Sunday, September 14, 2008




"Wanted" tells the tale of one apathetic nobody's transformation into an unparalleled enforcer of justice. In 2008, we're introduced to a hero for a new generation: 25 year old employed slacker, WESLEY GIBSON. Wes is the most disaffected, cube-dwelling, clock-punching drone this planet has ever known. His boss chews him out hourly, his girlfriend ignores him routinely, and his life plods on in interminable boredom and routine. Everyone knows this disengaged slacker will amount to absolutely nothing, and so does he, until he meets the sexy, foxy woman named FOX, and then everything changes. Wes' estranged father is murdered, and the deadly Fox recruits him into The Fraternity, a secret society that trains him to avenge his father's death, by unlocking his dormant powers. And oh boy does he have powers, as she teaches Wes how to develop his lightning-quick reflexes and phenomenal agility, he discovers that The Fraternity lives by an ancient, unbreakable code: to carry out the death orders given by emotionless Fate itself. Wes, with his wickedly brilliant and sexy tutor, plus the paternal guidance of The Fraternity's enigmatic leader, SLOAN, young Wes grows to enjoy all the strength and success he ever wanted. But, slowly, he realizes there's more to his dangerous associates than meets the casual eye. And, as he wavers between new found heroism and vengeance, Wes will come to learn what no one can ever teach him; that he alone controls his destiny. Written by Orange

A young man finds out his long lost father is an assassin. And when his father is murdered, the son is recruited into his father's old organization and trained by a man named Sloan to follow in his dad's footsteps.


It's not the familiarity that ultimately undoes "Wanted," but its uncharacteristic reserve. A back-flipping action bonanza, "Wanted" is an adult cartoon, taking acts of death-defying stupidity to their most illogical extreme, and that's exactly where this outlandish visual buffet should stay.

Trapped in a dull life with a soul-crushing cubical job, a cheating girlfriend, and no money, Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) is lost in his own life, unable to claw his way out from underneath his depression. Into his world comes Fox (Angelina Jolie), who takes Wesley to meet Sloan (Morgan Freeman), a secretive man who oversees The Fraternity: a collection of highly-trained, super-human assassins. After learning that his father's death has left him a spot on the team, Wesley reluctantly undergoes tests of strength and endurance, pushing himself to unleash his extraordinary gifts. Now fully settled into his new life as a hunter, Wesley learns some ugly truths about The Fraternity that force him to confront those he trusts most.

"Wanted" is one of those high-octane, fist-pumping, soda-hurling experiences that make summer multiplex entertainment so much fun. Director Timur Bekmambetov assaults the screen with bracing visuals, taking great stock in bullet-time theatrics and CG-enhancements to a point where "Wanted" feels just like an animated movie. It's not an especially intellectual motion picture, but more an optical flame-thrower for the first hour, with the director pulling out all the stops to announce "Wanted" as a film cocked and loaded with exclamation points pointed in all directions.

Betmambetov's previous films, the Russian fantasy two-pack "Night Watch" and "Day Watch," allowed the filmmaker to sharpen his visual effect skills, and all that exhaustive training comes out to play during "Wanted." The film is teeming with Betmambetov fingerprints, from a fixation on uneasy textures to the lawless action, playing acceptably into the director's field of vision. He's having ball with his English-language debut, falling in love with The Fraternity world: the textile factory/slaughterhouse base of operations, the health-replenishing wax baths the assassins take to cure wounds, and the sheer ballet of bloodshed as the warriors engage in hyper-warfare by "curving" bullets and nailing gravity-defying kill shots. It's a tapestry of absurdity, yet the director shapes it into a spellbinding sit for the first hour, gulping down the nonsense with a completely convincing photographic bravado.

Following Wesley as he grows from "Fight Club" mouse to "Matrix" lion is a far more enchanting arc than it has any right to be, if only because Betmambetov keeps the film's outlandishness out in front to stun the viewer, while the rest of the film breakdances like a madman to keep the pace at top speed. The filmmaker is dealing with ridiculously clichéd visual gimmicks, but there's a consistency to "Wanted," a veritable fantasy world created, that helps to swallow the malarkey that's routinely offered by the camera.

Would you believe The Fraternity actually receives their kill assignments from a mystical loom that foretells destinies? It's that level of reality that Betmambetov saves from complete laughter with his visual ferocity.

However, what goes up must come down. Once "Wanted" moves over to the second half, the picture strangely begins to buy into itself, turning an agreeably violent, heavily caloric distraction into a battle of fates as Wesley starts to take his role in The Fraternity very seriously. Once "Wanted" becomes a tale of revenge instead of discovery, the whole film deflates into over-plotted nonsense. The fun is scooped right out of this sucker, replaced with a punishing sense of obligation, where the filmmaker tries to overcome the movie's newfound solemnity with a late-inning presentation of excessive, nasty violence and multiple explosions.

Let's just say the climax of "Wanted" involves epic posturing of familial revenge, a deafening Busby Berkeley-style shoot-out, and an army of lethal rats, their bellies filled with peanut butter and explosives.

It's disappointing that "Wanted" abandons its sense of humor, but that doesn't completely rob the picture of some wildly infectious material. It doesn't maintain its pitch, but "Wanted" is still a rewarding rocket-powered ride of escapism, damn near-perfect lunacy at times.


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