Friday, May 29, 2009


Here is the summary for the movie Harry Potter 1 from imdb

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is the first film in the Harry Potter series based on the novels by J.K. Rowling. It is the tale of Harry Potter, an ordinary 11-year-old boy serving as a sort of slave for his aunt and uncle who learns that he is actually a wizard and has been invited to attend the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is snatched away from his mundane existence by Hagrid, the grounds keeper for Hogwarts, and quickly thrown into a world completely foreign to both him and the viewer. Famous for an incident that happened at his birth, Harry makes friends easily at his new school. He soon finds, however, that the wizarding world is far more dangerous for him than he would have imagined, and he quickly learns that not all wizards are ones to be trusted. Written by Carly

Harry Potter is an average bespectacled 11 year old boy who has lived with the Dursley family ever since his parents died in a car crash. For some reason the family has always mistreated him. On his 11th birthday a giant man named Rubeus Hagrid hands him a letter telling him that he has been accepted as a student at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry learns that his parents were wizards and were killed by an evil wizard Voldemort, a truth that was hidden from him all these years. He embarks for his new life as a student, gathering two good friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger along the way. They soon learn that something very valuable is hidden somewhere inside the school and Voldemort is very anxious to lay his hands on it. Written by Soumitra

Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy celebrating his 11th birthday, but he is far from wrong. A giant named Hagrid appears, and gives Harry the all important news. He is a wizard. Now his journey in life gets more intense as he travels to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry to learn the trade of being a wizard. Here, he meets his friends who would be by his side for many years to come. Ron Weasley is not very brave friend and Hermione is the smart friend. But not everything is quiet at Hogwarts as Harry suspects someone is planning to steal the philosopher's stone. Written by simon

Young Harry Potter has to lead a hard life: His parents have died in a car crash when he was still a baby, and he is being brought up by his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. For some reason unbeknownst to the bespectacled ten-year-old, the Dursleys let him live in the small chamber under the stairs, and treat him more like vermin than like a family member. His fat cousin Dudley, the Dursley's real son, keeps bothering Harry all the time. On his eleventh birthday, Harry Potter finally receives a mysterious letter from a certain Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, telling him that he is chosen as one of the future students of that supposedly renowned school. Hagrid, the gigantic man who brought the letter, finally introduces Harry into the real circumstances of his life: His parents were a wizard and a witch, they were killed by the evil wizard Voldemort protecting him. Harry still has a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead from that event. Since he survived the attack as a baby, and also somehow deprived Voldemort from his powers, he has been famous in the wizarding world ever since. The Dursleys, strong disbelievers in that magical crap, never told Harry anything about his true self. So, Harry is strongly surprised, yet absolutely happy to start his training. At Hogwarts, Harry meets his teachers, and becomes friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The three of them accidentally find out that the potions master, Severus Snape, seems to plot on stealing something that is guarded by a three-headed dog. Since nobody would believe some first years to have found out such important things that even would incriminate a Hogwarts teacher, they take it on themselves to find out what Snape is up to. Their quest for the truth leads across many obstacles, from keeping up the everyday school life, a bewitched Quidditch match (Quidditch is a popular wizard sport), Fluffy, the three-headed monster dog and quite some tasks one has to overcome to get to the guarded object. Written by Julian Reischl {}

On his 11th birthday, young Harry Potter discovers the life he never knew he had, the life of a wizard. In his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he meets his two best friends Ron Weasley, an expert at Wizard Chess, and Hermione Granger, a girl with non-magic parents. Harry learns the game of Quiditch and Wizard Chess on his way to facing a Dark Arts teacher who is bent on destroying him. Written by Shaun Ouimette {}

Here is a review for the movie Harry Potter 1 from dvdtalk

The Movie:

Having read the first three books in the Harry Potter series (I'm still working on the fourth), I was really looking forward to this movie. I had some apprehension in the fact that Chris Columbus was directing the movie though. Columbus has not had the best track record in recent years with such movies as Bicentennial Man and Stepmom. He had a good run in the late 80s and early 90s, but he has fallen since then.

Needless to say, that apprehension was not needed in this case. While leaving some little touches from the book out of the movie and creating some allusions to the coming books/movies, it stays pretty faithful to the book and is pretty much the personification of the images in my head that I got from the book.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is about a boy named Harry Potter (played by Daniel Radcliffe) and his entrance into the wizard world where he is already a celebrity and doesn't even know it. Why doesn't he know it? Well, he's grown up most of his young life with his Muggle (non-magical) Uncle, Aunt and Cousin who all don't treat him very well. You see, Harry lives in a small compartment under the stairs and not a bedroom. Harry lives a pretty poor existance until a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft shows up via an owl.

His Uncle takes the letter away from him, but the owls keep coming with letters. At one point there are tons of letters that come through the chimney when Harry's Uncle blocks the mail slot in his door. They go to a secluded area, but the Hogwarts gamekeeper, Rubeus Hagrid (played by Robbie Coltrane, who does Hagrid great justice), shows up and takes Harry to Hogwarts. He also tells Harry that his parents were killed by the evil Wizard Voldemort and that they didn't die in a car crash like his relatives had said. His lighting strike-like scar on his head came from Voldemort when he unsuccessfully tried to kill Harry when he was a baby.

Our first showing of the wizard's world is in Diagon Alley. This is where Harry finds out his parents left him a lot of money and he gets his school supplies. The most interesting part is when he goes to the wand shop where John Hurt plays the curator of the shop. After going through a couple wands (and blowing stuff up), Hurt grabs a wand and gives it to Harry wondering if this special wand will work. When it does work Hurt lets Harry in on some information about his wand

Then it's off to Hogwarts via a train station that's actually located in the wall between platform 9 and 10 in the train station...platform 9 3/4 in fact. Once on the train we meet up with the other young main characters: red-headed Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and bookworm Hermione Granger (Emma Watson).

Once at Hogwarts we meet up with the staff and other students: Headmaster Albus Dumbledore (Richard Harris), Professor McGonagall (Maggie Smith), potions Professor Snape (the always great Alan Rickman) and Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) as the antagonist student to Harry. All parts are done well and this is really a well acted movie. The added benefit of an all British cast just adds to this movie. Spielberg had originally wanted to do this movie, but he wanted Americans in the role. I just can't see that personally.

At Hogwarts, Harry has adventures with Ron and Hermione that involve things such as a troll and a three-headed dog aptly named Fluffy. Where does the Sorcerer's Stone come into all of this? Well, Hagrid picked it up in Diagon Alley and Fluffy is guarding it. Someone at Hogwarts wants it and Harry is getting searing pains from his scar. The rest of the movie involves Harry, Ron and Hermione tracking down who is trying to take the Sorcerer's Stone and why it's so important.

There were a few sections that really stood out to me in the movie. The first is the section where the Sorting Hat sorts out first-year students to one of four houses (or dormitories): Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Those four names are the people that started Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat itself is an excellent use of CGI and the voice is perfect for it.

The second section is the Quiddich match. Although very obvious that it is mostly CGI, the section works rather well. Quiddich is difficult to explain and I thought it would be very hard to pull off in the movie, but ILM did an excellent job of it.

Another section that was very interesting involves Harry, a mirror and a cloak. Seeing these parts on the screen after reading them in the book made me feel they accurately portrayed what I was seeing in my mind when I read the book.

Now the major question is if you haven't read the books will you like the movie? I took my wife and mother to see this movie and neither had read any of the books. The both loved the movie and totally understood everything that was going on. They both said they wanted to see it again just to see what they missed.

Final Thoughts: In the end, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a great movie. Although many parts were left out, the movie still runs 142 minutes. Not once did I look at my watch or feel bored in the movie. There are some parts they cut that I wish they would have kept in, but I can understand the need to keep the movie from being over 3 hours long. I still don't totally agree with Columbus as the director. To me he just doesn't have that special touch. With this movie he seems to have left a lot of it to Industrial Light and Magic, who are magicians themselves. A high-water mark has been set that Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets will have to meet or overcome. And for reference, the next book is a little better than this one.

I highly recommend going to see this movie. It doesn't matter if you're a child, adult or a person who has never read any of the books. This is an example of a highly hyped movie that delivers on it's hype. I cannot wait for the DVD release of this great movie.

Here is the direct download for the movie Harry Potter 1.

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