Wednesday, September 03, 2008




Episode 8.01: Odyssey
Airdate: September 18, 2008

  • new 08/28 - The Justice League, lead by the Green Arrow, hits the Artic in search of Clark, who disappeared after the fortress collapsed. The team immediately has a confrontation with the new CEO of Luthorcorp, Tess Mercer. Meanwhile, Chloe is being held prisoner by a suspicious group who has discovered she has a new power, and Clark has been stripped of his powers by Jor-El. Erica Durance and Aaron Ashmore also star. Source: The CW
  • 08/13 - Lois dresses as a maid to infiltrate the Luthor mansion. Green Arrow shoots Clark for some reason. Guest stars include: Alaina Huffman (Black Canary), Alan Ritchson (Aquaman), Phil Morris (John Jones/Martian Manhunter). Source: KryptonSite
  • 07/12 - The new season begins several months after the events of the Season 7 finale. Casting is currently underway for "Kat," a young, eager assistant for Tess, who also makes her first appearance in this episode; and "Nikolai," a man who works on a boat with Clark near the Arctic. Roles also now being cast include a Researcher, a Scientist, and a Guard. Clark is brought home by some possibly-surprising rescuers. Oliver Queen (Justin Hartley) returns in this episode. The "Researcher," "Scientist," and "Guard" roles are involved with Chloe's storyline. When Clark returns to Metropolis, he'll have a big surprise for Lois. Source: KryptonSite
  • 07/12 - Chloe says yes to Jimmy's proposal, setting the stage for a possible wedding later this season. Source: The Ausiello Files
  • 07/12 - Get ready for the return of the Justice League. When Smallville comes back, the Super Friends reunite to search for Clark Kent, who went missing in May's season finale after tussling with Lex Luthor at the Fortress of Solitude. [...] One of the first things the new quartet did was lock in Justin Hartley for at least 12 episodes as Green Arrow/Oliver Queen, a fan favorite who appeared frequently in Season 6 and once last season. He'll start this new chapter by gathering Aquaman and Black Canary to rescue Clark. Alan Ritchson and Alaina Huffman will reprise their roles, as will Phil Morris, whose Martian Manhunter also appears in the opener, titled "Odyssey." Source: TV Guide Online

Episode 8.02: Plastique
Airdate: September 25, 2008

  • 07/12 - This episode will explore Clark's first day on his new job and his teaming with Lois. The character of paramedic Davis Bloom makes his first appearance in this episode, and he interacts primarily with Chloe. "Plastique" does indeed involve Bette Sans Souci, the character from the DC Comics universe. In this version she is a "15-year-old street kid" who is injured in an explosion, and Chloe asks her to move in. Contrary to some reports that Chloe will be serving time for a while... in actuality, Chloe will no longer be incarcerated by the time this episode happens. Justin Hartley (Oliver) and Aaron Ashmore (Jimmy) do not appear in this episode. Bette has a connection to Level 33.1 or something very much like it. Roles now being cast, in addition to the role of Bette, include the following: Security Agent, Young Cop, Medic, Tommy, Clerk, and two CSI's. Source: KryptonSite
  • 06/19 - Sam Witwer, best known to Battlestar Galactica fans as ex-Raptor ECO Alex "Crashdown" Quartararo, has been tapped to play the series regular role of Doomsday. Source: Michael Ausiello
  • 05/15 - Doomsday: Real name: Davis Bloome. He's in his mid-20s. He works as a bartender at the hip new Metropolis lounge Ace of Clubs. He plays down his smoldering good looks with a self-effacing wit and down-to-earth soulfulness. But he has long felt like an outsider (hence his nickname). And beneath his charismatic, easy-going demeanor lies a brooding sense of isolation and insecurity. When he begins to delve into the haunting mysteries of his true origins, a darker truth begins to emerge, one of blood and serial murders, one of survival and utter destruction - one in which he is forced to confront the true evil inside of him." Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide [Note: New information reveals that Bloome will interact with Chloe and be a paramedic.]
  • 05/10 - The series is currently casting for series regular Davis Bloome. 20-year-old and sexy Bloome will be introduced in a scene with Lois at the Ace of Clubs bar where he bartends. Bloome admits to Lois that he's been living all his life with the feeling that something was lurking inside of him that he can't control. Source: [Note: New information reveals that Bloome will interact with Chloe and be a paramedic.]
  • 05/05 - Doomsday: In season eight, Clark will face his ultimate challenge with the appearance of the legendary, unstoppable destroyer Doomsday, who appears on "Smallville" for the first time. As comic book fans know, Doomsday is notorious for being the only character in the DC Comics universe to have killed Superman. Source: The CW

Episode 8.03: Toxic
Airdate: October 2, 2008

  • new 08/28 - Oliver Queen/Green Arrow will also get the spotlight in an upcoming episode where he is poisoned, and that also gives Clark and Chloe some reason to spend quality time together: "That's an episode that we will find out a lot about Oliver and his past, and Clark and Chloe will work together to save him," [says exec producer Darren Swimmer.] Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/24 - Oliver's poisoning causes Lois to revisit her feelings for him as she visits him in the hospital. Source: KryptonSite
  • 08/13 - After Oliver is poisoned, Chloe calls a paramedic she knows (cue Davis Bloome) for what might be the first meeting between Davis and Clark. Source: KryptonSite
  • 07/20 - Roles now being cast for "Toxic" include a Reporter, Marcos, Guard, Angelica, Megan, and Police Officer. Oliver is poisoned and collapses at a fundraiser tying in with the release of the Warrior Angel movie. Chloe and Clark attend the fundraiser together. Source: KryptonSite

Episode 8.04: Instinct
Airdate: October 9, 2008

  • new 08/28 - Lest you fear our boy Clark may be living a monastic existence this season, know that Maxima is on her way. As [exec producer Darren] Swimmer explained it: "Maxima is the intergalactic goddess who needs to mate, and humans just don't fill the bill. The way that we portray her, one of her powers is skill at making herself irresistible to the men who come upon her-and Clark will not be immune to that. There's going to be one episode, but we're hoping to do more than one. Charlotte Sullivan is the actress we cast, and she did a really great job, she's really interesting." Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/24 - has revealed that actress Charlotte Sullivan has been cast in the role of Maxima. It is very likely that Shelby the dog will be making a return appearance. After finding the letter, Jimmy asks Chloe why she's never said those things about him, and Chloe tells Jimmy that his insecurity about Clark is wearing thin. Chloe does some investigating for Clark to try and find out who Maxima is. Tess goes to an unexpected source for help in finding Lex. Maxima uses her powers to seduce Clark, and Lois walks in on them in an elevator. Clark offers Lois "her old room back" at the very empty Kent Farm. Source: KryptonSite
  • 07/27 - It sounds like "Melissa" was indeed just a ploy to throw us off, and the intergalactic Maxima is indeed the one to appear in this episode. Justin Hartley (Oliver) and Sam Witwer (Davis Bloome) do not appear in this episode. The resurfacing of the "Fever" letter might lead Clark to realize what he's missing out on. Both Jimmy and Clark learn about the letter Chloe wrote to Clark way back in the episode "Fever." Source: KryptonSite
  • 07/20 - A super-powered character named "Melissa" has her eyes on Clark. They kiss and he tries to resist. Originally casting notices for this episode called for "Maxima," a character from the DC Comics universe of characters, but apparently this has been changed... we're assuming for either legal or creative reasons. Source: KryptonSite

Episode 8.05: Committed
Airdate: October 16, 2008

  • 08/24 - Clark and Lois will be "forced" to make like lovebirds as they investigate some strange goings-on involving a crazy guy and a Moment of Truth-esque lie detector "game." It is in the course of this bit of harrowing, shoe-leather reporting that the "Daily" duo find themselves engaged in a smooch. Source: TV Guide Online
  • 08/13 - Someone is abducting young couples (including Chloe and Jimmy), and Lois and Clark pose as a couple themselves to investigate. Clark and Lois will be "forced" to make like lovebirds as they investigate some strange goings-on involving a crazy guy and a Moment of Truth-esque lie detector "game." In the course of this, Lois and Clark find themselves engaged in a smooch. Lois proves herself to be a supporter of a Chloe and Clark pairing. Source: KryptonSite

Episode 8.06: Prey
Airdate: October 23, 2008

  • 08/24 - Clark and Chloe find themselves on opposing sides when a serial killer starts wreaking havoc on Metroplis in this season's sixth episode. Clark suspects Davis/Doomsday is the culprit, but Chloe's having none of it. Strengthening Clark's resolve: D/D just so happens to black out whenever there's a new murder. Source: The Ausiello Files
  • 08/24 - The four series regulars in this episode will be Clark, Chloe, Jimmy, and Davis Bloome. Clark and Chloe disagree on an issue relating to the violent things that are happening around Metropolis. Source: KryptonSite
  • 08/13 - Only four series regulars appear in this episode. Guest stars include Phil Morris (John Jones/Martian Manhunter). Source: KryptonSite

Episode 8.07: Identity
Airdate: October 30, 2008

  • new 08/28 - If you were so inclined, you could probably blame Jimmy Olsen for the cape, tights and giant S thing. According to [exec producer Darren] Swimmer, "There's an episode where Jimmy will think he sees something and starts connecting it to Clark, and Clark has to dig himself out of it. That starts Clark thinking that maybe it would be wise to have a secret identity. He starts embracing the idea that there's someone out there saving people. He's not denying that completely anymore, he's just not ready to tell anyone it's him. And that makes this year very exciting for us." No telling yet if there's actually going to be a costume, but the Superman brand is definitely in development... Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/24 - Jimmy takes a photo of a red and blue blur, and Clark is determined to keep him from finding out the truth about who has been saving the day. Source: KryptonSite

Episode 8.08: Title Unknown
Airdate: November 2008

Episode 8.10: Legion
Airdate: November 2008

  • new 08/28 - [Exec producer Darren] Swimmer confirmed an appearance by the Legion of Superheroes (not to be confused with the Justice League, although Swimmer also said they would love to have a storyline for Justice Leaguer Wonder Woman on the show). Regarding the Legion: "It's three superheroes, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad-although we might not use those names-on a mission from Superman in the future, who sends them back to help make things right." Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/13 - Popular comic book writer Geoff Johns is writing the 9th episode of Season Eight, which will introduce the Legion of Super-Heroes to the Smallville mythology. No details have been revealed except that the characters will stay true to their origins and will indeed come from the future. Source: KryptonSite

General Spoilers:

  • new 08/28 - This is the season of Clark's Superization. According to [exec producer Darren] Swimmer, "He's going to be seeking out the trouble, as opposed to reacting to trouble when it happens. One of his main motivations for going to the Daily Planet was to be somewhere where the information comes in." Consider D.P. to be his own personal police band radio. "He's going to be much more on patrol than he was ever in his life-and he's really stepping up in a big way to his destiny." And since his destiny and the Daily Planet are over in the big city, "The feel of the show is going to be a lot more Metropolis this year." Don't worry, though, Clark still lives in Smallville as of season eight, and there will be plenty of scenes back in the old home town. [...] According to Swimmer, "Erica Durance and Tom have such a great chemistry on camera together as Lois and Clark. I just love seeing the dailies. They're going to be butting heads a lot, as usual. They'll be teaming up on stories and getting into the typical hijinks together." However, even though Clark reportedly offers Lois her old room at Kent farm, Swimmer tells me they will not be living together-for now. Kristin Kreuk will be back, for five episodes total, right in the middle of the season, at what Swimmer calls "a fairly inopportune time." Like at a moment when Lois and Clark just happen to be making out in a closet? "It won't be that drastic, but you're not that far off." Still, when it comes to the legendary drama that is "Clana," Swimmer said, "Clark is getting past it. He's not mulling over it too much, he's learned his lessons, and it's time for him to move forward, but of course, when Lana shows up in person, that makes things a lot more complicated for him." [...] No Michael Rosenbaum at all this season. I know that's truly awful, but to make it up to you, they are introducing Samuel Witwer as Davis Bloome/Doomsday. Said Swimmer, "Sam is fantastic, he's doing a really great job playing a guy who's sort of the tortured supervillian." (Swimmer also told me there's ongoing discussion about introducing Darksied as well, so hang in there for developments on that.) The other antagonist this season is Tess, a Luthercorp apparatchik. Or should I say apparat-chick ? Because as Swimmer explains, late in the season Tess becomes a new contestant in the Clark love derby: "Tess is definitely interested in him-and who wouldn't be?" [...] As for Clark's allies, Supergirl will be back for either episode eight or nine. I asked why she wasn't back full time and Swimmer told me, "Her appearance was great, but the story that we told with her seemed to come to a natural ending point for the time being." Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • new 08/27 - At some point within the first seven episodes, [Lois] will confess [her] love for [Clark]. Source: The Ausiello Files
  • 08/26 - There will definitely be a Chloe-Jimmy wedding, but that it does not go according to plan. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/25 - Laura Vandervoort, who played Kara in Season 7 of The CW's Smallville, announced at the Fan Expo in Toronto that she will be featured in a Season 8 episode. "In October, I'm shooting," Vandervoort said during a panel with Michael Rosenbaum, who played Lex Luthor for the first seven seasons. "I only know of one episode right now. They've asked me to tie up my storyline." Source: Variety
  • 08/24 - Lex's possibly evil stand-in Tess has a connection to someone in Smallville. Hint: He's green and ripped and runs around with an arrow. Source: The Ausiello Files
  • 07/28 - According to Justin Hartley, he's scheduled to appear in at least 12 episodes which will most likely be spread throughout the season. Justin said this will be a year where we learn more about Oliver's past and get some of his back-story. "It's not just going to be him saying, 'well, this is what happened, let me tell you all about it,' and have it all be talk," he told us. "We're going to actually see it in the form of flashbacks." But what about his future? Oliver might begin questioning that very thing. "The whole series has been about Clark growing into his powers and trying to accept his destiny," Justin explained. "In the past, Oliver has been the one who has been like, 'Come on man, step up' and Clark has been more hesitant. Now, Clark will be more accepting of things and Oliver will be saying, 'Whoa, let me take a step back.' They've almost switched their positions on embracing their destinies." As far as Oliver's personal life, it seems like he'll have his hands full. "I'm getting a new love interest!," Justin shared. The role has not yet been cast, but they're currently looking for Oliver's lucky lady. Still, Justin said his relationship with Lois is not dead. At least, that's what he's hearing. Source: Zap2It's Korbi TV
  • 07/27 - "Lois and Clark will be working side by side at The Daily Planet, and Lois will start to see Clark in a different way," [the executive producers] said. "She's surprised to see him in a suit, all grown up and handsome. It's no longer going to be played like a brother-sister relationship." [...] Season 8 is all about Clark's destiny as Superman. He joins the Daily Planet and uses his new gig as a way to find people in need. He also starts to realize that he may need a double identity to really evolve into Superman. To that end, exec producer Brian Peterson says that the show will hold to its original "no tights" rule, but he wouldn't comment on the "no flights" theory. [...] Justin Hartley says that the Green Arrow will be struggling with why he's doing what he's doing, while the show will be exploring the origin of the Green Arrow. Chloe will also be doing some struggling of her own, and there's trouble in paradise ahead for her relationship with Jimmy. [Allison] Mack says that Chloe will be finding some independence this season, though, and she'll maybe even have some new powers to show off - but no details yet! And as for Lana Lang's future kisses with Clark? Kristin Kreuk deftly avoided the question and titillated the audience by saying she'd like to see her kiss Chloe. Source: TV Guide Online
  • 07/27 - According to [Sam] Witwer, his newly introduced regular character, Davis "Doomsday" Bloome, starts out as a good guy (who has designs on Ms. Chloe herself), but before too long his romantic quest is interrupted by waking nightmares that bode not well for Chloe, Davis, Clark or Metropolis at large. [...] I can tell you is the character's name is Davis Bloome. He's a paramedic in Metropolis, he's very good at his job, and he was raised in the foster system. He went from home to home-he's this survivor character, and he's kind of an outsider. But he's a really nice guy, really cool guy. [...] He's brought into the story when he strikes up a friendship with Chloe on the show. Chloe is dating Jimmy Olsen, so he doesn't want to step in-he's too nice of a guy to steal her. Because who wants to steal from Jimmy Olsen? Sweet little red-haired kid. Anyway, David starts losing large amounts of time. He's blacking out. He doesn't understand why. [...] Eventually this character will embark on a quest to find out why these blackouts are happening, and what he discovers is horrifying for the character, and hopefully horrifying for the audience. [...] There are some really cool ideas around [the fact that he's a psychotic supervillain]. What do you when you find out you are the opposite of what you ever wanted to be? If you found out you were a murderer, and you didn't know this, what would you do? By the end of the season, in Davis Bloome's case, he's going to be trying to be the same guy, but he's...distressed. [...] I'm going to be there the whole season. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 07/27 - According to exec producer Brian Wayne Peterson, [Kristin] Kreuk's five-episode stint as Lana will kick off in early November. "She'll come back at a very inopportune time for Clark," he hints. In the meantime, while Ms. Lang's off "giving Clark some space," the man who would be Super will be growing closer to Lois. "They'll be working together this year at Daily Planet ," Peterson says, "and some friction is going to come out of that." Not to mention several winks to classic Superman lore - beginning in the season premiere. Teases Peterson: "There might be a phone booth moment between the two of them." [...] "We definitely touch on [Chloe's] feelings for [Clark]," he says. Adds fellow EP Todd Slavkin: "They've been best friends for a long time, and Clark would never get in the way of her pursuing her happiness. But oftentimes, feelings have a way of creeping in. That's all we'll say." Source: The Ausiello Files
  • 07/20 - Executive producer Darren Swimmer reveals: [...] We're very interested in bringing Kara back for some episodes this season, schedules permitting. [...] As fans of the comics know, Oliver Queen had some rough times in his earlier life. This season we'll get a glimpse of how some of those experiences are coming back to haunt him. [...] We do plan on having Clark and Oliver team up more this year than we've seen in past seasons. [...] What helps is that neither [Lex nor Lana] is actually dead in the universe of the show, even if they don't appear every week. The effect that both of these characters has had on Clark is indelible. Luckily, both actors are so incredibly talented, they created personalities that will continue to resonate in the lives of the other characters. [...] Part of what excited the four of us to bring Doomsday into the show was the fact that he has no previously established Earthly alter ego in the comics. Davis Bloome will be very different from the Doomsday we've seen in the comics. Especially at first. We thought it would be interesting to see the human side of a character that had very little humanity in the comics. [...] Doomsday did kill Superman in the comics, so Clark better be on his toes. [... Tess Mercer will] be interested in Clark, but for entirely different reasons than Lex was. Source: Newsarama
  • 07/12 - Fan fave [Justin] Hartley is sticking around for at least 12 episodes as Green Arrow and his alter ego, Oliver Queen. He'll have a mysterious connection to Tess Mercer, a shady new character (played by Cassidy Freeman) who is searching for the missing Lex. [...] Also new is Sam Witwer, who plays David Bloome, an EMT who becomes a brutal menace by night. "Part of his mystery this season is not only revealing what he's doing, but also what his origin is and where he comes from," executive producer Kelly Souders teases. Source: TV Guide
  • 07/12 - Get ready for a Jimmy/Chloe/Doomsday triangle. Source: The Ausiello Files
  • 07/12 - This season's theme is "double identities," Souders says. "It's about the Superman identity emerging as Clark Kent tries to maintain a normal life - or the appearance of a normal life." To that end, he takes a job at the "Daily Planet," right across the desk from Lois Lane. "The camaraderie as they work side-by-side that everyone loves from the DC Comics and all the Superman lore is going to come to fruition this year," Souders says. "The two of them are thrown together in some unfortunate situations for Clark. She becomes a little bit of an obstacle to him saving the world, when he's on a deadline." [...] Kristin Kreuk will not be back for the season opener, since that episode is already chock full of Justice Leaguing goodness. Kristin will be back, though, for multiple episodes (or specifically five, if the Canadian version of ET is to be believed). Source: TV Guide Online
  • 06/20 - Rocked by the mysterious death of Lionel Luthor and the sudden disappearance of his son, Lex, the town of Smallville will be put further on edge this fall with the arrival of two new villains, as Sam Witwer ("Battlestar Galactica") and Cassidy Freeman ("Finishing the Game: The Search for a New Bruce Lee") join the cast of "Smallville" as series regulars for the hit show's eighth season. Witwer will play Davis Bloome, a charismatic Metropolis paramedic who - when he isn't saving people - is forced to confront a burgeoning darkness inside of him that just might be a harbinger of doom. Freeman will play Tess Mercer. Handpicked by Lex Luthor to succeed him before he vanished, Tess arrives in Smallville as acting CEO of LuthorCorp. Beneath her mysterious allure lies a cunning ruthlessness to match her mentor's. Source: The CW
  • 06/19 - Relative newcomer Cassidy Freeman is joining the cast as Tess, a sexy and vengeful firecracker with whom Lex hires to run his empire in his absence. Source: Michael Ausiello
  • 06/12 - The CW just confirmed that Justin Hartley (Green Arrow/Oliver Queen) has been locked in as a series regular for the upcoming eighth season! According to the show's rep, Justin's storyline will focus on Oliver's past and where he comes from as opposed to his Green alter ego. I'm also told that Kristen Kreuk (Lana) will most definitely be back for a batch of episodes-most likely six or seven-but they're still working out the exact number. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 05/15 - Multiple sources confirm that after weeks of tense negotiations, Allison Mack has sealed a deal to return next season as a series regular! Although the specifics of the new contract -- which was signed just hours ago -- are being kept under wraps, I'm told it calls for Mack to appear in all episodes produced next season. Source: The Ausiello Report
  • 05/15 - Tess: Drop-dead gorgeous. Roughly 28 years old.She's determined, sexy, vengeful and has super-strength. "While Lex is away, she is in control of his estate and rules it with aggression. She's had intellect and the confidence all her life, though it's obvious she's had some training from Lex as well. But as much as Lex has helped fortify her power, he is also her biggest weakness. She harbors an undying devotion to Lex, claiming he saved her life a few years ago. She carries out his wishes with coercion, force, seduction - anything to get what she wants. And no one can resist her beguiling ways. Even Clark Kent. She doesn't remember anything before the day she met Lex. Once she realizes her previous life is buried below the surface, she's desperate to dig it up." Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 05/10 - The series is currently casting for series regular Tess. She will first appear in a scene with Clark. The lady is trespassing on the Kent Farm. As Clark and she chit chat, she reveals that she is in Smallville to look over the Luthor Mansion since Lex has disappeared. Tess tries to blackmail Jimmy so she gets some answers about Lex. Source:
  • 05/05 - [Michael Rosenbaum is leaving the series at the end of the current season.] Two new villains will join the cast of characters on Smallville [next] season: the legendary, unstoppable Doomsday, and a female antagonist who will challenge Clark in ways never before imagined. Casting is underway for both roles. Doomsday: In season eight, Clark will face his ultimate challenge with the appearance of the legendary, unstoppable destroyer Doomsday, who appears on "Smallville" for the first time. As comic book fans know, Doomsday is notorious for being the only character in the DC Comics universe to have killed Superman. Female villain: Doomsday won't be Clark's only nemesis in the upcoming season. The executive producers are tight-lipped about a new female villain they will be introducing, but they can say she will be familiar to many fans and will set her sights on Clark in ways Lex never could. Intelligent, brilliantly manipulative, and dangerously sinister, our gorgeous new villain has one more weapon in her arsenal: Her mutual attraction with Clark may prove to be as deadly as kryptonite for him. Source: The CW
  • 10/17/2007 - Executive producer Al Gough reveals: [Clark should start to develop feelings for Lois near the end of the season.] Source: TV Guide Online
  • 07/29/2007 - New from the Voices From Krypton Podcast: If there is a Season 8, [Kara]'ll still be around. Clark MAY fly in Season Eight. Source: KryptonSite

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