me if they put all the extras on the second disc, and expanded the documentary an hour or so. Love him or hate him, you can't deny the mark he's made on professional wrestling (later "sports entertainment") and fans of his product will definitely want to own this collection. Other than the glossing over of his early days, i'll give this one a Highly Recommended for WWE fans.

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