Sunday, October 14, 2007

How To Watch Satellite TV On Your PC Using Windows Media Center And A TV Tuner


I used to spend 25-30 dollars for one PPV for wrestling back when it was 25-30 dollars for that PPV now the raised the price to 35-40 dollars for a PPV that sucks so I said never again. I have Dish Network and even though I live in a condo that has windows in the patio I still receive most of the channels for free from Dish Network and here is how. I heard online about FTA which stands for Free To Air broadcasts which is basically channels that satellites get that are free and don’t charge anything to use it but they are channels like NASA channel which barely anyone watches so I said that might be cool so I started reading up on it then I read from a website named which you can view at that you can use those receivers that are FTA receivers and use them on Dish Network and receiving not only the basic channels but all the channels that Dish Network has to offer including the porn channels and the PPV channels.

When I read that I went where can I buy one so I searched out where to buy FTA receivers and found a cheap site that sells them online and bought one I bought a Viewsat from and it was under 100 dollars which at first I was a little resistant to buy it because 100 dollars is a lot to me but then I figured if I was paying 25-30 dollars per month just on PPV alone that would mean I would be paying 360 dollars a year on PPV which is already more than what this box would cost for free PPV and free porn I was sold.

So I bought it and hooked it up to my satellite and was happy for 6 months then I bought from a TV tuner card that is called the WINTV PVR that I was going to use with my cable box and hooked it up but it wasn’t worth the money I spent since I only had a few channels on digital cable and most were blocked by the cable company any ways.

So I was about to get rid of the TV tuner when I decided to try to hook the box up to the receiver and use Windows Media Center to view it and I found out that I worked so I hooked it up to the computer and then I hooked up the remote that came with the WINTV box and then I went and looked to see if the PPV showed up and it did and so did the porn channels and all the channels that Dish Network had all showed up except for the HD channels because the tuner is not HD compatible yet.

So I hope that this helped you guys out and I hope you found this article to be a good one.

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