Friday, November 17, 2006


-We begin the show with a new opening and Eric Young leading people into the building.

-Tenay and West welcome us to the show as Eric Young leads his followers around the ring. Tons of pyro and confetti in the arena, no fires thankfully. They hype the card for the evening.

-Eric Young on the mic. He says this is a big night. He tries to make his announcement but LAX make their way to the ring.

-Konnan says they are militant thugs 24/7. America has turned their back on the immigrants. He has a message since their cries for help are ignored. Tonight he will take the sacred American flag and burn it to the ground and no gringos will stop them.

-AMW make their way out and charge the ring. They brawl and turn their attention to Konnan. Gail Kim is back and gets a top rope RANA to Homicide! Hernandez tries to border toss her and Storm saves her and lays out Hernandez.

-We get a video package for Samoa Joe, a very good one hyping the Joe vs. Angle match.

-Joe makes his way to the ring.

Jay Lethal vs. Samoa Joe

Joe attacks and begins the beat down. Running leg lariat to Lethal. Chops, snap mare and the knee drop by Joe. Irish whip, Lethal to the apron and rights to Joe. Missile dropkick to Joe. Hip toss and the cartwheel dropkick gets 1. Lethal charges…STJOE! Jabs and rights by Joe. Sets Lethal up top…MUSCLE BUSTA~! Kokina clutch and Lethal is Joe's bitch.

Winner: Samoa Joe @ 1:57 via Submission

-Joe refuses to let Lethal go and Dutt runs in with a standing Shooting Star Press. Joe gets the snap powerslam and choke. Lynn and Sabin look on, but Sabin refuses to help Dutt and he is out from the choke. Lynn checks on Dutt.

-Joe on the mic, he says he wants Angle's blood.

-Outside Hemme is with LAX. Konnan vows to burn the flag. He says he'll give her a scoop and Petey is here as invited. Konnan tells her to get a car and follow them. Maybe they will go to the desert!

-Back from commercial with a hype video for Genesis.

-Paparazzi productions returns. Starr is pissed because Shelley cost him the match. They are at the pisser by the way. Nash is there and sneaks up on them. He has a log jam going. Nash is a Harvard law grad. Wrestling court in the bathroom! Starr says he lost because of Shelley. Nash says someone will be guilty by the end of the day. To be continued.

-JB is with Team 3D. Ray says there comes a time when they have to look back and say that is the night they made their mark. Last week was that night for the Naturals. They stepped up and did something. They were left laying after being tossed through a table. They are somebody and are men because they tried to takeout Team 3D. Well, welcome to their world and their jungle. Tonight the last thing they see is them and the last thing they hear is "Devon, get the tables." TESTIFY~!

-We get replays of last week.

The Naturals (Douglas and Stevens) w/Shane Douglas vs. Team 3D

They all brawl to begin. Team 3D clears the ring and they now go to the floor. Devon slams Stevens into the crowd. Ray and Douglas into the crowd as well. Devon and Stevens back ringside and he chokes him out. In the ring we go now as Ray slams Douglas. Wazzup head butt by Devon. DEVON…GET THE TABLES! They go for tables and Ray slides one in the ring as Shane Douglas actually stayed at ringside this week. Team 3D has Douglas in the ring, they call for the 3D and Shane is in and eats a 3D through the table for his team! Stevens and Douglas in and beats down Team 3D. Shane and the table are cleared out of the ring and the Naturals get a 3D on Ray! They pose and mock Team 3D. They set a table up and grab Devon. Double spinebuster through the table and that is all!

Winners: The Naturals @ 3:40 via Table

-Back from commercial with a promo video for Abyss. Very well done as well.

-Tenay and West hype the rest of the card.

-Eric Young is back out to the ring. He has a mic again and goes to the ring. He says he checked the building and the snipers are gone.

-Kazarian and Bentley with Johnny Devine all make their way to the ring. They all have new looks. This is a new movement in TNA. Their great redeemer has opened their eyes and it is not about winning and losing, but about sacrifice. The new movement in TNA has begun.

-The lights drop.

-The James Gang Voodoo Kin Mafia enter the ring and have a new look and lay out the new movement of TNA. That was effective. They are back. They are back in black and back for one reason. Creative control. Now the VKM now can do anything they damn well please. The first order of business is declaring war on Paul Leveque, on you Michael Hickenbottom and on you…Vincent K. McMahon. Kip mocks the names and says 8-years ago they weren't good enough for DX, but they bailed them out. DX is back and is sinking like the Titanic. The reason is because they are here. The bottom line is they are pieces of shit. BG takes the mic away from him. BG says they are serious about the war. Vinnie Mac, they will come by air, sea or land but most importantly, they are bringing war to their front door.

-We get another good video package, this time for the 6-sides of steel.

-Back from commercial with a good X-Division and Sting DVD video package.

-Paparazzi Productions is back in wrestlers court. Nash is off to his chambers (stall), they are in recess.

-JB is in the back hyping the cage match. Rhino is here and says Cage thinks he is funny, but tonight it is about Rhino, he will make Cage pa and make him feel new pain. He will deliver payback. As Cage gasps for air and is bleeding, Rhino will cut him in half with a gore!

**Escape Rules**
Rhino vs. Christian Cage

They circle each other, crowd digging things and stand off. They exchange rights and Rhino then gets a shoulder block. Backdrop on Cage. Rhino tries to slam Cage into the steel, countered and chops by Cage. Rhino with chops now and rights on Cage. Cage fights back, rights to Rhino and Rhino then tries a press slam, countered and a reverse DDT by Cage. Cage asks for the chairs now and Rhino stops it. Rights by Rhino, Irish whip and a corner gore by Rhino. Rights by Rhino , Irish whip and another corner gore by Rhino. Rights by Rhino now as the crowd is way into this. Irish whip again, Cage climbs and Rhino pulls him down. Cage slammed into the steel, again! Press slam by Rhino and tosses Cage into the steel! Rhino asks for the key, gets it and teases Cage with it. He then tosses it out and we head to commercial @ 4:45.

Back from commercial @ 8:30 as Cage tries to escape. He is busted open and knocks Rhino off of the ropes. Huge frog splash by Cage. During the break Cage got the bolt cutters and nailed Rhino and cut some of the wire. Cage climbs, Rhino follows…they brawl. Rhino rakes his face off of the wire and Cage is bleeding a ton. Back superplex by Rhino sends Cage flying and lands on his face as he flipped over! Rhino gets the straightjacket and tries to place it on Cage. Cage stops it and takes down Rhino. He climbs, Rhino follows and they battle. Cage tries to use the wire, eye poke on Rhino and then gets a TOP ROPE UNPRETTIER~! Cage grabs the jacket and places it on Rhino and ties him to the ropes. Cage climbs, no, he grabs the chairs now. LOW kick by Rhino! He escapes the ropes and gets a spinebuster on Cage! He takes the jacket off as the crowd continues to go wild. He sets up a chair and grabs the other…conchairto try…Cage moves and nails Rhino with the chair! He opens one up and then the other. Grabs Rhino, counters and a TKO onto the chair! Jesus Cage broke some ribs there. Rhino sets for the gore…charges and Cage throws a chair, catches it and nails Cage with it! SICK GORE and Cage FLIES out the door and wins!

Winner: Christian Cage @ 15:47

-After the match Rhino stands over a bloody Cage.

-We get replays of the action.

-Back from commercial with a cool X-Division Video package highlighting all of the main X-Division players.

-Jim Cornette is in Louisville and with World Series MVP David Epstein. He loves Rhino, he is his favorite and loves Angle. He won't pick a winner for Angle vs. Joe. They joke about Sting and the bat. He can't wait to come to the Impact Zone.

AJ Styles © vs. Chris Sabin vs. Christopher Daniels

Sabin mocks AJ and AJ attacks. Dropkick by AJ. Sabin tosses AJ into Daniels and then delivers rights. Elbows by AJ and then chops. Daniels grabs Sabin and AJ, DDT/neck breaker combo. Split legged moonsault to Sabin gets 2. He slams Sabin to the corner, rights by Daniels. Irish whip and a boot to Sabin. Hi/Low on Sabin. AJ and Daniels stare down, they grabs Sabin and off the ropes…kicks by Sabin and tosses Daniels into AJ. Leaps off of AJ and an Enziguri to Daniels! He covers AJ for 2. He rakes the face of AJ and then the surfboard. Daniels breaks that up, but Sabin takes Daniels down. Sabin grabs AJ on the top, Daniels over and then AJ gets the Asai DDT/DDT on both men! AJ sets…Sabin ducks and he nails Daniels. Elbows for all by AJ. Wheel barrel suplex to Daniels and a cover for 2. Irish whip by Sabin, sidekick to Daniels…Tornado DDT! 1…2…AJ breaks that up. Eye rake to AJ, grabs Daniels and an Irish whip… Daniels to the apron and then goes up top, shot by Sabin, up top as well…AJ over and up…TOWER OF DOOM~! Cage limps out to the ring with a mic. He goes to the apron and says he is undefeated and the real #1 contender. Dropkick by AJ to Cage. He goes to the floor and they brawl. They fight up the ramp, Sabin tries a cradle shock on Daniels, roll up and Daniels gets the win!

Winner: AND NEW CHAMPION Christopher Daniels @ 5:48 via pin

-Daniels celebrates and AJ is in and not too happy. His fault.

-Nash is back from his chambers. He says he is a hung judge, not jury. He goes back and looks back to an HBK/Blu Brothers scenario. Starr wins and Shelley owes him $100. Nash and Starr leave and we see Nash's ass as he only had the robe on, I saw way to much there. Shelley gets no appeal.

-Back from commercial and Hemme finds LAX and their attempt to burn the American flag. Konnan says this is payback for all the racism. Konnan says he will let Petey light it up. They pour gas on it and Petey has a torch. He says this flag represents greed…but it also represent opportunity. He had a dream when he came to America and if they want to burn the flag, they do it themselves. LAX beats down Petey for trying to stop them and they say they will burn Petey now. They pour gas on him and the PO-PO is here!

-Tenay now says he did respect LAX, but not anymore. Tenay says what he just saw was an act of cowardess. Petey is a real hero, not them.

-Don West is at Genesis central. He hypes the 50-greates hits DVD. At Genesis we will see LAX vs. AMW for the tag titles, Sting vs. Abyss for the NWA title, Joe vs. Angle. Angle is up next as he faces Abyss.

-We get a Sting video package.

-Abyss makes his way to the ring.

-Back from commercial with a Genesis video package.

-Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring.

Kurt Angle vs. Abyss w/Jim Mitchell

Mitchell already looks for toys and they lock up. To the corner and a slap by Abyss. Angle slaps Abyss back. Lock up, Angle with a headlock, off the ropes and a shoulder block by Abyss. Angle tries a takedown, gets it and an elbow to the leg. Leg lock by Angle. Sabin vs. Daniels and AJ vs. Cage have been added to the PPV. Angle works a standing leg lock, but Abyss kicks him off. Crowd is intense for this. Uppercuts by Angle. Abyss slams him to the corner and pummels Angle with rights. He then chokes him with the boot. Irish whip by Abyss, corner splash countered with a back elbow. Chop block by Angle. He lays the boots to the leg of Abyss. Elbow drop and a leg lock again by Angle. Abyss rakes the face of Angle to escape. Rights by Abyss, Irish whip and the SHOCK TREATMENT on Angle! Mitchell returns from the back and has a WHEEL BARREL full of thumbtacks. He pours them on the floor as we head to a commercial @ 4:45.

Back from commercial @ 8:31 as Abyss tosses Angle to the floor. Abyss tells the cameraman to move and grabs Angle. Scoops him up…Angle escapes and uppercuts to Abyss. Angle slams him to the steel post and then the steps. Ax handle off the apron by Angle. Uppercuts but Abyss slams Angle into the steel railing. Clubbing shots by Abyss. Back into the ring, Abyss stalks Angle…grabs him and gets a stalling vertical suplex. Abyss covers for 2. Angle now works the neck vice. Angle fights to his feet, but Abyss switches to a sleeper. Angle to his feet, belly to back suplex by Angle. They get to their feet and a GERMAN by Angle! Another! A 3rd turns Abyss inside out! STRAPS ARE DOWN! Angle Slam countered and a SWEET BLACK HOLE SLAM BY ABYSS! 1…2…NO! Abyss is shocked. Goozle…countered into a roll up, ANKLE LOCK by Angle! Abyss fights…but Angle pulls him back. Abyss continues to fight…he crawls…Mitchell rallies him, but Angle pulls him back and grapevines the leg. The #1 contender taps.

Winner: Kurt Angle @ 14:37 via Submission

-Joe hits the ring as Angle celebrates. Belly to belly on Joe! Angle slam countered and a leaping Enziguri by Joe. He grabs Angle and locks the coke in, no counter and the ankle lock is applied by Angle! Joe rolls and sends Angle to the floor. Joe lays the boots to him and grabs a chair. He lays out Angle with the chair shot to the chest. Joe picks him up and rolls him in the ring. Joe stalks him, Abyss is up and he and Joe stare down. Joe points to Angle and they start to attack Angle! They slam him to the steel post and then lay the boots to him more. They chant for Sting and the lights drop…strobe effect and Sting comes from the ceiling. He attacks Abyss and sends him into the tacks. Sting in the ring and nails Joe and Abyss with the bat. He tosses Abyss out and they brawl up the ramp. Angle is down still and Joe is back up. He grabs Angle…ANKLE LOCK ON ANGLE! He talks trash to Angle as Angle lays there.

-In the back and Abyss has Sting hung from his feet magically by the chain and beats on Sting with the bat. We see Joe has now busted Angle open and locks in the clutch.

-We get a video package that shows stuff from day one of TNA, and every "important" name that ha appeared with the promotion along with some cool clips

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