Friday, November 17, 2006


Episode 3.08: Lord of the Pi's
Airdate: November 21, 2006
  • 11/08 - Logan fears for Veronica's safety since she was attacked and takes it upon himself to protect her. Source: SpoilerFix BuddyTV Spoilers Chat
  • 11/04 - Selma Rose (guest star Patricia Hearst), the wealthy grand-daughter of the founder of Hearst College and a member of the Hearst College Board of Trustees, mysteriously disappears the night before she is to cast a swing vote that will determine the fate of the Greek system on campus. Keith, with Veronica's help, is hired by Dean O'Dell (guest star Ed Begley, Jr.) to investigate the disappearance. Meanwhile, Veronica has been rehired as a photographer at the Hearst Free Press, but she and Logan fight over her involvement in the rape case. Percy Daggs III, Francis Capra, Ryan Hansen, Michael Muhney, Tina Majorino, Chris Lowell and Julie Gonzalo also star. Source: The CW
  • 08/23 - A storyline on "Veronica Mars" this season will have a trustee of Hearst College, the university Veronica now attends, going missing on the eve of a crucial trustees' meeting about the school's future. Who better, then, to play the part than real-life Hearst heiress and one-time abductee Patty Hearst? Such will be the case in a November episode of "Veronica Mars." [...] Hearst, who's appeared in several John Waters films and on episodes of "Boston Common" and "Son of the Beach," won't exactly be playing herself in the episode. The character, however, is clearly tailored for her. She's the granddaughter of newspaper baron William Randolph Hearst, and on the show she'll play the granddaughter of Hearst College's founder (a timber mogul rather than a newsman). The character's echoes her kidnapping by the radical group the Symbionese Liberation Army in 1974. After several months in captivity, she took the name "Tania" and joined the SLA in a San Francisco bank robbery on April 15 of that year. She was arrested in 1975 in Los Angeles and convicted after a lengthy trial the following year. She served 21 months in prison before then-President Carter commuted her sentence in 1979. Source: Zap2it
  • 08/23 - "We have Patty Hearst booked for Episode 8," declares Rob Thomas, who says John Waters' infamous muse will not be playing herself. "She is playing a character close to herself. She's playing the granddaughter of Hearst College's [founder], who in our world is a railroad baron rather than a publishing baron. [She] goes missing the night before an important vote about the future of Hearst University. It'll be similar, but she is not literally playing Patty Hearst." Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 07/21 - Rob Thomas revealed: [We] asked Patty Hearst’s agents if she would play a member of the Hearst Board of Trustees. They said ‘yes, absolutely,’ so of course when we got that response, we started thinking ‘Well, what if a member of the board of trustees was kidnapped?!’ That’s gone though our minds as well, so look for Patty Hearst on our show! Source: Kristin on E!Online

Episode 3.09: Spit and Eggs
Airdate: November 28, 2006

  • 11/12 - Dean O'Dell (guest star Ed Begley, Jr., "Arrested Development") reinstates the Greek system on campus and, determined to solve the campus rape case, Veronica, along with Mac, Wallace and Piz, attends a party armed with coasters designed to test for drugs in the drinks of her peers. Meanwhile, Dean O'Dell hires Keith to investigate whether or not his wife is cheating on him. Jason Dohring, Ryan Hansen, Francis Capra, Michael Muhney and Julie Gonzalo also star. Source: The CW
  • 11/08 - Someone dies. [The murder will be the second mystery of the season.] Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 10/28 - Tina Majorino reveals: [Next time we see me,] I think it's the one that we're filming right now, Episode 9, called "Spit and Eggs." This episode is pretty intense because it's wrapping up the rapist mystery, so Mac is helping Veronica finalize her investigation into that. [This episode will also plant the seed for the second mystery of the season. We have kind of seen hints to it already.] But you won't know what it is until you've seen this episode. You've been introduced to the characters, but this one definitely plants the seed, you'll see. Again, it's very intense. Source: TV Guide Online
  • 09/20 - Speaking of the show's first mystery, Rob Thomas broke some semi-big news to me at Monday's bash. "I'm going to direct and write Episode 9, which is the finale of the first mystery." The episode features a new character Rob describes as "the most powerful, frightening, scariest alumni of Hearst College, and I'm trying to get exec producer Joel Silver to play it." The second (and very much top-secret) mystery, meanwhile, will be introduced at the end of that same episode, at which point the show will take a seven-week break (on screen and off) before returning in January. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

Episode 3.10: Title Unknown
Airdate: January 23, 2007

Episode 3.11: Poughkeepsie, Tramps and Thieves
Airdate: January 30, 2007

  • 11/08 - Episode 3.11 will feature a storyline involving hookers and a Heidi Fleiss type of character named Stephanie. Also in this episode will be Brian and Fred, two college pranksters. Source: SpoilerFix BuddyTV Spoilers Chat

General spoilers:

  • 11/07 - [When asked about the upcoming mystery, Kristen Bell answers]: "All I'll say is not everyone survives. I'm not saying anyone dies, but not everyone survives." Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 11/02 - In an upcoming episode, there will be a fraternities parade. One of the floats will be a giant pig. Source: Zsurvivor99
  • 09/14 - James Jordan, who played janitor-turned-gun-shot-victim Lucky last season, is returning as a completely different character. He's playing Tim Foyle, a teaching assistant in Veronica's intro-to-criminology class. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

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