Tuesday, October 30, 2007




Episode 7.06: Lara
Airdate: November 1, 2007

  • 10/17 - Zor-El is being played by Christopher Heyerdahl. Source: KryptonSite
  • 10/14 - Clark learns Kara is in Washington searching for the crystal. Kara is captured after she breaks into the lab and sedated with a kryptonite-infused truth serum. The serum causes her to relive a prior trip to Earth when she followed Clark's biological mother, Lara (guest star Helen Slater), to the Kent farm. Clark arrives in time to save her but, after searing the machine with heat vision, he also falls victim to the serum and sees what Kara sees: his mother. Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Allison Mack, Erica Durance, Aaron Ashmore and John Glover also star. Source: The CW
  • 09/02 - The role of Zor-El might be played by Kevin Sorbo of Hercules: The Legendary Journey's fame, though this has not yet been confirmed. A red and blue blur (Kara) is reported to be seen over the Washington, D.C. skyline, though before you get excited, she isn't there to see Martha Kent. Kara is kidnapped by a government agent who has realized the connection between her and her crashed ship. Chloe discovers a secret that Lana is keeping from Clark. Source: KryptonSite
  • 08/17 - Some government agents have an aquamarine crystal in their possession. The crystal came from Kara's ship. While they are studying it, an intrigued Lex enters the lab. Roles now being cast for the episode include a Hallwell Guard, Lead Tech, Manager, and Kevin. No title for this episode is known at this time. Erica Durance (Lois) does not appear in this episode. We'll also see Kara's father, Zor-El, in this episode. Source: KryptonSite
  • 08/06 - Former Supergirl star Helen Slater will appear in an episode of The CW's Smallville next season, Variety reported. Slater is set to guest star in the sixth episode of the season as the aunt of the show's Supergirl, played by Laura Vandervoort. Source: Sci Fi Wire [Note: It could mean that she'll play Clark's birth mother, Lara.]

Episode 7.07: Wrath
Airdate: November 8, 2007

  • new 10/29 - Kryptonite and high voltage mix during a lightning storm, causing Lana to absorb Clark's powers. Using her newfound super powers, she breaks into Lex's safe and steals incriminating evidence which she then delivers to Lois and Grant, demanding they run a story exposing Lex's secrets. After Grant refuses to use stolen material, Lana decides to take care of Lex herself. Clark tries to stop Lana from killing Lex and a super battle ensues between the two. Allison Mack, Erica Durance, Aaron Ashmore and John Glover also star. Source: The CW
  • 09/12 - Thanks to an accident, Lana has Clark's powers! Clark learns what Lana has been hiding from him. Lana behaves a bit recklessly with this power and her behavior disturbs both Lex and Clark. The power-transference inspires a mention of Eric Summers, though sadly, Jimmy's not around to hear about his lookalike, as Aaron Ashmore is not in this episode. Don't expect Kara to save the day in this one, either... Laura Vandervoort is also not in this episode. Source: KryptonSite

Episode 7.08: Blue
Airdate: November 15, 2007

  • new 10/29 - Clark hears the voice of his biological mother, Lara (guest star Helen Slater), calling for help from Kara's crystal and decides to release her, despite Jor-El's warnings. Lara and Clark reunite and she gives him Jor-El's ring, which contains blue kryptonite. As Clark puts it on, he realizes Zor-El (guest star Christopher Heyerdahl) manipulated the whole thing and that blue kryptonite strips him of his powers, enabling Zor-El to take control of the Fortress of Solitude. Meanwhile, Chloe and Lex each discover Lois and Grant have been seeing each other and warn them to stop. Kristin Kreuk, Aaron Ashmore and John Glover also star. Source: The CW
  • 09/30 - One-time Supergirl Helen Slater returns for her second appearance as Lara in this episode. Source: KryptonSite
  • 09/19 - One of the high-profile guest stars that has already been announced for Season Seven makes a return appearance in this episode. Clark encounters a new color of kryptonite in this episode. Source: KryptonSite

Episode 7.09: Gemini
Airdate: December 13, 2007

  • 10/14 - Chloe and Jimmy are stuck on an elevator with a bomb, and Jimmy really doesn't understand why Chloe uses her one phone call to contact Clark. The "Gemini" in this title refers to a new experiment Lex is working on, much like Project: Ares and Project: Mercury before it. This episode has enough twists, turns, and surprises, you'd swear it was a season finale. Laura Vandervoort (Kara) does not appear in this episode. Source: KryptonSite
  • 09/30 - "Gemini" is not so much of a holiday episode per se, though story elements pertaining to the holidays do occur this time around. It's a backgound part of the story kind of like how the holidays fit in to the first Die Hard or Lethal Weapon movies. There are some very big revelations in this episode, including the return of a foe from the past. (No, not Brainiac - he's coming later.) Look for some changes for at least one of Smallville's Season 7 couples in this one. (For those of you keeping track at home, those couples include Clark/Lana, Lois/Grant, Chloe/Jimmy, and Jimmy/Kara.) Source: KryptonSite
  • 09/12 - No details on this one, but apparently the CW has announced that the December 13 episodes of Smallville and Supernatural will be holiday-themed. Source: KryptonSite

Episode 7.10: Persona
Airdate: January 2008

  • 10/14 - Clark is so happy about his relationship with Lana that he tells her he feels like he could fly. James Marsters returns as Milton Fine/Brainiac in this episode. (That is, unless he appears sooner than that...) Lex has a major new business venture. There is another Kryptonian hidden somewhere on Earth, posing as a human as their alien nature has been taken away. Something like Professor Yana on Doctor Who, it sounds like. Source: KryptonSite

Episode 7.11: Title Unknown
Airdate: January 2008

  • 10/14 - Executive producer Al Gough reveals: You will see Chloe in quasi-Watchtower mode around Episode 11. You'll discover that she is still doing odd jobs for Oliver and the gang on the side. Source: TV Guide Online

General Spoilers:

  • 10/17 - Executive producer Al Gough reveals: [Clark will not join the Daily Planet staff this season.] Eventually [Lois and Kara] will [become friends]; she is, after all, Clark's cousin, and Lois has a soft spot for the Kents. [Clark should start to develop feelings for Lois near the end of the season.] Source: TV Guide Online
  • 10/17 - There'll be a major November-sweeps showdown in the Fortress of Solitude that involves Clark, Kara and two Kryptonians to be named later. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 10/14 - Executive producer Al Gough reveals: We are sticking with [the "No Tights, No Flights"] policy as far as Clark is concerned. (Obviously Bizarro can fly as well as Kara.) But following up on what Chloe said about his lack of flying in the season premiere ("Clark, you need to get on that"), Kara will be giving him "flying lessons" later in the season. Although with Clark, they end up being more like "falling lessons." [...] You'll see Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, Bizarro, and the return of Brainiac and the Green Arrow... as well as a future hero to be named later! [...] [There will be a major character who will at least start on Lex's side.] There may also be someone on the show who is currently on Lex's side and we don't know it yet. [...] Clark's journey this season revolves around his struggle between his Kryptonian heritage and his earthly upbringing, and dealing with his cousin - which ain't easy! Kara will give him an insight into his family (which is seriously screwed up) and his birth planet (which went boom, so there was something seriously screwed up there as well). He will grapple with his past and his future. And now that Lana is back, will he finally realize that this relationship, no matter how hard he tries, is ultimately doomed? Stay tuned. Source: TV Guide Online
  • 10/14 - While the new editor in chief of the Daily Planet seems like the picture of perfection, you might want to think again. There's something dark behind those pearly whites. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 10/14 - Let's just say that two words will leave [the new editor]'s jaw on the floor: Lana's resurrection. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 09/26 - Producer Al Gough [revealed that] "Lois is going to get a job at the 'Planet,' which puts her in contention with Chloe." Gough also spilled some super-scoop on this season's Clana reunion: "She knows the secret, all the cards are on the table, so we're going to play their relationship honestly. But now that she's been married to Lex and that relationship has scarred her, the question becomes, 'What sort of secrets is she bringing to the relationship?' You will definitely see some reversals. You'll definitely see a darker Lana." Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 09/26 - When Lana returns to Smallville, she will be making the Kent farm her permanent residence. Look for some good Clana kissing soon after Clark finds out Lana is alive. Reliable insiders tell me-and the CW confirms-that James Marsters is returning for four episodes of the superseries during the new season. We last saw Marsters's character, Dr. Milton Fine (aka Brainiac), in Smallville's fifth season finale. While it's unclear exactly how James is returning, I can tell you he's reprising the exact same character, he's returning to set very soon and his episodes begin airing in January. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/22 - [Miles] Millar stated in no uncertain terms that Lana would be back, and would, for the first time, take a shot at an actual relation with the young man of steel. [...] Aside from the Lana revelations, Millar made reference to the return of a mysterious and deadly villain but only teased the identity. Source: BuddyTV
  • 08/17 - Kristin Kreuk has signed on for the upcoming season and Lana will definitely be back. Lana's salvation involves cloning. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/14 - Kara, aka Supergirl, and the Martian Manhunter are both aware of each other from the past and they, to say the least, are anything but friends. Sources tell me there is a showdown between Kara and someone very close to Clark's heart. Source: Kristin on E!Online [Note: In another question, it is implied that the "someone very close to Clark's heart" is Lana.]
  • 07/29 - New from the Voices From Krypton Podcast: There will be a reference made to the other "Kara" (from "Covenant") and there might be another confrontation or conversation with Jor-El on the way. Kara will be more of a presence than Green Arrow, and she'll be in at least half of the episodes of the new season. If there is a Season 8, she'll still be around. Look for tension and conflict between Lex and Lois. Clark MAY fly in Season Eight. Source: KryptonSite
  • 07/29 - Phil Morris (aka Martian Manhunter) [...] will be back next season along with old and new Justice League members. Green Arrow will be back next season, but not until mid-season. The first of next season's arcs belongs to Supergirl and Bizarro Clark. Source: TV Squad
  • 07/29 - Supergirl will give Clark flying lessons. Lois will get more and more involved at The Daily Planet. Source: BuddyTV
  • 07/23 - The latest edition of TV Guide reveals: Watching over Kara is "another step in Clark's journey," creator Al Gough told TV Guide. "He's no longer in child mode. He's given responsibility over someone else." Kara has strength, speed, and X-ray vision... plus she can fly. "He's got to keep her out of trouble and make sure she doesn't use the abilities for the wrong reason," Gough says. Also in danger in Season 7? Lois. "They're still far from their romantic destiny, but you'll sense that they care for each other," Gough says. He says that Lois will become more of "the Lois Lane we know from the Superman mythology" as she continues to develop as a reporter, landing at the Daily Planet. The new character of Grant Gabriel, Lois's Daily Planet editor, will have more than a professional interest in Lois. Armed with the Planet's journalistic credibility, expect Lois to take on the Luthors. "This of course puts her in various stages of danger, much to Clark's chagrin," Gough says. "After all, hell hath no fury like a bald billionaire scorned." The Justice League may show up again, but Gough says that it will not be happening in the first eight or nine episodes of the season, and that they will most likely show up individually, rather than as a group. "And hopefully we can introduce some new members," Gough says. Source: KryptonSite
  • 07/04 - Kristin Kreuk is still in contract negotiations with the show. It is possible she does not come back. Source: SpoilerFix BuddyTV Spoilers Chat
  • 05/24 - On Michael Ausiello's latest Vodcast, John Glover (Lionel Luthor) spilled the beans that Martha Kent is definitely moving to Washington and therefore, Annette O'Toole would not be back next season as a series regular. Ausiello confirmed that she will probably pop up occasionally as a guest appearance. Also, according to Erica Durance (Lois Lane), Chloe is not really dead. That has NOT been confirmed. Source: The Ausiello Report
  • 02/14 - Michael Rosenbaum reveals: I think next season will definitely happen. [...] Next year will be my last year. I had a great run. I loved it, but that will be it for me. I think other people have longer contracts. I’m not going to say who, but I know that next year is the last for me. So, it will be very sad when it happens, but all good things must come to an end. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 02/10 - Alfred Gough reveals: Martian Manhunter will be an ongoing presence this season and perhaps into next. There are a finite number of Zoners, or so we are led to believe. But who knows, there may be more! Source: TV Guide Online
  • 12/07/2006 - Alfred Gough reveals: [Jonathan Kent will probably not appear again. If we get a 7th season,] we'll just keep moving [Clark's] journey towards Superman further and introduce other DC comic characters. Source: BuddyTV

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