Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Jigsaw and his apprentice Amanda are dead. Now, upon the news of Detective Kerry's murder, two seasoned FBI profilers, Agent Strahm and Agent Perez, arrive in the terrified community to assist the veteran Detective Hoffman in sifting through Jigsaw's latest grisly remains and piecing together the puzzle. However, when SWAT Commander Rigg is abducted and thrust into a game, the last officer untouched by Jigsaw has but ninety minutes to overcome a series of demented traps and save an old friend or face the deadly consequences. Written by Lionsgate

During the autopsy of John Kramer, the coroner finds a tape inside his stomach and calls Detective Hoffman. Meanwhile, the police find Detective Kerry dead and the SWAT Commander Rigg is absolutely traumatized with the tortured corpse of Kerry and obsessed to save Detective Eric Matthews that has been missing for six months; however Hoffman asks him to take vacations and leave the case. The FBI agents Strahm and Perez join Hoffman's team to investigate the legacy of Jigsaw. However, Rigg is abducted and forced to participate in another sick game to save Eric's life. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Once a horror flick has this many Roman numerals tacked onto the end of the title, it's pretty clear that it's being hammered out just to service the fans and snag seven bucks a pop in the process. Saw IV really isn't for the uninitiated. To get much of anything out of the movie, you'll at the very least have had to have sat through Saw III; otherwise, nothing makes a whole hell of a lot of sense, especially once the climax rolls around and characters start appearing with no setup, explanation, or...hell, even any dialogue. Anyway, it's impossible to say anything about Saw without giving away the ending of the last movie, so if you're new to the franchise, go ahead and click off to something else now. By the time Saw III faded to black, Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) and his seemingly heir-apparent were both dead. Just to stamp out any lingering doubt, Saw IV opens with the lifeless body of John Kramer -- the Jigsaw Killer -- having the flesh of his face peeled back, his skull sawed open, his brains scooped out, his ribs spread apart, and his stomach carved out and sliced open. So...yeah. Dead. And just like the impromptu shark autopsy in Jaws sent fish guts and a crumpled license plate spilling out, the coroner carving up Kramer's corpse finds an audio cassette coated in wax in the murderer's severed stomach. Jigsaw bellows in that final recording that the game isn't over yet, although that kinda stands to reason when there are still eighty-something minutes to go in the movie. Anyway, considering that Jigsaw's always kept himself somewhat detached from his grisly tests of morality, speaking as a rumbling, disembodied voice or an eerie image on a video monitor, it's not that hard to keep the vivisections and dismemberments splattering along outside of this mortal coil...as long as you have help. Anyway, the primary focus of Jigsaw's tests this time around is the impulsive Lieutenant Rigg (Lyriq Bent), whose fruitless obsession to track down his missing partner has nearly cost him everything. Jigsaw reveals that Eric Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg) is still alive all these months later, hanging from some remote ceiling by an iron chain and only kept alive by the quickly-melting block of ice under his feet. The movie from there unfolds almost in real-time -- which is completely unrealistic, but...y'know, suspension of disbelief and all that -- as the 90 minute timer ticks down. Rigg becomes increasingly ensnared in Jigsaw's machinations, faced with a slew of victims inches from a bloody end in the psychopath's legendary death traps while struggling to make some sense of the clues he'd left behind. The torture-fu this time around includes eye gouging, total body dismemberment, scalping, a hear-no-evil-speak-no-evil tug of war to the death, head mashing, face slicing, double-impaling... Yup, it's a Saw flick. While Rigg is following Jigsaw's blood-spattered trail, two feds (Scott Patterson and Athena Karkanis) are tailing Rigg, convinced that he could be another of the killer's accomplices.

Click here if you want to read the rest of the review from dvdtalk of Saw IV.


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