Sunday, June 22, 2008




Wealthy, brilliant, and meticulous Ted Crawford, a structural engineer in Los Angeles, shoots his wife and entraps her lover. He signs a confession; at the arraignment, he asserts his rights to represent himself and asks the court to move immediately to trial. The prosecutor is Willy Beachum, a hotshot who's soon to join a fancy civil-law firm, told by everyone it's an open and shut case. Crawford sees Beachum's weakness, the hairline fracture of his character: Willy's a winner. The engineer sets in motion a clockwork crime with all the objects moving in ways he predicts. Written by {}

Ted Crawford shoots his unfaithful wife, confesses to the police - orally and in writing - but then pleads not guilty and opts to defend himself in court. The young DA assigned to the case, Willy Beachum, has had a successful career with a 97% conviction rate. Beachum however is actually on his way to a lucrative position in a big private law firm, but his desire to win keeps him on the case. What ensues is a battle of wits between the two as Crawford systematically destroys his opponents case. Written by garykmcd


It's hard to watch Gregory Hoblit's Fracture (2007) and not be reminded of The Silence of the Lambs---at least on the surface, that is. Both could be considered psychological thrillers, though Silence is much closer to a horror film. Both feature Anthony Hopkins as an intelligent, provocative criminal who commands attention with his words and actions. Both feature protagonists seeking justice while attempting to dissect Hopkins' mind---but instead of a young, upstart FBI student, here we get a young, upstart lawyer. The main difference, of course, is this: Silence takes its time as the horrific events unfold, always ready with another trick up its sleeve. Fracture, on the other hand, plays all of its cards too early and lumbers along to an unsatisfying conclusion.

Our story revolves around Willy Beachum (Ryan Gosling, Half Nelson), a successful young prosecutor with only two weeks left at his current job. He's just been offered a high-profile position at a corporate law firm, so it's no surprise that his focus is starting to drift. Luckily, his most recent case appears to be a no-brainer: wealthy engineer Ted Crawford (Hopkins) has just been convicted of shooting his wife, who lays comatose in a hospital while the legal proceedings unfold. The film's earliest sequences hint at what drove Crawford to commit the crime, but one thing's for sure: we saw him do it. Unfortunately, the evidence against him doesn't quite add up, turning this seemingly open-and-shut case into a movement for acquittal.

First, the good news: Hopkins and Gosling turn in strong performances here, carrying most of the film's weight as the story unfolds. Their interactions are often stirring, even when Hopkins veers into familiar territory. Unfortunately, a number of supporting characters only exist to slow down the proceedings, from Willy's new boss and quasi-love interest (Rosamund Pike) to the heavy-handed treatment of Crawford's comatose wife. Both offer rather short-sighted glimpses of character development for the young prosecutor, even though they're rarely needed in what should've been a more streamlined thriller. Additionally, the plot ends up being painfully linear: all the pieces seem to literally fall into place, leaving little room for suspense or even dramatic tension.

Most viewers will find Fracture harmless enough upon its first viewing. The legal proceedings are certainly far-fetched but occasionally gripping, as Crawford's profession of innocence actually makes us question the film's opening moments. Fortunately (and in a sense, unfortunately), there are few twists and turns along the way. Audiences have become so accustomed to being tricked during a thriller's final moments, the thought of a relatively neat ending almost seems like a cheat in itself. This certainly doesn't mean that Fracture can't pull the wool over our eyes during a few key sequences, but the film's third act often seems painfully forced in its simplicity. Combined with the superfluous side-stories mentioned earlier, there's more crammed in here than there really ought to be. It can be enjoyed on a basic level for the solid lead performances, but there's surprisingly little about Fracture that leaves a lasting impression.

Presented on DVD by New Line, Fracture arrives in a relatively slim package that reflects its underwhelming performance at the box office. To be fair, what's on board here has at least been presented with care: the technical presentation is strong, while the limited bonus features look and sound equally good. Though die-hard fans of the film may want to pick this up on release day, new viewers should certainly proceed with caution. Let's take a closer look, shall we?

Quality Control Department

Technical Presentation & Subtitles

Presented in its original 2.35:1 aspect ratio and enhanced for widescreen displays, it's no surprise that Fracture looks excellent on DVD. The slightly stylized color palette appears cool and natural, boasting strong black levels and no apparent digital defects. Fracture may not be a perfect film, but you'll have a tough time complaining about the visual treatment.

Audio is presented in your choice of Dolby Digital 5.1 or 2.0 Surround formats; dialogue sounds clean and clear throughout, while music and sound effects rarely fight for attention. You shouldn't expect much from the rear channels, but what's here should satisfy fans of the film. Optional English and Spanish subtitles are included during the main feature and most of the bonus material.

Menu Design, Chapters & Packaging
Seen above, the animated menu designs are relatively simply and easy to navigate. The 113-minute main feature has been divided into 16 chapters, while no obvious layer change was detected during playback. This one-disc release is housed in a standard black keepcase; a handsome metallic slipcover and a promotional insert are also included.

Bonus Features
There isn't much to pick and choose from here, but at least we get a few scraps. The main attraction is a collection of Deleted & Alternate Scenes (7 clips, 33:57 total), including two alternate endings. What's here is only mildly interesting---and even though we only get a few minor character moments and a quick love scene, it's easy to see that their exclusion made the final cut a bit tighter. As for the alternate endings, they do little more than add a few brief, unnecessary moments to the final 11 minutes of the film. In short, those looking for drastically different conclusions will walk away disappointed.

Closing things out is the original Theatrical Trailer (2:21) and a few Sneak Peeks for upcoming New Line projects. All bonus features have been presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen (yes, even the deleted scenes!) and only the trailer doesn't include optional English and Spanish subtitles. Here's hoping more studios treat the bonus features with such care.

Final Thoughts

It may dress itself up as a tightly-wound psychological thriller, but Fracture barely manages to keep up with the strong performances of Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling. The slow-burning story is weighed down by a few unnecessary plot elements and supporting characters; this proves to be especially frustrating, since the film starts out quite strongly. Overall, Fracture is a harmless enough diversion but probably won't hold up to many repeat viewings. New Line's DVD package is slim but serviceable, offering a strong technical presentation and a few bonus features. While there's certainly not enough here to recommend this as a solid blind buy, fans of Hopkins and Gosling shouldn't object to giving Fracture a spin over the weekend. Rent It.


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