Friday, November 17, 2006


Episode 3.07: Not In Portland (Juliet-centric)

Airdate: February 7, 2007

  • 11/16 - Kimberly Estrada will be appearing as Sherry in Episode 7. Source: Kimberly Estrada Official Website
  • 10/31 - On a remote Hawaiian beachscape where turquoise waves slither up tan sands, Josh Holloway, Evangeline Lilly and several others (including Others) are filming a whopper of a scene for a February episode of LOST. Spotting this reporter through the trees, Elizabeth Mithcell scoots over... "Well," she says, cheerfully excusing herself, "I'm going to go shoot someone." Cameras rolling, she expertly wields a Sig Sauer and pumps two bullets into someone shocking; the still-standing are left gasping as she coldly lowers the gun. Source: Entertainment Weekly
  • 10/31 - According to some pictures, Ethan would appear in Juliet's flashback. Probably working at the same lab Juliet was. Click on the source to view said picture. Source: SpoilersLost
  • 10/30 - "LOST" turned the John A. Burns School of Medicine into the Miami Central University's Medical Research Laboratory. And it seems like a flashback for Juliet, the new character played by Elizabeth Mitchell. She meets an older gentleman (played by Zeljko Ivanek, if this photo and Jen's encyclopedic brain are to believed). According to Spoilerfix, the guy is probably Edmund Burke. They talk in front of the building, he steps into the street... and is hit by a bus. Source: The Transmission
  • 10/18 - I just found out that Episode 7 is a Juliet flashback. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 10/02 - This episode will feature Edmund Burke, a smug in his 50s who has a laboratory in a university, who is the type to divorce his wife to date a young woman in her early 20s. He likes to take credit for other people's work. Also in the episode is Albert Hofmann, a highly selective recruiter for a bio-tech company. Source:

Episode 3.08: Title Unknown (Desmond-centric)
Airdate: February 14, 2007

  • new 11/15 - Ausiello scooped us on this yesterday, but in case you've missed it: Site visitor Bernard told me over the weekend that the old woman seen with Desmond in flashback pictures available HERE is famous Irish actress Fionnula Flanagan, who many people may know as the housekeeper in the Nicole Kidman movie "The Others". Source: SpoilerFix BuddyTV Spoilers Chat
  • 11/08 - Cuse and Lindelof revealed: I think you'll begin to get a real sense of the answer to [what happened to the kids who were abducted] in about the second episode back after the break — a very real sense. I think that's a reasonable connection [to think that it has to do with Juliet being a fertility doctor]. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 11/08 - Lots of filming activity this past week. Last week on Nuuanu Avenue, a bar interior and a London street scene (featuring 1995 concert posters and a military recruiting office). On Sunday, filming inside the Hawaii State Supreme Court Building, with its pillars and marble and hardwood stairs. On Monday, an interior shoot at "Stanwyck's Antiques" (using the same space as Locke's "Walkabout" tour office). But the big shoot is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Fort Steet Mall, a major pedestrian thouroughfare downtown, was transformed into a busy London city street. A London Underground entrance, black taxi cabs, a newsstand and red phonebooth, palm trees turned into noble oaks... Desmond exits Widmore Industries, upset, yanking off his tie and throwing it to the ground. He then comes across Charlie, strumming "Wonderwall" on the corner and collecting change in his guitar case. Then the conversation gets surreal. Desmond is having an epiphany, and seems delirious. "Remember the rain? It happened before!" and "This is happening!" He seems to be having one of his spells of deja vu. Last scene of the day. Same London street, but perhaps a very different time. Desmond is no longer wearing his dapper suit, but rather, a drab coat and scarf, looking somewhat destitute. He's wandering around the entrance to the London Underground, ranting like your typical neighborhood schitzo. He spots and sits next to an elegant, older, white-haired woman in a purple gown. They converse. Suddenly there's a crash! People panic. It's a construction accident nearby, and Desmond stands, distressed. The woman approaches calmly. She gives him a ring. He gives her money. She walks off. Source: The Transmission
  • 11/08 - Some sources say that Episode 8 is set in London and that one scene features Desmond in a bar. Source: SpoilerFix BuddyTV Spoilers Chat
  • 11/07 - Flight attendant Cindy and kids Zack and Emma will be in episode 3.08. Source: Lost Podcasts
  • 10/18 - Don’t be surprised if episode 8 is all about Charlie. Casting notices just went out for two Brits. Both of them are male, and one of them is a “charismatic” university professor. Source: Kristin on E!Online [Note: Many sources say this episode will either be Desmond- or Others-Centric.]
  • 05/24 - "You will [eventually] find out what happened to Cindy," [says Cuse.] Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

Episode 3.09: Title Unknown (Jack-centric)
Airdate: February 21, 2007

  • 11/14 - A wonderful location shoot in downtown Honolulu turned Fort Street Mall near Hawaii Pacific University into Bangkok, Thailand. Two blocks away, the Indigo Restaurant on Nuuanu Avenue played both a tattoo parlor, and a restaurant. All this appears to be for Ep. 3x09, a Jack-centric episode. The night shoot for "Bangkok" was as colorful as any for "LOST," with signs and lights and sexy dancers. Two days of meticulous setup netted ten seconds of footage, in which a mysterious woman in red walks down the crowded street and turns down a narrow alley. Jack follows. According to a camera operator at the restaurant location, the female guest star opposite Matthew Fox was Bai Ling. Source: The Transmission
  • 11/08 - Pictures from the shooting of an upcoming Jack-centric episode show the actor in a fight. Check our source for the pictures. Source: StationZer0
  • 10/11 - This episode will feature a sensual and mysterious Asian woman in her late 20s to early 30s who speaks English and another language. She is an artist and her work in inspired by the feelings and desires of her subjects. Also in this episode will be Sherry, an intelligent and formidable woman in her 40s or 50s. She is smart, analytical, well-rounded, and charming. Source:
  • 09/19/2005 - From Damon Lindelof: There is going to be a flashback story that fully explains the significance of all [Jack's] tattoos and puts it into the framework of what was happening in his life when he got them. Source: Kristin on E!Online

Episode 3.10: Tricia Tanaka is Dead (Hurley-centric)
Airdate: February 28, 2007

  • 11/06 - Thie episode features Dave a charming and affable Latino man aged between 40 and 50. Source:

General spoilers:

  • 11/08 - Cuse and Lindelof revealed: We have a very clear plan for this season, and I don't think we'll get back to Michael and Walt's story this season. Harold Perrineau's story is not finished. He is not on the show currently, but I think everybody is very curious to know what happened to Michael and Walt, and we hope to get back to that story. That character is still out there in the Lost universe. I think there are some upcoming episodes — after the break in the spring — that will answer a number of the open questions. We certainly plan to tell the audience this year how Locke got in the wheelchair. We'll be getting a lot more detailed about what happened to Locke, Eko and Desmond following the immediate aftermath of the hatch exploding, imploding or potentially doing something else. We're doing a flashback story where you'll find out how Jack got his tattoos. And we'll begin peeling back layers of who the Others are, how long they've been on the island, what their origins are. That's really the sort of uber-plot of Season 3. "What's the nature of this island? Where is this island?" The overarching mysteries of Lost remain unanswered. But those questions have to remain unanswered until the show ends. [Eko might be back and it] might not necessarily be a flashback episode. [What happened immediately after the hatch exploded] might be a flashback, but we're not going to tell you how that information gets relayed. That island isn't necessarily where [the Others] live. It's not necessarily the same place where we saw those guys in the beginning of the teaser of the season premiere this year. I think that would be a very reasonable explanation as to how Goodwin and Ethan could run from the Others' home camp to the crash site [in about one hour. The guy with the eye patch is going to figure prominently this season.] The fact that the island may have been seen [by the outside world] is pretty much the entire story arc of the second half of the year. There are two bombs being dropped [during the second half of the season], one of which is a character bomb, and that will happen within the first three episodes after the break. And the other is a more significant story bomb, a game-changer, as it were, and that will happen shortly after. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 11/07 - Other Tailies have survived but we don't know where they are. Future episodes will explain what happened to the doctors. Black Rock will be seen in an upcoming episode. Source: Lost Podcasts
  • 10/31 - Chances are good thet we will find out one of the characters is gay. A future episode may possible reveal Nikki and Paulo's experiences on the island during the time we didn't see them. Source: Lost Podcasts [Note: Some sources say a Nikki and Paula flashback is in the works for either episode 11 or 12.]
  • 10/18 - We won't see [Penny] again until after the break. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 10/13 - There will be an Others flashback later in the season that shows the housing residential area before 815 crashed. There are other Others in other places; they are not all in the Hydra station. Ms. Klugh will be back sometime. Source: Lost Podcasts
  • 09/28 - [Producers told Yunjin Kim that we wouldn't know until the series finale who the father of her baby is.] The identify of [Henry Gale's (Ben)'s] past love [is revealed]. Source: TV Guide
  • 09/11 - [Elizabeth Mitchell's character] is romantically linked to someone we already know, and could be romantically linked to a second someone we know. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/25 - Terry O'Quinn revealed that "I've heard that [the why was Locke in a wheelchair explanation is] going to happen this season. I'm not sure when it will happen but I have heard that it will." Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 08/24 - It will be revealed that Jack has met one of "The Others" back in the real world; this will relate to why he is the only one they are able to cooperate with. Source: The Tail Section
  • 07/22 - Among the revelations to come: Viewers will learn more about Desmond and Penny, why Locke was paralyzed, why Libby was in the asylum, and why the island has healing powers. Source: Sci Fi Wire
  • 07/22 - The Powers That Be all but confirmed Libby will be appearing in flashbacks, most logically Desmond's or Hurley's. Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 07/21 - During an interview Carlton Cuse revealed: Penny is an important character in the overarching mythology of the show. The interrelationship between the outside world and the island will be something that will be a part of Season 3. Source: The Ausiello Report
  • 05/14 - Damon Lindelof [reveals]: Libby's got this mysterious backstory, of which we've only given you the tip of the iceberg. We know she's spent some time in the mental institution with Hurley, and the idea of killing her before she had an opportunity to explain how she got there... we have a master plan for how we're going to tell that story, but it's all posthumous. You'll start to learn Libby's moves through flashbacks over the course of the next season. So we're not done with Cynthia, but Libby is dead. Source: The Ausiello Report
  • 05/03 - Lindelof and Cuse: The growth of Malcolm David Kelly (Walt) will be addressed in the 3rd season. You can expect to see more of Rousseau next year, but the story of the wrecked research vessel, it will be coming at some point but we can't guarantee it'll be in Season 3. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

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