Saturday, October 10, 2015



Here is my Review on Super Mario Maker

I wanted to review this game because Mario hits home with millions of people from the first time they played Super Mario Brothers to the last time they played Mario on the WII  everyone at one time or another loved them one way or another. Mario Maker takes every game and lets you create the levels. I want to split this review into 3 parts. First the core gameplay, Secondly the Core funability and last I want to give my overall opinion on the game.

First I want to talk about the Core Gameplay:

With any Mario Game you don't really think about Graphics because frankly on the nintendo systems Graphics were never an issue good or bad. Game play in these games were always top notch and this year it's no different. What they give you is the platform to make your own stages and make them hard to win and beat or easy as not even pushing a button however you like to play or make it is up to you. This is a great feature because it makes the levels non ending and lets you have as many levels as you like. The main modes besides the building a stage are playing 100 lives which gives you 100 lives to beat I believe up to 16 or 32 levels that are picked at random depending on your difficulty level. There is also a 10 lives which is a little easier and gives you 10 lives to beat 8 levels. These modes are awesome because they take different levels from different people which is cool because every time you play there will be new levels.

The second aspect I wanted to talk about is The fun Factor:

The fun factor is how fun is this game and how many hours will the fun be given. This game is really fun and can give hours of gameplay to you and your friends. Building levels that your friends can play or building levels so that the audience can play and lose are fun ways to play the game. It wants you to play the game however you want to play. Do you just want to beat all the levels you can well you can play it that way. This game is really a fun game for everyone not just children or adults everyone can play and enjoy the game.

The last thing I want to talk to you about is my Overall score:

I would recommend this game to everyone who is a fan of mario kid or adult. I would recommend this game to everyone who loves building levels and everyone who likes to play other people's levels. This game is just a fun game to sit around and play with friends or just play alone trying to outscore other people on the leader boards.

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