Monday, October 08, 2007




This suspense thriller unfolds as the audience is introduced to David Dunn, played by Willis. Not only is he the sole survivor of a horrific train-crash that killed 131 people he doesn't have a scratch on him. Samuel L Jackson plays an obscure character who approaches Dunn with a seemingly far fetched theory behind it all rocketing off an enticing thriller with a sci fi twist Written by Filmtwob {}

Security Guard David Dunn miraculously survives a catastrophic train crash outside Philadelphia. Not only is he the sole survivor out of 132 passengers, he also is completely unharmed. A little later, comic book specialist Elijah Price contacts him to confront David with an incredible theory: Elijah, who has been nicknamed "Mr. Glass" due to his more than fragile bones, thinks that David has got all which he himself lacks. The two of them "seem to be linked by a curve, but sitting on opposite ends". First, David does not believe the strange man, but every single thing he had said proves to be true: David has never ever been hurt or sick in his life, his physical strength is larger than normal and he has a skill which others don't. Slowly, David begins to discover the shocking truth behind Mr. Price's assumptions. But after all, David's fate is not only to find his real place in the world. It also is about proving Elijah's theory of his own existence. Written by Julian Reischl {}

David Dunn's marriage is crumbling, and he's thinking of moving to New York. Then when he's coming home from a job interview, his train derails and he is the only survivor. More than that, he doesn't have a scratch on him. David is contacted by Elijah Price, who runs a comic book art gallery and suffers from a genetic condition that makes his bones very easy to break. Elijah has been a comic book fan all his life, and has developed a theory that they are what remains of an ancient system of storytelling, and the superheroes they are about are based on real people. Elijah believes David may be one of these people. He has hardly ever been injured or sick, and he has tremendous strength, plus an uncanny ability to tell if someone is about to or has done something bad. David doesn't know what to think about the theory, or Elijah himself. However, events soon conspire to convince him he may be a superhero after all. Written by rmlohner

A security guard named David Dunn (Willis) is coming home from work, when the train he is on is suddenly derailed, the train crashes, and he is the sole survivor, out of 132 people. Without a scratch on his body. Soon he is contacted by comic-book store owner Elijah Price (Jackson) whose bones are easily breakable, who claims David is a superhero. Written by neo101


was a largely underrated movie that came out late last year from the creator of The Sixth Sense, M. Night Shyamalan. I was not able to see the movie when it came out in the theaters because of a death in the family and I was quite excited to get my hands on this DVD. If you've ever been into comic books or are a former or current comic book collector, you should like this film quite a bit. The two people I watched this with were neither and they both liked it as well. Unbreakable is the story of David Dunn (Bruce Willis), a football security guard that seems to have a normal life. He and his wife (Robin Wright Penn) are on the mend, he's looking into finding a job elsewhere and there's a son in the picture as well. The beginning is set on a train where Dunn is talking to the woman next to him. Next thing you know, the train has derailed. We go to the hospital with the mom and son and find out that David survived the derailment without a scratch on his body while everyone else on the train died. So, why did he live through the train wreck and why, from the best of his knowledge, has he never been sick? This is when we meet Elijah Price, the other main character in the movie. Elijah has a condition where his bones easily break. He owns a comic book shop called "Limited Edition". Elijah is very serious about his trade. A man comes in saying he is buying an art piece for his son who is very young and Wood tells him to get out because the son would not give it the care it needs. Elijah believes everyone has an opposite person in this world that has strengths where the other has weakness. He believes he's found his opposite person in David Dunn. Elijah contacts David about him possibly having superpowers, but David brushes him off. Elijah goes to many lengths, including breaking himself severely, to prove that David does indeed have these superpowers. But does he? That's the setup for the movie. The rest of the movie is David testing out whether he truly has superpowers and what this would mean for his life and his family's life. There are some very shocking and uplifting moments in the film, but you'll have to watch it as I feel I cannot give spoilers out in case people have not watched it. I was really intrigued by the movie and think it is a well written story that moves slowly, but not enough for you to tire of it. At its base, this movie is a character development study and it succeeds well. I've heard the critiques about the swerve at the end. I personally thought the movie ended wonderfully, but it honestly was not as much of a shock as The Sixth Sense was the first time I saw it. I highly recommend this movie and I also highly recommend watching it at least another time just like The Sixth Sense.



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