Wednesday, September 03, 2008




Episode 3.01: The Second Coming
Airdate: September 22, 2008 at 9 p.m.

  • new 08/26 - Sylar opens up Claire's head and gets her powers. It's revealed that future Peter was the one who shot Nathan in the finale from last season. Suresh gets super strength powers. Source: TV Squad
  • 08/13 - [Season 3] kicks off moments after shots rang out, as the shocking identity of Nathan’s assassin and the reasons why the Texas press conference had to be cut short are revealed -- immediately throwing Peter and Matt into unexpected, uncharted territory. With his powers partially restored, Sylar decides a visit to Claire could give him a boost. Meanwhile, in Tokyo, Hiro and Ando are charged with safeguarding a family secret that could split the planet apart, and discover that the path to a grim future starts with shady speedster, Daphne (guest star Brea Grant). In New York City, thanks to Maya, Suresh makes a startling breakthrough that could change the world -- or just destroy his. And who is Tracy Strauss? Noah Gray-Cabey, Ashley Crow, Randall Bentley, Jimmy Jean-Louis, George Takei, Malcolm McDowell, Carlon Jeffery, Jamie Hector, Bruce Boxleitner, Francis Capra and Blake Shields guest star. Source: NBC
  • 07/27 - Here is a live blog report of the airing of the season premiere at Comic-Con. There are some typos but since we haven't seen the episode, it's difficult for us to correct/clarify the report. Highlight the text between brackets if you want to be that spoiled. You've been warned. [Opening scene Future Claire and Peter, she tries to shoot him but he stops time and disappears. Future Peter is the shooter! Nathan dies on hospital bed, but he wakes up when Peter is standing there. We see Hiro with Ando in Japan Hiro gets a random DVD from his dad. Sylar attacks Claire he is invisible to her. Maya is with Mohinder, he realizes the source of powers and wants her to get mad. Hiro and Ando watch the DVD and his dad tells him never open the safe but he does. Then dad says "I told you not to open and there is a secret formula to protect." Formula is chemistry but Daphne steals even after he stops time. Peter looks for a gun but Matt stops him. Future Peter transports into Peter and tells Matt that he had to stop Nathan because future is messed up. T makes Matt disappear. Nathan leaves the hospital but Peter is following him to make sure that he does not tell the news reporter. Nathan does not. And Peter does not shoot him. Back to Mohinder and Maya nothing major. Sylar attacks Claire and gets her head cut open. Be is talking to Claire and playing with her brain!! Asks if he is going to eat it and he says that's disgusting. He takes her powers and then saves her. Telling she is special that she can't die and neither can he now. Maya tells Mohinder to destroy the formula he has. Peter and Nathan in hospital again nayhab says hand of god saved him. Linderman appears in his dream. Are Niki with s politician but is Tracy now. Matt stuck in dessert. Hiro goes to the future and area Ando with a super power and kills future Hiro. Mohinder injects himself. Back at hospital Angela with Nathan. She can see the future via dreams!! She knew what Peter would future Peter trapped Peter uh a villain in level 5. We see Knox and other villains ends with Mohinder with a power!!] Source: SpoilerTV
  • 06/12 - In the first three minutes one of the lead heroes is going to bust a cap off at one of the other lead heroes. And oh yeah, the guy she pulls the trigger on just might be the guy she's playing tonsil hockey with in real life. She also tells him (on cam), "I always loved you." We're gonna see Claire-bear with dark hair and this also involves a shift in time. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 04/23 - Jesse: 28-38, Male. Jesse is an intense guy with an explosive temper. Violent. Cruel. A mean looking S.O.B. Recurring Co-Star. Reporter #1 & #2: 28-38, Male or Female, any ethnicities. An ambitious TV reporter covering the news in Odessa, Texas. Co-Star. E.R. Doctor: 32-48, Male or Female, any ethnicities. A skilled E.R. doctor working in Odessa, Texas. Co-Star. News Commentator: 32-45, Male or Female, any ethnicities. A TV anchor on a national news program. Co-Star. Scary Guy #1 & #2: 25-35, Male, any ethnicities. Two scary thugs preying on innocent civilians in New York city. Co-Star. Paramedic: 30-40, Male or Female, any ethnicities. A paramedic administering emergency care to a seriously injured patient. Co-Star. Source: SpoilerTV

Episode 3.02: The Butterfly Effect (fka "Dreamtime")
Airdate: September 22, 2008 at 10 p.m.

  • 08/13 - [In the 2nd hour of the season 3 premiere], Angela clashes with her much-changed son, Peter, over how best to avert a seemingly inevitable worldwide catastrophe. First, Sylar declares war on the Company by attacking their main facility, and finds even more than he bargained for on Level 5. During a devastating battle with Elle (guest star Kristen Bell), a dozen savage criminals -- all with terrible abilities -- escape. Meanwhile, Claire discovers something new and unexpected about her abilities. Determined to reclaim his family’s terrible secret, Hiro and Ando track Daphne (guest star Brea Grant) to Paris. After a fateful night, Suresh is thrilled to find his research, his life and his relationship with Maya evolving in leaps and bounds. Stuck in unfamiliar territory, Matt finds a guide (guest star Ntare Mwine) to help him. Ashley Crow, Jessalyn Gilsig, Malcolm McDowell, Stephen Tobolowsky, Bruce Boxleitner, Francis Capra, Blake Shields, William Katt, Ken Lally, David H. Lawrence XVII, Andre Royo and Kiko Ellsworth guest star. Source: NBC
  • 07/12 - Ntare Mwine will play an African who is artistic and close to many of the original heroes. His special abilities will be developed throughout his nine-episode arc. Source: The Hollywood Reporter [Note: We believe that Mwine's role may be the "African Aborigine" described below.]
  • 06/16 - William Katt, who played the lead role in the '80s television show Greatest American Hero, is the latest classic sci-fi TV actor to make an appearance on the NBC show Heroes. "I just filmed it last week," Katt says of his appearance on Heroes. "I play a really, really wonderful, seedy, smarmy-mouthed reporter that goes after Ali Larter. It was a lot of fun." Although Larter's character, Niki Sanders, was apparently trapped in a house that exploded at the end of last season, not only is she back on the set, but Katt said he worked almost exclusively with her. Source:
  • 04/23 - African Aborigine: Any age, Male, thin. Seeking an African actor who could portray a member of the Maasai, Samburu or another similar nomadic pastoral tribe. A storyteller with great wisdom. Guest Star / Multiple Episode Arc. Source: SpoilerTV

Episode 3.03: One of Us, One of Them
Airdate: September 29, 2008

Episode 3.04: The Year of Our Lord
Airdate: October 6, 2008

  • 08/24 - According to sources, [Adam] will be back in episode four. Yes, someone will dig up Adam Monroe, and yes, he will be pissed. Source: Kristin on E!Online

Episode 3.05: Angels and Monsters
Airdate: October 13, 2008

  • 06/14 - Eric Doyle: 30s-48, Male, Caucasian, hideous, horrible and big. A disgusting, villainous man who delights in controlling others. Guest Star/Will be needed for Episode #306. Source: SpoilerTV

Episode 3.06: Title Unknown
Airdate: October 2008

Episode 3.07: Title Unknown
Airdate: October 2008

Episode 3.08: Title Unknown
Airdate: November 2008

Episode 3.09: Title Unknown
Airdate: November 2008

Episode 3.10: Title Unknown
Airdate: November 2008

Episode 3.11: Title Unknown
Airdate: December 2008

  • 08/24 - 2 Haitian Militia Men: 18-32. Male. Haitian. Ability to speak French a plus. Two intimidating militia men in Haiti. Co-star. Source: SpoilerTV

General Spoilers:

  • new 08/26 - According to Zachary Quinto, Sylar's baby mama is "silver-tongued and alive." [... Peter and Nathan will find out they have another relative and] it is someone we know, and here's what I just learned that's even more shocking: Peter and Nathan will discover they have not one but two living relatives they weren't aware they had. One shocker will come earlier in the season. The other a little later. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/24 - I'm hearing of not one, but two scorchingly hot new hookups (one platonic, one not) among the characters we already know and love. [...] According to insiders, producers are forging a new über-couple between two Heroes regulars in season three-Maya and another Hero-which will serve as a major story arc and which will prove to be a powerful combination. [...] Mr. Bennet is forming a surprising, platonic partnership with a certain head-splitting baddie who may or may not go by the name got it... Sylar. [... Jack] Coleman revealed that Clairebear will be "a little more clued in as to what I'm up to. She actually sees what it is I do, and it gets pretty gnarly." [...] I can tell you that the huge reveals in the first few episodes include Sylar can-opening the head of a Hero we love, Sylar revealing definitively whether he plays Hannibal the cannibal with those brains, Mama Petrelli revealing something that changes the entire dynamic between many of the main characters (this is what I'm most excited about), Nathan Petrelli finding God and Peter is so not being himself. [...] [William Katt]'ll play a villain of the worst kind: A...I hope you're sitting down for this.. reporter . Actually, his character's name is "Reporter," and from what I hear, he has no special powers to speak of, other than his awesomely spherical 'do. In the second hour of the season premiere, we'll see Katt's character harassing Ali Larter's new character, Tracy Strauss, asking her about photos he found of her on (back when Ali was Niki and Niki was a stripper). Tracy denies any connection, and my sense is, she honestly doesn't know of any. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/24 - The season premiere kicks off with future Claire trying to shoot future Peter to stop him from going back in time and committing a murder. Explosive events at the Company land matriarch Angela Petrelli in a new and powerful position. And Dr. Mohinder Suresh will finally get a superpower of his own -- one that sends him down a dark and scary path. "He injects himself with the serum he developed to cure Maya and doesn't know hot to control it," reveals [Sendhil] Ramamurthy. "It becomes a real Jekyll-and-Hyde thing." [...] Mohinder and Maya will have some extremely steamy encounters this fall -- a first for the show. Source: TV Guide
  • 08/24 - In [an] episode's glimpse at a possible future, our favorite villain [Sylar] is living a pretty normal life. [Zachary] Quinto explained, "What was the Bennet house is now inexplicably my house." He also went on to drop this bombshell, "My son's name is Noah. Isn't that interesting?" That's right -- Sylar has a son in the future and he named him Noah! Quinto would not say who his son's mother is, but when asked if the spawn of Sylar inherited any of his father's powers, he did have something to share. "My son actually is a gifted child. He's very subdue and cool both as an actor and a character." Source: Comic Book Resources
  • 08/24 - [Monica's] storyline wraps up fairly quickly. Source: NY Post
  • 08/24 - Seth Green and Breckin Meyer are nearing a deal to join the cast of Heroes for multi-episode arcs. [... They] will play Atlanta-based comic book nerds aficionados who cross paths with (and perhaps serve as advisors to) one of the Heroes. Source: The Ausiello Files
  • 08/13 - [Linderman is dead] but he is not gone! And Nathan will be the first to see him. [Not necessarily having anything to do with the other...] A favorite character's father will be losing his head—and not just in the temper-tantrum, poor-impulse-control way. Dad's skull will no longer be attached to dad's spine. [...] Ali's new character is named Tracy Strauss, and she's a political adviser to the governor of New York. Is Tracy connected to Niki? Well, a reporter sure thinks that the nekkid pictures of "Niki" on the Internet are not just a case of mistaken identity. Also, when we pick up the story, Tracy is angling to get Nathan Petrelli a pretty good government job. There has to be a tie between Niki and Tracy in there somewhere, and if you want to know exactly how, email Mr. Linderman, because he knows, and I think he might be the mastermind behind the whole switcheroo... [...] Kristen Bell will most definitely be back, beginning with the second episode (which is the second hour of the premiere) and most likely for a total of five episodes this season. I also hear she is very much a part of the series in a very major way when they flash forward to the future. I think you'll be surprised over who she's hooking up with—and also might squee a little. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/13 - Sources confirm to me exclusively that Heroes has tapped acting vet Robert Forster to play Nathan and Peter's presumed-dead pops, Arthur Petrelli. Source: The Ausiello Files
  • 07/28 - Mohinder is getting powers, and I can tell you that the powers you see exhibited at the end of the finale are not the end of the story. Before too long we'll see him exhibit a nifty power that he shares with one of the top five comic-book superheroes of all time. Care to guess which hero and which power? (Here's a hint: Homer Simpson had a pig version.) Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 07/27 - According to Milo and Hayden, we're in a world of trouble with these new villains. Hayden said, "There's many things much worse than Sylar." [...] And Milo said, "I think everybody this season is confronting something worse than Sylar. It's something that is going to strike a chord and be close to Peter, what this big obstacle in the road is... because it's a threat to everybody; it's a threat to everything. I'm not going to say it's four horsemen or one horseman, but there's gonna be a power that comes in that everybody has to kind of band together to make sure it doesn't run wild." [...] Hayden said the original cast will be sharing lots of screen time: "A lot of us are working much more closely together - the main cast - which I think is what the audience missed about the second season, and I think what we missed about the second season...that we didn't really get the chance to work with each other. We're all crossing paths this season." [...] Hayden hinted at a big bad that deeply affects our Claire-Bear and changes her future forever: "Something happens to Claire that's actually quite frightening to her, and it plays a big part in who she becomes in the future and what happens to her. I wish I could babble about it now because I have a lot to say about it, but I can't. But it's something, yes, that manifests further about her ability that weighs heavily on her emotionally, and mentally, as a person. And I think it would weigh on anyone who would be going through a situation like that...I think Claire plays a very important role in what happens, and in that way she can be worse than all of them." She also said of her character's fate: "Future Claire's very different, and it's a very different world. It's kind of, as you can imagine, a world gone a little bit awry. She's a very different person." [...] Milo Ventimiglia shared a big fat clue about Peter's storyline when the show resumes: "The one thing I can say is that Peter's not quite himself this season... In the second season, Peter lost himself, and in the first season Peter was fighting himself, and in the third season, when I say Peter's not quite himself, he's not quite himself." And just between you and me and the fly on the wall, I can tell you that a newly introduced character has something to do with that change... [...] Seems like Claire's still on the teen-rebellion tip this year. The way Hayden explained it was: "As a teenager, even younger than myself, Claire is still going through that turmoil with her parents, and she's trying to break away, and she kind of starts to this season. She's gotten to the point-and I remember getting to this point, too-where you'd ask permission, but you knew what you were going to do, regardless what the answer was." [...] When asked if they were working on any romance for her character this season, Hayden said, "No! Not at all, not yet. I have not read past episode eight, so it could be in the future, I don't know, but I think we tried that and it went...not so much. Personally, I'd rather be interacting with everyone else and be in the core of what's going on, and what's going on has nothing to do with relationships like that, so..." [...] Sounds like Peter Petrelli might be cruisin' for a bruisin' this season. According to Milo, "Peter is the strongest of them all, that's what everybody says-he's the most powerful of them all, and at some point those guys have to fall." Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 07/27 - The site Petite Fashionista recently visited the Season 3 Set of Heroes and had a chance to visit with Hayden Panettiere, during their visit they also met other stars including Milo Ventimiglia and Ali Larter who were both in costume completely covered in blood, with Peter (Milo) having a bullet wound to he back of the head and Niki/Jessica (Ali) having her throat slashed. Source: SpoilerTV
  • 07/20 - According to witnesses, [a] scene involves Sylar sharing a car with HRG and Claire-bear. Source: DigitalSpy
  • 07/20 - An upcoming episode will feature gothic-type with long hair Trevor Zeitlan who will be in his late 20s; Bartell's guy, a L.A. gangster; and a female victim in her 20s. Source:
  • 07/12 - "There's an event at the Company that releases a while host of Level 5 prisoners -- all very dangerous killers -- but 'Villains' will cast a much wider net than that. We'll explore the darkness and villainy in everybody. Even the good guys. Each has a line -- what does it take for them to cross it?" [says Zachary Quinto.] The season premiere picks right up after last December's cliff-hanger, when Nathan was shot by an assassin and Niki seemingly died in an explosion. Hiro inherits his late father's business empire and gets a new nemesis, Daphne, who moves at supersonic speed. Meredith returns to teach daughter Claire how to protect herself after an attack by Sylar. But who's going to protect her in the future? A flash-forward in time finds a very different Claire Bear. "She becomes mean, damaged and kinda nuts -- the 180-degree opposite of the character we know," Panettiere reports. "Future Claire is a real badass." Source: TV Guide
  • 07/12 - Episode 3.01 will start but moments before Nathan is shot, but we will be four years in the future. Isaac's Sketchbook will appear again this season. Pay attention to episodes 9-11. We will meet another artist that has a similar style as Isaac with a "familiar subject". Since Adam is immortal and has similar blood traits as Claire it is possible for her to become immortal as well, but the same rules may not apply to Peter. In regards to Peter and revisiting his darkside: "With great power comes great responsibility." "But we also know that "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." So basically Peter will find himself torn between these two platitudes. Bob has files on the Petrelli boys and Matt also and we might see them. Claude is alive.We will see Arthur Patrelli before Episode 3.08 via flashback. We will learn more about the Haitian this season. Claire's mom will return this season. We will see the items from the Company "Vault" during real time and in flashbacks. They also mentioned that the Key will play "pretty huge into season 7 mythology." (Season 7!? Not sure if this is a typo or they are planning for 7 seasons!?) Peter does not read Adam's mind, because he believes in goodness, but also because Adam has had 400 years to possibly learn how to stop someone from reading his mind. In regards to healing people with their blood: Peter's power is to "Mimic" powers, but there are limitations to what his blood can do compared to Claire and Adam. the writers ended the answer with: "On the other hand...." This season we will see more of Elle's relationship with Claire. Peter and Elle will "kinda" meet again. The second part of Season 2 had a plan for Peter to try and find Caitlin (stuck in the future), but this season he has new problems. (So I am assuming that means we will not see Caitlin anytime soon.) A fan asked two questions, first was about learning more about Linderman's wife and the other one was about finding out about Nathan's father and the writers said we will learn about one of the two this season. Several character concepts are developed way in advance and it varies on how it is handled with the actors as far as letting them know the plan. Sometimes it is a surprise and other times they tell them the details so the actor can plan and research how to deal with the power. There are some "high-concept" ideas planned for Episodes 3.10/11 that we thought about last season. "Sylar did not absorb Candice's power. Or Michelle's. Or Betty's. He will not get her power back when he reboots." In the first hour of the premiere we will learn more about what Sylar does with the brains. In replying to a question about the Helix symbol and the connection to Adam, the writers said that we should look up Fibonacci and Fractals, which is about patterns repeating themselves in nature. In regards to a question about Arthur Patrelli's potential power to control wind and if he was the one to stop the hurricane and if it is connected to Nathan's ability to fly, the writer answered: "You're on to something? Or you're on something?" We will see more of Mohinder renaming powers scientifically and see how accurate he gets. Source: Comic Book Resources [Note: This summary was written by SpoilerTV.]
  • 07/12 - Nathan Petrelli is apparently dead. We see him rushed to hospital, where resuscitation attempts fail. "There was nothing we could do," a doctor tells the family. I don't believe it. Looks like Elle (Kristen Bell) is going to be spending a bit of time sparring with Sylar this season. Angela Petrelli introduces us to "Level 5", a housing place for the most dangerous criminals in the world - rapists, arsonists, killers. Presumably this is where the band of Villains escape from. Matt Parkman is alone in the middle of a desert screaming for help. New Villain 'The Speedster' steals something from Hiro and quips, "Gotta run." Is Sylar in league with Angela Petrelli? In one short clip he is seen approaching her from behind and placing his hands on her shoulders. Linderman is back with a prophecy of doom. "The second coming is at hand," he warns. And, perhaps the most shocking tease of all: a big bald man, incarcerated in Level 5, shouts: "I'm not who you think I am. I'm Peter Petrelli..." Source: DigitalSpy
  • 07/12 - Our beloved Nathan Petrelli has a brush with death (you saw that last season) and when he comes back... Wait, what was I saying again? For some reason I just started thinking about that movie with Bruce Willis where the kid sees dead people. What was that called again? That was an awesome movie. Hmmm, I wonder why my mind just went there. Old age is a bitch. Anyway, in other news, Ali Larter is coming back as a totally different person (i.e. doppelgänger), meaning someone who is not Niki or Jessica or Gina (my head is hurting), and with a whole new power. And Claire's bio-madre Jessalyn Gilsig is also returning. Mohinder Suresh has a lot coming up this season, including a love connection with a female Hero we already know (together, they are hot as fire). And let's just say that if you had a sneaking suspicion Suresh might have some kind of superability, you would not be wrong at one point this season. There is more to him than meets the eye, but he ultimately may need to "scale back." [... Matt]'s going to end up in the desert with a horse with no name...and a tortoise. Believe it or not, I'm serious about the desert and the tortoise part. Matt's storyline is about to get über-trippy! Source: Kristin on E!Online [Note: In another post, Kristin said that Ali Larter's new personality would be named Tracy Strauss.]
  • 06/18 - Claire is not the only character on the show who is adopted. Monica will definitely be back, as will "Nana Dawson," aka the legendary Nichelle Nichols. However, in the first few episodes, our time with them in New Orleans will be centered around their relationship with Micah. As for West (Nicholas D'Agosto), I couldn't swear to it in a court of law, but I'm fairly sure he's gone, at least for the time being. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 06/12 - Sources confirm that Francis Capra has been cast on Heroes. I've also exclusively learned that Elle and Jesse share at least one scene. My sources tell me Francis is doing a three-episode guest arc as villain Jesse Murphy, a thug who runs with a gang of two-bit criminals. However, Jesse is more than just a meathead. He does have a power. I'm hearing good things about the larger picture on Heroes this season: In particular, the Bennets and Petrellis are staying front and center, and they are totally up in each other's bidness. Suffice it to say, there will be some shocking alliances and the appearance of at least one long-lost relative. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 06/12 - [Jesse's (played by Francis Capra)] villainous storyline will find him crossing paths with Peter Petrelli. Source: TV Guide Online
  • 05/21 - Sylar slices open the head of the person you may consider the show's biggest star! That happens within the first two episodes and we also learn exactly what he does once Sy-baby pops the lid on our heroic pals, so let's just say that there is plenty to look forward to early on in season three. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 05/10 - She's not just fast. She's very fast. Meet Daphne, the speedy new character on NBC's Heroes, who plans to give the show's superhumans - especially time traveler Hiro and his sidekick, Ando - a run for their money when she debuts on the popular NBC series' upcoming third season, which went back into production last week. "I'm stealing a secret that's been kept in Hiro's family for a long time that he's just now found," Brea Grant told The Associated Press during a break in filming on location in a high-rise building in downtown Los Angeles. "He stops time right as I grab it, but in that second it took him to grab it, I almost make it out of the office." Grant doesn't know much about her mysterious new character. Daphne's superpower allows her to operate at three speeds and leave a supersonic wake in her path when Hiro stops time. Grant's not sure where Daphne is from, but she does know the Speedster - that's what she calls herself - has been on her own for a long time. "Her character is supposed to be Hiro's Joker," said Masi Oka, who plays Hiro. "Batman has The Joker. Hiro has Daphne. This is the season where Hiro finally finds his arch nemesis, and it happens to be this Speedster. I kind of equate it more to Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner, except Daphne says more than 'meep-meep."' The third season is titled "Villains," and will pick up immediately following the events of the second season, which was cut short because of the writers strike. Viewers will learn about the fates of several characters when the show returns in September, including who shot Nathan Petrelli. Source: AOL
  • 05/08 - Bruce Boxleitner [...] has snagged a top-secret recurring role that was originally going to be modeled after Sen. John McCain. The character has since been reconceived, and now all I know for sure is that he'll be sharing scenes with a female series regular. Source: The Ausiello Report
  • 05/05 - Sources confirm that the enchanting Brea Grant - who made quite the impression as Landry's short-lived rebound girl on Friday Night Lights - is joining the cast of Heroes next season as The Speedster. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 05/05 - Look for a new villain named Joy. Her power is superspeed-she's lightning-fast, like the Flash. Hiro meets her in a museum. He asks her if she has powers and if she is trying to steal some art. She convinces him she's on the up-and-up... and then makes off with a bunch of paintings. She's described as a nymph-like character with the speed of a cheetah on, er, speed. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 05/05 - Jack Coleman gave a short interview with TV Guide where he talked about characters in season 3 and their new roles: About Noah Bennett -- I'm currently incarcerated and at the bottom of Level Five in the company facility. I think there may be an escape in the offing, but at a cost. Surprisingly, Noah might not be considered one of the villains at the forefront of the upcoming season. I think I'm probably more likely to be hunting them. About Hiro -- He's firmly planted in Yakamoto Industries now, says Coleman. I think Hiro's more the guy who starts out wealthy and comfortable and is very unhappy taking over his father's business and needs the quest. That's his destiny. About Claire -- She's trying to use what she has for a greater good rather than just blend in and be anonymous. About Mohinder -- He's not as mild-mannered as he once was. Source: SpoilerTV
  • 04/23 - Volume 3 Villains will have 13 episodes, which will be released in one go. Angela's power will be revealed and her role will be very important. Our Heroes will have to save the world at least in two occasions this season. We should learn more about evolution of powers. Source: SpoilerTV
  • 04/09 - Two new recurring roles are being cast, both of which are slated to debut in the Season 3 premiere. "Joy" is in her early twenties and described as "quick on her feet - and adept at getting herself into and out of trouble." Senator Robert Malden, meanwhile, is in his fifties and a political straight shooter. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 04/03 - Tim Kring is said to be seeking an Australian Aboriginal actor in his fifties to appear in multiple episodes as a storyteller with great wisdom and a soft, soothing voice. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 03/22 - Normally when people are buried, they stay buried. Fortunately, Takezo Kensei isn't like most people. When we last saw him on NBC's Heroes, evil samurai Kensei -- also known as Adam -- was buried alive thanks to the time-traveling hero wannabe Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka). In Season 3 though, David Anders will definitely be back. "I believe so, yeah. I hope so. I know I'm going to be in one of the first six so ... ." Anders told SyFy Portal's Alan Stanley Blair at this weekend's Eclipse event in the United Kingdom. "But after that, it's called 'Villains,' and I am an uber-villain." [...] In the third volume of the series, the villains of the show will get a chance to show just how bad they can be. Among them are Adam, Angela Petrelli (Christine Rose), 12 new characters still to be revealed and also someone that Anders feels he would struggle to live up to: the infamous power-snatching Sylar (Zachary Quinto). Source: SyFy Portal
  • 03/17 - Japanese actress Eriko Tamura, who played the 17th-century love interest of Hiro (Masi Oka) on NBC's Heroes last season, offered SCI FI Wire a few spoilers about what's next for her character as the show readies itself for a third season. Tamura said that her character, Taeko, was supposed to be transported to the present in episodes that were scripted but not finished before the writers' strike commenced last fall. "I am going to be in the present, yes," Tamura said in an interview. "I actually had a few episodes of the script then," Tamura said, adding: "Suddenly, the strike happened, so we had to stop the shooting." Tamura added that she expects to return to the show for the upcoming third season, which begins production in May. "We are not to that point where they think about the storylines yet ... because of the strike," Tamura said. Source: Sci Fi Wire
  • 03/17 - While attending [MegaCon, Adrian] Pasdar let it slip that he will be returning for the third season of the series. He also hinted that the dynamic between the Petrelli family will be front and center next year. It seems like Nathan and Peter will be working together in an attempt to rescue their mother from the dark side. [...] The actor also talked about what really may have happened when those shots rang out in the second season finale. He mentioned that "the clues were all there for what really happened," and hinted that Nathan may have been wearing a bulletproof vest. He also teased that the character may have either known the attack was coming, or possibly planned it himself. Pasdar also mentioned that he'll share plenty of scenes with Claire in season 3, and that his role as her father will be more important than ever. Source: BuddyTV
  • 02/27 - Kristen Bell is not signed on for next season. But sources confirm that Heroes is in active discussions with her to return for an arc during Season 3. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 02/06 - Due to the heavily serialized nature of the show, it's unlikely that Heroes will be back this season. Instead, NBC will likely go straight into production on Season 3. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 01/29 - A well-placed source tells me there appears to be a plan in place for when the show returns, and it involves Kristen Bell, David Anders and... yes, Adrian Pasdar and Ali Larter all back in the mix and most likely as series regulars. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 01/28 - [Adam Monroe (aka Takezo Kensei) will return for Volume 3. His name once was Richard Sanders; meaning that he and Niki are related.] Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 01/08 - No [Niki is not coming back]. But that doesn't mean we've seen the last of Ali Larter. I'm hearing that the plan as of the last time the writers met up (prestrike) was for Niki to be dead, but for an alter ego to take over. Not Jessica, not the whipped-cream chick from Varsity Blues, and that leaves... someone we've seen before. Of course, all that is subject to change due to the current holding pattern. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 11/11/2007 - I'm hearing from multiple very reliable sources that when (and if) Heroes kicks off the second half of its season, it'll look very different from what was initially planned. Let's just say the complaints from fans and critics about the overabundance of new characters and weak overarching story have not fallen on deaf ears, and that changes are being made to return the show to its winning Season 1 formula. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 11/11/2007 - Though Israeli freedom fighter Hana died in outer space in a Heroes graphic novel, her consciousness survives. "We will see her again on the show at some point," promises Jeph Loeb. Source: TV Guide
  • 10/29/2007 - James Kyson Lee reveals: You might see [a woman from Japan] coming into Ando's life pretty soon. It's the second half of the season that gets really interesting for Ando. Source: TV Guide Online [Note: He wouldn't confirm that said love interest would be Hiro's sister.]
  • 10/14/2007 - Since part of the action will now follow Micah to New Orleans, the show is introducing a pair of Crescent Citizens to interact with him and his cousin. First up is Officer Warren, a twentysomething good guy who sounds like a likely love interest for new Hero Monica. They do, after all, have the same hobby: crime fighting. On the flip side of the coin is Knox, a twentysomething bad guy recently sprung from the pokey. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide [Note: These spoilers were for episode 2.13. It is unknown if they will still happen in Season 3.]
  • 10/14/2007 - Officer Warren - 25. Male. African-America. Handsome leading man. A police officer from New Orleans, Officer Warren works very hard to clean up the streets of the city he loves. [This is a recurring character who will appear in at least episodes 13, 14 and 16.] Knox - 25. Male. African-America. Frightening and intense - with the eyes of a predator -- Knox has returned to New Orleans with plans to reclaim the criminal territory he used to run before he was sent to prison. [This is a recurring character who will appear in at least episodes 13 and 14.] Source: SpoilerTV [Note: These spoilers were for episode 2.13. It is unknown if they will still happen in Season 3.]
  • 10/06/2007 - Our source just informed me that "Badass" Future Hiro will make another appearance sooner than we expect and will also be seen in another "future" episode of Heroes. As I reported about a week ago in the episode breakdown that Episode 13 is scheduled to be the future episode, but our source mentioned that this might change and the future will air sooner than expected. Source: SpoilerTV [Note: These spoilers were for episode 2.13. It is unknown if they will still happen in Season 3.]
  • 10/06/2007 - TV Squad offers a summary of spoilers: Down the road, fans will learn what are Mr. Nakamura's powers (and yes, "are" is a key word here). Source: Comic Book Resources
  • 09/03/2007 - Ricky Gervais has revealed he will appear in the second [season] of Heroes. Source: StarkGossip [Note: No official sources confirmed these spoilers so far.]
  • 08/03/2007 - The latest actor to join the show for its second season is [The Nine's] Jessica Collins, who will take on a recurring role. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Collins will play Sophie, "a mysterious woman with powers who works at the organization that is tracking all heroes." Source: Zap2it
  • 07/30/2007 - Look for a dangerous new Francophone character named Sophie. She's the employee of a powerful, mysterious group, and she's "not afraid to use lethal force to accomplish her mission." Source: Kristin on E!Online

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